“1802: Love Defies Time” is a captivating series that aired in March 2024. The series is a riveting tale of power, love, and destiny set against the backdrop of tribal politics and mystical elements. The story unfolds with Melisizwe, a charismatic leader, rallying the Kings to join him in opposing Longamo, a powerful figure with mystical abilities.

As the plot thickens, Longamo seeks aid from MaMlambo to help Nomasomi conceive, adding a layer of intrigue and suspense. Meanwhile, Melisizwe and his allies locate Zuko, a mysterious character who reveals his intentions to Khosi, further complicating the narrative.

The series is filled with dramatic twists and turns, from Nomasomi stumbling upon one of Longamo’s enchanted stones to Zuko emerging as a potential menace to Melisizwe. The narrative is rich with conflict, alliances, betrayals, and the struggle for power, making “1802: Love Defies Time” a must-watch for any drama series enthusiast.

1802: Love Defies Time March 2024 Teasers

Monday 4 March 2024

Episode 145

Convincing Support

Melisizwe successfully rallies the Kings to join him in opposing Longamo. Seeking aid, Longamo approaches MaMlambo with a plea to help Nomasomi conceive. Athi declines Detective Mafani’s offer.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Episode 146

Declaration and Discovery

Melisizwe and his allies locate Zuko, who promptly reveals his intentions to Khosi. Nomasomi stumbles upon one of Longamo’s enchanted stones and brings it to Melisizwe. Longamo confides his emotions to Mdizeni as he senses his influence waning.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Episode 147

Preparation and Threat

While Longamo gears up for conflict, Melisizwe and his forces are still in the midst of readiness. Zuko emerges as a potential menace to Melisizwe, who perceives him as feeble and insignificant.

Monday 11 March 2024

Episode 148

War Beckons

Warriors from both Longamo and Melisizwe’s factions march towards battle. Zuko absconds with Khosi’s infant.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Episode 149

Fulfillment of Prophecy

The Elders’ forewarning unfolds, bringing bloodshed to KwaMajola and the royal lineage. Khosi manages to rescue her child, while Mthwakazi intervenes to save Jongikhaya from harm.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Episode 150

Allies Unite

Melisizwe’s forces gain newfound vigor with the arrival of MaMpinga and her brother, Songile, offering support. Mzwandile acquires the stones necessary to diminish Longamo’s powers, paving the way for his downfall.

Monday 18 March 2024

Episode 151

Family Matters

Mdizeni, accompanied by his wives and Nomasomi, defects to Melisizwe’s camp from Kwa Majola. Longamo’s supposed invincibility wanes, revealing previously healed wounds.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Episode 152

Facing Reality

Melisizwe relishes his triumph, while Longamo grapples with the realization of his mortality. Nomasomi battles guilt but finds solace in MaMpinga and her daughters. Longamo comes to terms with his newfound vulnerability.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Episode 153

A New Era

Melisizwe ascends to the throne as king. Nomasomi blames MaMlambo for Longamo’s demise and sets out to avenge herself by targeting her child with Longamo.

Monday 25 March 2024

Episode 154

Difficult Demands

Khosi is unsettled by Melisizwe’s request. Meanwhile, Zuko remains committed to his ominous agenda.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Episode 155

Bound by Fate

As Khosi prepares for marriage to Melisizwe, the kingdom’s women bestow upon her a new name. Mamlambo entrusts Jongikhaya to Melisizwe’s care.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Episode 156

Season Finale

Tragedy Strikes

Zuko’s arrival heralds impending danger as he moves to execute his mission. The royal succession faces a devastating setback, and bloodshed rocks Kwa Majola Village, shocking the populace.

No confirmation yet on Season 2 – updates will follow once available.

Premiere episodes of 1802: Love Defies Time air on 1Magic from Mondays to Wednesdays at 20h30.

Previous Teaser: 1802: Love Defies Time February 2024 Teasers


The season finale of “1802: Love Defies Time” leaves the audience on the edge of their seats as Zuko’s arrival heralds impending danger. The royal succession faces a devastating setback, and bloodshed rocks Kwa Majola Village, shocking the populace. As the season concludes, there is no confirmation yet on Season 2, leaving viewers eagerly awaiting updates.

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