1802: Love Defies Time is a thrilling drama series that follows the adventures of Khosi, a young woman who travels back in time to the year 1802, where she falls in love with Longamo, a powerful and ruthless king. The series explores the themes of love, destiny, betrayal, and culture clash as Khosi tries to survive in a different era and change the course of history.

In this article, we will give you a sneak peek of what to expect in the upcoming episodes of 1802: Love Defies Time in December 2023. You will find out how Khosi deals with the challenges of being trapped in the past, how Longamo faces the consequences of his actions, and how their love defies time and fate.

1802: Love Defies Time December 2023 Teasers

Monday 4 December 2023

Episode 94

Betrayal Unveiled

On this date, Khosi uncovers a shocking truth: her own aunt betrayed her by alerting the police, hindering Khosi’s crucial mission. Meanwhile, Longamo communicates vital instructions to Mdizeni and Nomasomi through a dream, guiding them on the process to resurrect him.

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Episode 95

Awakening of Longamo

In the unfolding events of this day, Mdizeni’s inadvertent destruction of an ancient artifact triggers the awakening of Longamo from a deep slumber. However, Khosi’s hopes of returning to the past are shattered as Zuko seizes and smashes the amulet she clings to.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Episode 96

In Pursuit of Family

Fearing Khosi’s escape attempts, Zuko suggests confining her. Simultaneously, Melisizwe makes a concerning discovery about Longamo’s whereabouts after being accused of a grave crime involving Dinga and his associates.

Monday 11 December 2023

Episode 97

Tyrant’s Resurgence

Longamo prepares for a celebration laced with both festivity and vengeance. As Khosi attempts an escape, Mdizeni becomes a shield for Mthwakazi against her own husband.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Episode 98

Desperate Plea

Longamo unleashes his fury upon traitors during the celebration, but divine intervention alters the course of events. Zuko becomes convinced of Khosi’s supposed madness due to her peculiar behavior. Meanwhile, Mdizeni secures a safe haven for Mthwakazi.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Episode 99

Guardian of the Princess

Melisizwe turns to Mdizeni to verify the abuse Mthwakazi endures at the hands of King Debeza. With determination, he vows to make the king pay for the harm inflicted upon his sister.

Monday 18 December 2023

Episode 100

Pact with the River Queen

Longamo engages in a ritual with MaMlambo for empowerment, Mthwakazi reluctantly returns to her abusive spouse, and Khosi finds herself confined to a psychiatric facility.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Episode 101

Khosi’s Dilemma

Trapped in the psychiatric institution, Khosi grapples with the fear of never escaping. Nodumo is resolute in rescuing her sister from King Debeza’s clutches, while Longamo displays cruelty towards Nomasomi.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Episode 102

Inferno Amidst Darkness

Longamo makes a momentous decision regarding the royal household, leaving the royal women struggling to comprehend his arrogance. In the midst of despair, Khosi discovers an unexpected glimmer of hope.

Monday 25 December 2023

Episode 103

Madness Unleashed

King Debeza’s pursuit of heirs leads to an unforeseen proposal, driving Khosi to the brink of genuine insanity. Nodumo’s true colors are revealed.

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Episode 104

Critical Juncture

Longamo addresses Nomasomi with a life-altering question, extinguishing conflicts. Tribal elders stir up war, and Mthwakazi learns her fate has been decided.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Episode 105

Resurfacing Shadows

Vuyiseka extends a helping hand to Khosi, offering assistance in obtaining medication for KwaMajola Village. Tribal elders intensify efforts to hold Longamo accountable for his sins, setting a trap in the forest. Nodumo thwarts King Debeza’s attempt to reclaim Mthwakazi.

Premiere episodes of 1802: Love Defies Time air on 1Magic from Mondays to Wednesdays at 20h30.


1802: Love Defies Time is a captivating series that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you watch the twists and turns of Khosi and Longamo’s story. The series showcases the rich and diverse culture of South Africa, as well as the historical and political events that shaped the nation. Don’t miss the exciting episodes of 1802: Love Defies Time on 1Magic from Mondays to Wednesdays at 20h30.


How did Khosi travel back in time to 1802?

Khosi traveled back in time to 1802 by using an ancient amulet that belonged to her ancestor, Mthwakazi, who was Longamo’s first wife. The amulet has the power to transport the wearer to any time and place they desire, but it also has a curse that prevents them from returning to their original time unless they fulfill a certain mission.

What is Longamo’s mission in 1802?

Longamo’s mission in 1802 is to unite the Nguni tribes under his rule and create a powerful kingdom that can resist the invasion of the British and the Boers. He is also determined to find and kill Dinga, his rival and nemesis, who betrayed him and caused the death of his father.

What is Khosi’s mission in 1802?

Khosi’s mission in 1802 is to stop Longamo from killing Dinga, who is actually her ancestor and the founder of the Zulu nation. Khosi believes that if Longamo kills Dinga, he will alter the course of history and erase her existence. She also wants to help Longamo become a better leader and a more compassionate person.

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