“Isiphetho: Destiny” is a gripping television series that takes viewers on a tumultuous journey through the lives of its characters. Set to premiere in April 2024, the show promises a blend of drama, suspense, and the complexities of familial bonds. As we embark on this narrative voyage, we witness the unfolding of Buhle’s story—a tale marked by haunting memories and a wedding day that holds more than just vows.

Isiphetho: Destiny April 2024 Teasers

Monday 8 April 2024

Episode 1

Debut of the Series!

Wedding Inferno

Buhle is haunted by memories that threaten to overshadow her wedding day, supposed to be the happiest day of her life. The Zondo siblings prepare to reunite at Buhle’s wedding, unaware of the brewing trouble.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Episode 2

The Saga of the Runaway Bride

The hunt for Buhle begins. Portia and Mosa discover her in an unexpected place. Meanwhile, Nkosana faces Connie’s wrath, and Portia and Sporo find themselves in trouble with the law.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Episode 3

Confronting Reality

Buhle shocks everyone by confessing she doesn’t love Thabo, leading to a rift with her father. Ntando returns home to find her aunt gone and strangers claiming ownership of the house.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Episode 4

Coming Together

Buhle ends things with Thabo officially, but he persists in his attempts to win her back. Seeking refuge, Buhle turns to Aunt Blondie, keeping it a secret from her twin, Zwelakhe.

Friday 12 April 2024

Episode 5

Unveiling Truths

With Aunt Blondie’s financial assistance, Buhle takes action to repair the restaurant. However, it’s revealed that Blondie owes a dangerous figure, Dlangamandla, who demands repayment.

Monday 15 April 2024

Episode 6

A Cry for Help

Buhle seeks Justice’s aid in rescuing Blondie from kidnappers, leading to a risky deal. Meanwhile, Zwelakhe and Connie unite against Blondie for aiding Buhle.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Episode 7

Facing Realities

Justice becomes a local hero after saving Blondie. Ntando grapples with work challenges, and Mosa struggles to find shelter. Sli takes a firm stand on managing Ntando.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Episode 8

Family Turmoil

Zwelakhe and Connie’s schemes to derail Buhle’s plans only escalate family tensions, leaving issues unresolved.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Episode 9

Dealing with Consequences

Buhle faces financial strain as funds for renovations run dry, while Mosa’s financial troubles worsen, leaving him with nothing.

Friday 19 April 2024

Episode 10

Facing Adversity

Mosa’s actions inadvertently provoke violence between Buhle and Portia. Ntando finds a new job, and Justice struggles with conflicting loyalties.

Monday 22 April 2024

Episode 11

Conflicting Loyalties

Portia grapples with conflicting job offers, while tensions rise between her and Connie. Meanwhile, Blondie learns about traditional marital duties in Limpopo.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Episode 12

Facing Opposition

The restaurant faces opposition from the community, prompting Connie to take drastic measures with Induna’s help. Blondie’s attempts to reconcile with her in-laws backfire.

Wednesday 24 April to Tuesday 30 April 2024

Teasers for upcoming episodes are currently unavailable.

Premiere episodes of Isiphetho: Destiny air on e.tv from Mondays to Fridays at 18h30.

New Teaser: Isiphetho: Destiny June 2024 Teasers


As April’s episodes of “Isiphetho: Destiny” draw to a close, we are left reflecting on the intricate web of decisions, relationships, and the relentless pursuit of personal truth. The series not only entertains but also invites us to ponder the depths of our destinies. With unresolved issues and characters at a crossroads, viewers eagerly anticipate the resolutions that future episodes will bring.


What is the central theme of “Isiphetho: Destiny”?

The central theme revolves around the pursuit of one’s true destiny amidst the challenges of past traumas, family expectations, and personal desires.

 Who is Buhle, and why is her wedding significant?

Buhle is a central character whose wedding day is pivotal as it brings to light her inner conflicts and sets the stage for the family drama that ensues.

What kind of trouble is brewing at Buhle’s wedding?

Memories and secrets threaten to overshadow the joyous occasion, hinting at deeper issues that will impact the Zondo siblings and their relationships.

How does “Isiphetho: Destiny” explore family dynamics?

The series delves into family dynamics by showcasing the Zondo siblings’ differing responses to Buhle’s situation, revealing the complexities of support, betrayal, and loyalty within a family.

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