Smoke & Mirrors is a thrilling drama series that follows the lives of various characters in a small town, where secrets, lies, and scandals abound. The series explores themes such as love, betrayal, revenge, faith, and family, as the characters face various challenges and dilemmas. In January 2024, Smoke & Mirrors will air 20 new episodes, featuring exciting twists and turns, shocking revelations, and dramatic confrontations. Here are some of the highlights of what to expect in the upcoming episodes.

Smoke & Mirrors January 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 January 2024

Episode 186

Leroy questions Mthetho about their secretive relationship. Mandla, faced with Pastor Joseph’s success, resorts to drastic measures. Mamiki encounters trouble when the stokvel account is intercepted.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Episode 187

Jaxon and Martha decide to commit exclusively. Pastor Joseph’s church faces closure. Leroy regrets capturing certain photos. Mamiki is frustrated as Tiny and Magolide refuse assistance with the stokvel funds.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Episode 188

Mthetho issues a statement disassociating himself from the controversy surrounding his homosexuality. Leroy ends his relationship with Mthetho. The depot workers consider filing theft charges against Mamiki.

Thursday 4 January 2024

Episode 189

Mthetho seeks help from Thandiswa and Martha to resolve the situation. Mandla realizes the need for larger premises for the church after Mamiki collapses during a service.

Friday 5 January 2024

Episode 190

Mandla and Lulu feel pressured to find a new location for their church after a premature announcement. Thandiswa invites Leroy to a mysterious concert performance.

Monday 8 January 2024

Episode 191

Mthetho publicly proposes to Leroy. Ngcuka returns, revealing the need for another blood sacrifice. Mandla wants Tiny to lead in praise and worship.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Episode 192

The trio plans their next move, unaware that their target holds a revelation that could change everything. Tiny grapples with her brother’s rage.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Episode 193

Nomeva realizes Sindi is in danger and instructs Juba to protect her. Thandiswa suspects Jaxon is hunting for another victim. Sakhile goes on a bender.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Episode 194

Jaxon, Caesar, and Mthetho’s plan to abduct Sindi faces challenges due to Juba’s vigilance. Meanwhile, Mandla’s conflicting emotions lead to a passionate kiss with Tiny.

Friday 12 January 2024

Episode 195

Caesar, Jaxon, and Mthetho finalize their plan to abduct Sindi. Mandla grapples with guilt after cheating on Lulu with Tiny. The men return Leroy’s equipment.

Monday 15 January 2024

Episode 196

Mamiki returns the depot men’s money. Leroy apologizes for doubting her. Chaos ensues in the search for Sindi. Mandla begins an affair with Tiny.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Episode 197

Sindi’s escape attempt fails, and she is recaptured. Thandiswa confronts Jaxon at the hotel. Mamiki resigns as the Stokvel treasurer.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Episode 198

Thandiswa’s accusations against Jaxon shock the community. Lulu finds a condom and demands answers from Mandla.

Thursday 18 January 2024

Episode 199

Nomeva bargains for Sindi’s life with the ancestors. Mthetho reveals Caesar and Thandiswa’s affair to Jaxon. The trio prepares to kill Sindi, who discloses she’s pregnant.

Friday 19 January 2024

Episode 200

The unholy trio’s plans go awry as Jaxon and Mthetho turn on Caesar. Workers grow disillusioned post-stokvel, and Vuka proposes a plan to turn the tide.

Monday 22 January 2024

Episode 201

Mthetho and Jaxon hesitate to harm Sindi, but Caesar disagrees. Lulu regrets her accusations against Mandla and seeks reconciliation.

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Episode 202

Caesar collaborates with Ngcuka to plot against Sindi. Mamiki is intrigued by Sipho’s dice game win. Tiny confronts her feelings witnessing Mandla’s attempts to reconcile with his wife.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Episode 203

Caesar worries they may be bewitched by Nomeva. Nomeva receives a call from Samson’s lawyer. Fanyana confronts Mandla about his affair with Tiny.

Thursday 25 January 2024

Episode 204

Nomeva realizes the true nature of Caesar, Mthetho, and Jaxon. Ngcuka breaks her spell and gains control over Nomeva. Tim acknowledges his gambling addiction. Mandla attempts to bribe Fanyana.

Friday 26 January 2024

Episode 205

The Trio, back to normal, decide to kill Sindi. Thandiswa and Leroy report Nomeva’s disappearance to Mthetho but later fight over Mthetho’s possible involvement.

Monday 29 January 2024

Episode 206

Mthetho, Caesar, and Jaxon grapple with the aftermath of their actions. Lulu kicks Mandla out after learning about his affair. Tim’s gambling addiction spirals out of control.

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Episode 207

Martha is devastated by Sindi’s death news and blames Nomeva. Mandla apologizes to Lulu with a new lounge suite. Mzwakhe informs Mamiki about Tim’s gambling problem.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Episode 208

Mthetho is pressured by his consortium to intensify the manhunt to shift blame. Lulu faces a tough decision and chooses to fight for what she holds dear.

Premiere episodes of Smoke & Mirrors air on from Mondays to Fridays at 21h00.

Previous Teaser: House of Zwide 3 December 2023 Teasers


Smoke & Mirrors is a captivating series that will keep you on the edge of your seat, as you witness the unfolding of the characters’ stories. The series will keep you guessing, as nothing is as it seems, and everyone has something to hide. Don’t miss the new episodes of Smoke & Mirrors, airing every weekday at 8 pm on Channel X.


What is a stokvel?

A stokvel is a type of informal savings club, where a group of people contribute a fixed amount of money every month, and then take turns to receive the lump sum. Stokvels are popular in South Africa, and are often used for various purposes, such as weddings, funerals, education, or investment.

What is a sangoma?

A sangoma is a traditional healer who practices divination, herbalism, and spiritual guidance, according to African culture and beliefs. Sangomas are respected and revered in their communities, and are believed to have a special connection to the ancestors and the spirit world.

What is the genre of Smoke & Mirrors?

Smoke & Mirrors is a soap opera, which is a type of drama series that focuses on the lives and relationships of a group of characters, usually in a fictional setting. Soap operas often feature melodramatic plots, romantic entanglements, family conflicts, and social issues.

Who are the producers of Smoke & Mirrors?

Smoke & Mirrors is produced by Mthetho Media, a production company founded by Loyiso Maqoma, who is also the creator and writer of the show. Mthetho Media has produced other popular shows such as Isidingo, Scandal! The Final Chapter, and Gold Diggers.

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