Nikiwe is a drama series that follows the lives of the Radebe family, who are involved in the taxi business in Port Harcourt. The show explores the themes of love, family, tradition, betrayal and power as the characters face various challenges and conflicts. In November 2023, Nikiwe will bring more twists and turns to the viewers, as Nikiwe discovers her ineligibility to take an exam, Lulu and Mazibuko embark on a forbidden affair, Bheki struggles to pay lobola for MaDlamini, and Ntsika rekindles his romance with Bonnie.

Nikiwe November 2023 Teasers

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Episode 143

Nikiwe Discovers Her Ineligibility

Nikiwe is in for a shock when she learns that she’s not qualified to take an exam, and Thando makes it her mission to jog Nikiwe’s memory about her own identity.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Episode 144

A Surprise Gone Wrong

Bonnie’s attempt to surprise Khulubuse backfires, resulting in a breakup between them.

Friday 3 November 2023

Episode 145

Caught in a Tight Spot

Ntsika finds himself in a difficult situation when Mazibuko exerts pressure on him, and the Nhlawulo and lobola ceremonies for Simangaliso take an unexpected turn.

Monday 6 November 2023

Episode 146

A Confession of Attraction

Lulu confesses to Dimakatso that she felt a connection when Mazibuko attempted to kiss her, and Mazibuko questions his own sexuality to Khulubuse.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Episode 147

Surprising Acceptance

Nikiwe stuns everyone by accepting Mazibuko’s proposal, leading to a fiery reaction from MaSibisi.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Episode 148

Unapproved Deals

MaSibisi informs Mazibuko that the deal he struck with Nikiwe lacks her approval, and she discovers his collaboration with Lulu.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Episode 149

Taking a Step Forward

Bheki is determined to pay lobola, while MaDlamini anxiously hopes her parents won’t jeopardize the process.

Friday 10 November 2023

Episode 150

Forbidden Desires

Lulu and Mazibuko’s relationship escalates, and Mhlaba makes an unexpected demand that could disrupt the lobola negotiations.

Monday 13 November 2023

Episode 151

Heart vs. Tradition

The Radebes confront Mhlaba regarding his demanding lobola conditions, and it’s either a taxi or nothing.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Episode 152

Love’s Rollercoaster

Ntsika rekindles his romance with Bonnie while Lulu and Mazibuko’s relationship takes a turn for the worse.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Episode 153

Dimakatso’s Breaking Point

Skietla attempts to fix the mess he created with Warona’s dress, but Dimakatso has had enough of his antics.

Thursday 16 November to Thursday 30 November

(Unavailable – Updates to follow.)

Don’t miss the latest episodes of Nikiwe airing on from Monday to Friday at 18h30.


Nikiwe is a captivating show that keeps the audience hooked with its intriguing plot and relatable characters. The show portrays the realities of life in Nigeria, as well as the cultural and social issues that affect the people. Nikiwe also showcases the beauty and diversity of the country, with scenic locations and vibrant music. Nikiwe is a must-watch for anyone who loves drama, romance and suspense.

Also Check: Nikiwe December 2023 Teasers


What is Nikiwe about?

Nikiwe is a drama series that revolves around the Radebe family, who own a taxi business in Port Harcourt. The show depicts their struggles, triumphs, relationships and secrets as they navigate through life.

Who are the main characters of Nikiwe?

The main characters of Nikiwe are:

Nikiwe Radebe: The eldest daughter of MaSibisi and Mhlaba, who is smart, ambitious and independent. She is studying law at the university and hopes to become a successful lawyer.

Mazibuko: A wealthy businessman who is interested in Nikiwe. He is charming, charismatic and ruthless. He has a secret relationship with Lulu, who works for him.

Lulu: A young and beautiful woman who works as Mazibuko’s personal assistant. She is loyal, cunning and adventurous. She has a crush on Mazibuko and does not care about his engagement to Nikiwe.

Bheki Radebe: The second son of MaSibisi and Mhlaba, who is responsible, hardworking and kind. He runs the taxi business with his father and brother. He is in love with MaDlamini, who is from a rival family.

MaDlamini: A sweet and gentle woman who is the daughter of MaNkosi and Skietla. She is a nurse at the local hospital and cares deeply for Bheki. She faces opposition from her parents, who do not approve of her relationship with Bheki.

Ntsika Radebe: The youngest son of MaSibisi and Mhlaba, who is rebellious, impulsive and fun-loving. He is a DJ at a popular club and enjoys partying and flirting. He has a complicated relationship with Bonnie, who he broke up with after cheating on her.

Bonnie: A bubbly and outgoing woman who works as a waitress at the club where Ntsika DJs. She is optimistic, friendly and loyal. She still loves Ntsika despite his infidelity and hopes to get back together with him.

What will happen in November 2023 on Nikiwe?

Some of the highlights of November 2023 on Nikiwe are:

Nikiwe finds out that she is not eligible to take an exam because she missed a deadline. She tries to appeal to the lecturer, but he refuses to help her. Thando, who is her friend and rival, offers to help her remember what happened on the day of the deadline.

Bonnie decides to surprise Khulubuse by showing up at his house unannounced. However, she walks in on him with another woman and breaks up with him on the spot. She runs into Ntsika at the club and they end up spending the night together.

Bheki prepares to pay lobola for MaDlamini, but he faces some challenges along the way. First, he has to deal with Mhlaba’s unreasonable demands for a taxi as part of the lobola. Then, he has to cope with MaNkosi’s hostility towards him and his family.

Lulu confesses to Dimakatso that she felt something when Mazibuko tried to kiss her at work. Dimakatso warns her to stay away from him, but Lulu ignores her advice. She starts seeing Mazibuko behind Nikiwe’s back and they fall in love.

How long has Nikiwe been on air? 

Nikiwe premiered on on Monday, 4 September 2023. The show has been on air for almost two months and has gained a loyal fan base.

Who are the creators and producers of Nikiwe?

Nikiwe is created by Nkosi Mhlongo and Thabo Mkhabela, who are also the executive producers of the show. They are joined by a team of talented writers, directors and crew members who bring the show to life.

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