My Desire is a captivating Indian drama series that follows the lives of Samrat and Nayantara, two star-crossed lovers who face many challenges and obstacles in their relationship. The series showcases the themes of love, betrayal, revenge, forgiveness and family. In December 2023, the series will reach its climax as Samrat and Nayantara finally reunite after 20 years of separation, but not without facing some new threats and twists. Here are some of the highlights and teasers of what to expect in the upcoming episodes of My Desire.

Table of Contents

My Desire December 2023 Teasers

Friday 1 December 2023

Episode 970

Upon learning about Samrat’s plan to rescue Nayantara, Mansi alters her approach. When Samrat returns home, he deceives his family regarding Nayantara.

Saturday 2 December 2023

Episode 971

The Iyer family is taken aback by Samrat’s inappropriate behavior. Later, Ishani and Mohit confront him after Prem unveils a startling truth.

Sunday 3 December 2023

Episode 972

Samrat elucidates to Ishani and Mohit how he put Nayantara’s life at risk under Mansi’s influence. Meanwhile, Nayantara recuperates and reunites with Siddharth.

Monday 4 December 2023

Episode 973

Mansi coerces Samrat into accepting her as his wife through blackmail. Misunderstanding Samrat, Nayantara vows retribution.

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Episode 974

Nayantara appears at Samrat’s concert incognito as Antara, a singer. Meanwhile, the Iyers rejoice upon discovering Nayantara is alive.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Episode 975

Malti is distressed when Nayantara neglects to assist her after a fall. Later, Samrat confronts Nayantara, attempting to extract a confession.

Thursday 7 December 2023

Episode 976

Samrat endeavors to persuade Nayantara that Mansi blackmailed him, forcing him to save her life. Subsequently, Nayantara seeks to unveil the truth behind Samrat’s assertions.

Friday 8 December 2023

Episode 977

Samrat endeavors to have Nayantara’s fingerprints tested, only to be stunned when the results come back negative. Later, Nayantara instructs security to expel Samrat.

Saturday 9 December 2023

Episode 978

Samrat attempts to leverage Prem to elicit a confession from Nayantara about her true identity. However, she outsmarts Samrat, leading to his arrest for her alleged murder.

Sunday 10 December 2023

Episode 979

Samrat accuses Mansi as his credit cards are blocked. Nayantara agrees to take Samrat to her concert, intending to humiliate him.

Monday 11 December 2023

Episode 980

Nayantara feels remorseful as she compels Samrat to consume green chillies. Samrat desires quality time with Nayantara and sets his plan into motion.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Episode 981

Mansi shadows Antara and Samrat, witnessing their closeness, which enrages her.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Episode 982

Siddharth feigns concern for Samrat and aids Nayantara in caring for him. Meanwhile, Mansi plots to harm Nayantara’s voice and frame Samrat.

Thursday 14 December 2023

Episode 983

During Nayantara’s temporary loss of voice, Siddharth instigates her against Samrat. Nevertheless, Nayantara devises a plan to teach Samrat a fitting lesson.

Friday 15 December 2023

Episode 984

Mohit alerts Samrat to Mansi’s presence in the audience, making him cautious. In a state of dizziness, Nayantara confesses her true identity to Samrat.

Saturday 16 December 2023

Episode 985

Mansi unveils the truth about Siddharth and Nayantara to Samrat, leading to her own revelations. Later, Mansi abducts Prem to safeguard herself.

Sunday 17 December 2023

Episode 986

Mansi demands Samrat’s wealth in exchange for Prem, and he reluctantly agrees. However, Mansi becomes irate upon realizing that Samrat deceived her.

Monday 18 December 2023

Episode 987

Mohit proposes to Ishani, Nayantara professes love to Samrat. Mansi discovers Samrat’s whereabouts when Prem’s phone is activated.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Episode 988

Samrat and Nayantara, mourning Malti and Govind’s accident, are shocked when Mansi accuses Samrat of causing it.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Episode 989

Nayantara learns about her pregnancy. A stranger, Satish, makes an unexpected request. Samrat mistakenly believes Nayantara perished in an accident.

Thursday 21 December 2023

Episode 990

After two decades, Nayantara leads a modest life with her daughters, Kaashvi and Mahima, who have divergent preferences and lifestyles.

Friday 22 December 2023

Episode 991

Nayantara and Mahima establish a booth at an exhibition. Kaashvi encounters Samrat while rescuing a child from an accident.

Saturday 23 December 2023

Episode 992

Romila refuses to provide money to Nayantara following Mahima’s loss. Kaashvi accuses Samrat of favoritism; he vows to unveil the truth.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Episode 993

Nayantara agrees to finance Mahima’s new phone. Kaashvi consoles Nayantara during her emotional low.

Monday 25 December 2023

Episode 994

Samrat offers a space for Kaashvi’s saree store in the mall. Nayantara is shocked by an unexpected revelation.

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Episode 995

Samrat rejoices at the flourishing flower they planted. He allocates a space to Kaashvi, making her the shop owner and spreading happiness.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Episode 996

Kaashvi confides her feelings for Arjun to Nayantara. Romila and her husband intentionally set the shop ablaze, leaving Nayantara devastated.

Thursday 28 December 2023

Episode 997

Kaashvi is devastated as she struggles to accept Arjun’s love for Mahima. Meanwhile, Arjun confides in Nitya about his feelings for Mahima.

Friday 29 December 2023

Episode 998

Police apprehend Samrat for the shop fire. Despite Kaashvi’s conviction of his innocence, she strives to unearth evidence supporting Samrat’s case.

Saturday 30 December 2023

Episode 999

Nayantara discovers Samrat’s ownership of the mall, rushes to the police station, and works towards his release. Later, Nitya makes a surprising proposal to Nayantara.

Sunday 31 December 2023

Episode 1000

Nayantara accuses Romila and her husband of arson. Samrat warns Pradyumna to steer clear of Mahima and refrain from establishing a relationship with her.

Premiere episodes of My Desire air on StarLife from Monday to Sunday at 20h00.

Previous Teaser: My Desire November 2023 Teasers


My Desire is a series that will keep you hooked with its intriguing plot, engaging characters and emotional moments. The series will conclude with a grand finale that will reveal the fate of Samrat and Nayantara, as well as their daughters, Kaashvi and Mahima. Will they be able to overcome the past and start a new life together? Will they be able to protect their family from the enemies that are lurking in the shadows? Find out the answers to these questions and more in the final episodes of My Desire, airing on Zee World from December 1 to December 22, 2023.


What is the name of the actress who plays Nayantara?

The actress who plays Nayantara is Rubina Dilaik, a popular Indian television star who has won several awards for her roles in shows like Choti Bahu, Shakti and Bigg Boss 14.

What is the name of the actor who plays Samrat?

The actor who plays Samrat is Vivian Dsena, a handsome and talented Indian television actor who has also starred in shows like Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani, Madhubala and Shakti.

What are some of the major plot twists in the series?

Some of the major plot twists include Samrat’s plan to rescue Nayantara, Mansi’s blackmail, Nayantara’s incognito appearance, and the revelation of Nayantara’s true identity.

What is the relationship between Samrat and Nayantara?

Samrat and Nayantara share a complex relationship filled with love, deception, and misunderstandings. Their relationship undergoes various trials throughout the series.

Who is Mansi and what role does she play in the series?

Mansi is a pivotal character who manipulates Samrat into accepting her as his wife through blackmail. She plays a significant role in creating misunderstandings between Samrat and Nayantara.

What is the significance of Nayantara’s incognito appearance?

Nayantara appears incognito as Antara, a singer, at Samrat’s concert. This is a crucial turning point in the series as it leads to several revelations and confrontations.

What are some of the challenges faced by the characters in the series?

The characters face numerous challenges, including deception, blackmail, misunderstandings, and the quest for truth. These challenges add depth to the characters and make the series more engaging.

What are some of the unexpected twists in the series?

The series is filled with unexpected twists such as Samrat’s deceptive plans, Nayantara’s incognito appearance, the revelation of Nayantara’s true identity, and Mansi’s manipulative tactics.

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