Smoke & Mirrors is a thrilling drama series that follows the lives of the residents of Emnyameni, a small town in the Eastern Cape. The show explores the themes of love, betrayal, revenge, family and secrets as the characters face various challenges and conflicts. In November 2023, the show will feature some exciting and shocking twists and turns that will keep the viewers on the edge of their seats. Here are some of the highlights of what to expect in the upcoming episodes.

Table of Contents

Smoke & Mirrors November 2023 Teasers

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Episode 143

On discovering Sakhile in a compromising situation with another woman, Nthabiseng vents her anger on a young man. Meanwhile, Magolide is determined to win back the heart of his ex.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Episode 144

Mandla ensures that Sakhile is aware of the challenging road ahead due to Nthabiseng’s actions. Fanyana, burdened with guilt, faces Martha’s embarrassment caused by her unintentional confessions to Nomeva.

Friday 3 November 2023

Episode 145

Mandla, unforgiving and relentless, deepens Nthabiseng’s despair, and she is confronted by unwelcome visitors. Martha’s scheme to secure “Samson’s all” finally succeeds.

Monday 6 November 2023

Episode 146

Sakhile demands Nthabiseng’s release, but Mthetho cannot comply. He offers a kind and understanding approach, advising Sakhile to resolve the matter with Mandla. Nomeva encourages Sakhile to involve his uncles in the situation.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Episode 147

Nthabiseng loses her temper with Fanyana, leading to her arrest. Virginia confronts Thandiswa, holding her responsible for Nthabiseng’s troubles. Meanwhile, Sakhile’s request for a pardon from Mandla is met with rejection.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Episode 148

A despondent Thandiswa reaches out to Caesar. Juba expresses concern about Nomeva, while Leroy anticipates an impending conflict. Lulu receives information about Nthabiseng’s possible release from jail and informs Mandla.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Episode 149

Nthabiseng is admitted to a psychiatric facility. Leroy persuades Nomeva to step back. Mamiki is compelled to provide the brochure. Magolide’s suggestion to follow a legitimate path triggers some contemplation.

Friday 10 November 2023

Episode 150

The police search for Nthabiseng proves unsuccessful. Mthetho advises Sakhile against aiding her and warns Thandiswa that Nthabiseng might come after her.

Monday 13 November 2023

Episode 151

Caesar expresses gratitude to Martha for respecting his privacy and not disclosing their arrangement to Jaxon. Nomeva’s unexpected arrival at the hotel surprises everyone.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Episode 152

Sakhile attempts to reason with Nthabiseng but is shocked to discover her disappearance once again. He seeks Nomeva’s assistance, only to receive unsettling news from her.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Episode 153

Mthetho refrains from charging Martha without solid evidence of wrongdoing, promising Caesar that Nomeva will be dealt with if evidence is found. Nomeva provides photographic proof.

Thursday 16 November 2023

Episode 154

Mpendulo searches for Thandiswa at the salon, while Leroy becomes increasingly concerned about her safety and urges Mthetho to organize a search party.

Friday 17 November 2023

Episode 155

Nthabiseng plans to harm Thandiswa and herself, but her attempt is thwarted when the gun malfunctions. Nomeva, followed by Juba, is placed in a holding cell.

Monday 20 November 2023

Episode 156

With a gun pointed at her, Thandiswa is compelled to reveal the truth about her presence in Emnyameni. Samson reaches out to his desperate wife in an effort to assist her, while Petunia receives distressing news from her sister.

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Episode 157

Thandiswa pleads with Nthabiseng to spare her life, but Nthabiseng is determined to end her life and reveal her affair with Caesar.

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Episode 158

Realizing the gravity of her situation, Thandiswa seeks an unexpected source of help. Meanwhile, Martha finds herself in a humiliating predicament, left at the mercy of her arch-rival.

Thursday 23 November 2023

Episode 159

Mthetho and Virginia are perplexed by Caesar’s disappearance, with Virginia becoming suspicious and attempting to locate him. Caesar convinces Thandiswa that they need to conceal Nthabiseng’s body.

Friday 24 November 2023

Episode 160

Virginia desperately searches for her husband and seeks Mthetho’s assistance. Meanwhile, Mthetho wonders how Caesar managed to vanish from the radar, as reported by the tracker.

Monday 27 November 2023

Episode 161

Emnyameni welcomes back its prodigal daughter, who returns with a colorful story. Mandla grapples with financial woes, and Sakhile encounters an unexpected visitor who refuses to leave.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Episode 162

Caesar returns bearing gifts for Virginia, further fueling her anger and suspicions. Nomeva questions Thandiswa about her involvement with Nthabiseng, and Thandiswa decides to confess.

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Episode 163

Thandiswa admits her mistake in Nthabiseng’s death to Nomeva, creating a moral dilemma as Nomeva keeps the truth from Sakhile. Mandla is devastated by a substantial financial loss.

Thursday 30 November 2023

Episode 164

Nomeva warns Thandiswa against playing with Caesar. Khanyo informs Mzwakhe that more money is on the way from Mandla.

Premiere episodes of Smoke & Mirrors air on from Mondays to Fridays at 21h00.


Smoke & Mirrors is a show that will keep you hooked with its captivating storyline and intriguing characters. The November 2023 teasers promise to deliver some explosive drama and suspense that will leave you wanting more. Don’t miss out on the action and drama of Smoke & Mirrors, airing every weekday at 8 pm on SABC1.

Also Check: Smoke & Mirrors December 2023 Teasers


Who is Nthabiseng and why is she after Thandiswa?

Nthabiseng is Sakhile’s wife who suffers from a mental disorder. She blames Thandiswa for ruining her marriage and wants to kill her. Thandiswa is Caesar’s mistress who pretended to be his sister when she came to Emnyameni.

What is the arrangement between Caesar and Martha? 

Caesar and Martha are married but they have a secret agreement. Caesar pays Martha a monthly allowance to stay with him and pretend to be his loving wife. Martha agreed to this deal because she wanted to escape her abusive ex-husband.

What is the relationship between Nomeva and Juba?

Nomeva and Juba are cousins who work together as private investigators. They were hired by Samson to find out the truth about his wife Martha’s past. They discovered that Martha was involved in a scam that resulted in the death of an elderly man.

Who is Mandla and why does he hate Nthabiseng?

Mandla is Sakhile’s father and the chief of Emnyameni. He despises Nthabiseng because he believes she is a bad influence on his son and his family. He also blames her for the death of his wife, who died in a car accident caused by Nthabiseng’s reckless driving.

 Who is Magolide and what is his connection to Mamiki?

Magolide is a former gangster who is trying to reform his life. He runs a car wash business and is in love with Mamiki, a hairdresser who works at the salon. Mamiki is reluctant to commit to him because she fears he might return to his criminal ways.

Who is Leroy and what is his role in the show?

Leroy is a smooth-talking lawyer who represents some of the characters in the show. He is also Nomeva’s lover and partner in crime. He helps Nomeva to blackmail and extort money from their clients.

Who is Mthetho and what is his role in the show?

Mthetho is a police officer who is in charge of investigating the crimes and mysteries that occur in Emnyameni. He is also Virginia’s son and Sakhile’s friend. He tries to uphold the law and justice, but sometimes faces ethical dilemmas and personal conflicts.

Who is Petunia and how is she related to Martha? 

Petunia is Martha’s younger sister who lives in Johannesburg. She is a successful businesswoman who owns a catering company. She is unaware of Martha’s secret arrangement with Caesar and believes that she is happily married to him.

Who is Jaxon and what is his connection to Caesar?

Jaxon is Caesar’s son from his previous marriage. He is a rebellious teenager who resents his father for abandoning him and his mother. He lives with his maternal grandparents in Cape Town. He occasionally visits Emnyameni to see his father, but he does not get along with Martha or Thandiswa.

Who is Virginia and what is her role in the show? 

Virginia is a nurse who works at the local clinic. She is also Mthetho’s mother and Caesar’s ex-wife. She divorced Caesar after he cheated on her with Thandiswa. She still has feelings for him, but she is also attracted to Mandla.

Who is Samson and how is he related to Martha?

Samson is Martha’s ex-husband who abused her physically and emotionally. He is also a wealthy businessman who owns a mining company. He hired Nomeva and Juba to investigate Martha’s past and expose her secrets.

Who is Fanyana and what is his connection to Nthabiseng?

Fanyana is Nthabiseng’s brother who works as a taxi driver. He is loyal to his sister and tries to protect her from Mandla and Sakhile. He also has a crush on Thandiswa, but he does not know that she is Caesar’s mistress.

Who is Lulu and what is her role in the show?

 Lulu is Mandla’s daughter and Sakhile’s sister. She is a journalist who works for a local newspaper. She is also in love with Mthetho, but he does not reciprocate her feelings. She often gets involved in the affairs of Emnyameni and exposes the secrets of the people.

Who is Thulani and what is his connection to Magolide?

Thulani is Magolide’s former boss and the leader of a notorious gang. He is also Mamiki’s ex-boyfriend who abused her and left her pregnant. He wants to reclaim his power and his woman, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Who is Nokuthula and how is she related to Petunia?

Nokuthula is Petunia’s daughter who lives with her in Johannesburg. She is a smart and ambitious young woman who studies law at the university. She admires her aunt Martha and wants to follow her footsteps.

Who is Mpendulo and what is his role in the show? 

Mpendulo is a mechanic who works at Magolide’s car wash. He is also Thandiswa’s brother and Caesar’s brother-in-law. He is unaware of Thandiswa’s affair with Caesar and thinks that she is his sister. He is in love with Lulu, but she does not share his feelings.

Who is Juba and what is his connection to Leroy?

Juba is Nomeva’s cousin and partner in crime. He is also Leroy’s rival and enemy. He does not trust Leroy and thinks that he is using Nomeva for his own benefit. He often clashes with Leroy over their cases and their relationship with Nomeva.

Who is Fanyana and what is his connection to Martha?

Fanyana is Nthabiseng’s brother and Sakhile’s brother-in-law. He is also Martha’s friend and confidant. He knows about Martha’s secret arrangement with Caesar and helps her to cover it up. He also has a crush on Petunia, but he does not know that she is Martha’s sister.

Who is Caesar and what is his role in the show?

Caesar is a wealthy and powerful businessman who owns a hotel and a casino in Emnyameni. He is also the main antagonist of the show, who manipulates and deceives everyone around him. He is married to Martha, but he has an affair with Thandiswa, who he claims to be his sister.

Who is Sakhile and what is his connection to Nthabiseng? 

Sakhile is Mandla’s son and the heir of Emnyameni. He is also Nthabiseng’s husband, who he married out of love, but later regretted. He is unhappy with his marriage and his life, and he seeks comfort in other women.

Who is Martha and how is she related to Petunia?

Martha is Caesar’s wife and Petunia’s sister. She is also a former con artist who was involved in a scam that resulted in the death of an elderly man. She agreed to marry Caesar for money and security, but she does not love him. She has a secret past that she tries to hide from everyone.

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