Moederhart” is a captivating drama series that premiered in January 2024. The story revolves around Nefise, a woman living in dire poverty with her four children, and her unexpected encounter with the affluent businessman Muzaffer Karametin. As the episodes unfold, viewers are taken on a journey through their lives, witnessing the trials, tribulations, and triumphs they experience.

Moederhart January 2024 Teasers

Monday 8 January 2024

Episode 1

Nefise, residing in dire poverty with her four children, crosses paths with the affluent businessman Muzaffer Karametin by sheer fate.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Episode 2

While working for Ahmet’s father, Zeynep accidentally injures herself while breaking a vase. Nefise requests Azime to take care of Aysun.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Episode 3

Ahmet harbors feelings for Zeynep, but his father Rahmi dismisses her from employment when thugs raid his shop. Zeynep’s brother Emre loses all his money in a bet.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Episode 4

Destined to meet Muzaffer, the man she saved, Nefise’s life takes a turn. He decides to elevate her from a maid to a glamour queen.

Monday 15 January 2024

Episode 5

Onur makes advances towards Zeynep as Muzaffer ensnares her mother further into his web. Nefise unknowingly signs an agreement at the company for an advance, neglecting the fine print.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Episode 6

Nefise and Azime pay the father of an accident victim to help Ahmet avoid trouble. Mufazzer insists on creating a model of Nefise.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Episode 7

Muzaffer unexpectedly fetches Nefise from her home, leading to the evacuation of her house by the landlord.

Thursday 18 January 2024

Episode 8

Nefise’s children face severe disruptions after being ousted from their house. Azime is occupied with preparations for the launch.

Monday 22 January 2024

Episode 9

Ahmet notices Onur and Zeynep passing by the shop. Things take a turn for the worse for Nefise during the grand launch.

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Episode 10

Rahmi compels Zeynep to resign, and Onur offers her a new job. The four children’s house is demolished, prompting them to search for their mother.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Episode 11

As Nefise avoids revealing to Muzaffer that she is their mother, her children refuse to stay with Azime. Ahmet takes them to sleep in his father’s shop, but complications arise.

Thursday 25 January 2024

Episode 12

Nowhere to go, but reunited with her children, Nefise summons the courage to seek shelter for them.

Monday 29 January 2024

Episode 13

Ahmet invites Zeynep for a picnic in a local park. Nefise struggles to stay away from her children in the annex of the villa and finds it challenging to keep the truth from Muzaffer.

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Episode 14

Muzaffer proposes to Nefise. Onur confesses his feelings to Zeynep.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Episode 15

Azime bribes Sengul, while Rahmi accuses Zeynep of driving a wedge between him and Ahmet.

Premiere episodes of “Moederhart” air on kykNET & Kie from Mondays to Thursdays at 17h30.

New Teaser: Moederhart June 2024 Teasers


The January 2024 teasers of “Moederhart” provide a glimpse into a world where fate, courage, and resilience intertwine. From Nefise’s transformation into a glamour queen to the challenges faced by her children, the series promises a compelling narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns. Tune in to kykNET & Kie from Mondays to Thursdays at 17h30 to follow this riveting story.


Who are the main characters in “Moederhart”?

The main characters are Nefise, her four children, and the businessman Muzaffer Karametin.

What is the premise of “Moederhart”?

The story centers around Nefise, who lives in poverty with her four children, and her life-changing encounter with Muzaffer Karametin.

When does “Moederhart” air?

Premiere episodes of “Moederhart” air on kykNET & Kie from Mondays to Thursdays at 17h30.

What can viewers expect from the January 2024 teasers of “Moederhart”?

The teasers hint at a series of events that significantly impact the lives of the characters, including Nefise’s transformation, her children’s struggles, and the dynamics of their relationships with others.

What are some of the key events in the January 2024 teasers of “Moederhart”?

 Key events include Nefise’s transformation into a glamour queen, her children’s eviction from their home, and the various challenges they face in their personal and professional lives.

Who is Muzaffer Karametin in “Moederhart”?

Muzaffer Karametin is an affluent businessman who crosses paths with Nefise and plays a significant role in changing her life.

What kind of challenges do Nefise’s children face in “Moederhart”?

 Nefise’s children face several challenges, including eviction from their home, the search for their mother, and the struggle to find shelter.

What is the relationship between Nefise and Muzaffer Karametin in “Moederhart”?

 Nefise and Muzaffer Karametin share a complex relationship that evolves over the course of the series. Muzaffer plays a pivotal role in transforming Nefise’s life.

How does Nefise’s life change in “Moederhart”?

Nefise’s life takes a dramatic turn when she meets Muzaffer Karametin. From living in poverty, she is transformed into a glamour queen, facing new challenges and experiences.

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