“Innocence” is a gripping drama series that takes us on a journey through the complex lives of its characters in May 2024. The story unfolds with Bahar, a devoted mother, who makes tough choices to protect her son Mert’s mental health and her daughters’ safety. As secrets unravel and relationships are tested, each episode promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Innocence May 2024 Teasers

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Episode 23

To prioritize her son Mert’s mental health, Bahar agrees to allow Timur back into their home. Collaborating, Harun and Bahar unite to safeguard their daughters. Meanwhile, Irem confronts her rival, Ela.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Episode 24

Caught in a difficult situation, Bahar faces accusations of embezzling a significant sum from Harun. Hale revels in the chaos, while Harun finds himself in deep trouble, facing a shift in public opinion against him.

Friday 3 May 2024

Episode 25

Responding to a press article implying that she married Timur due to her pregnancy, Bahar confronts her in-laws. Ela seeks understanding regarding her mother’s strained relationship with her aunt and grandmother. Meanwhile, Birce informs Harun of her temporary departure.

Monday 6 May 2024

Episode 26

Ela and Ilker share a peaceful moment on his sailboat, yet Ela’s traumatic memories resurface when they return to his car. The community gathers for Ela’s psychiatric evaluation to assess her mental state.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Episode 27

Ismail enlists a private investigator to determine his husband’s whereabouts on February 24th. The televised announcement of the committee’s findings confirms Ela’s state of intoxication, while a psychologist enlightens Ela on Ilker’s manipulation tactics.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Episode 28

Birce exposes Ilker as a narcissistic manipulator, sparking a feud with the Ilgaz family. Ilker accuses his father of betrayal, tracing his harsh treatment back to childhood.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Episode 29

Reflecting on her past choices influenced by her father’s actions, Ela assists Umut in the pastry shop before joining Ilker on his boat.

Friday 10 May 2024

Episode 30

Hale discovers evidence suggesting Ismail’s involvement in Ela’s attack. Ilker ignores Irem’s call, inadvertently revealing his conversation with Ela.

Monday 13 May 2024

Episode 31

Irem confronts Ilker aboard the boat, urging him to reconsider his actions. Despite her departure, Ilker continues to contact Ela.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Episode 32

Suspicions arise regarding Ismail and Beril’s relationship, while Umut’s feelings for Ela remain unrequited. Ela confesses to having an accomplice and denies any involvement in a conspiracy.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Episode 33

As Bahar awaits Umut’s release, she encounters Ismail’s unexpected arrival with the police, adding to the tension.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Episode 34

Bahar and Ela grapple with Umut’s arrest, as Yelda’s attempts to coax information from him prove futile. Meanwhile, Irem plans to take drastic action regarding her marriage.

Friday 17 May 2024

Episode 35

In a desperate bid for information, Yelda presses Umut, who cryptically mentions Ela’s awareness of the truth. Ela and Irem prepare for an evening with Ilker, with plans to confront him.

Monday 20 May 2024

Episode 36

Harun and Beril negotiate in secrecy, raising suspicions. Despite Bahar’s concerns, Ela remains entangled with Ilker, constrained by her emotions.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Episode 37

Bahar seeks assistance for Ela’s situation, learning that Ela’s recovery hinges on her willingness. Despite Bahar’s efforts, Ela decides to terminate therapy.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Episode 38

Umut faces intimidation while confined with Ismail, prompting a distress call upon his release. Tensions escalate when Ela defends Ilker, leading to a confrontation.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Episode 39

Ilker presents Ela with a ring, sparking a confrontation with Bahar. Timur intervenes, leading Ela to distance herself from her mother. Bahar urges Timur to sever ties with Ilker.

Friday 24 May 2024

Episode 40

Harun issues a threat to Ilker, demanding his daughter’s recovery. Timur’s actions raise concerns as he brokers a deal with Ilker. Eventually, the truth behind Ela’s attack is unveiled.

Monday 27 May 2024

Episode 41

In the series finale, two trials unfold, revealing the truth behind Bahar and Timur’s divorce and Ela’s attack. Subsequently, a new Turkish novela replaces “Innocence”.

Premiere Information

“Innocence” premieres on S3 from Mondays to Fridays at 16h30.

Previous Episode: New! Innocence April 2024 Teasers


The “Innocence” series in May 2024 is a rollercoaster of emotions and intrigue. From Bahar’s struggles to Ela’s turbulent relationship with Ilker, the show explores themes of love, betrayal, and the quest for truth. As the month’s episodes come to a close, the characters’ fates hang in the balance, leaving us eagerly awaiting what comes next.

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