1802: Love Defies Time is a captivating series that aired in February 2024. The series is a riveting blend of drama, suspense, and supernatural elements, with a storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The narrative unfolds over several episodes, each revealing a new twist in the tale. From the fall of a monarch to the rise of a new one, from the unveiling of dark purposes to the rebirth of a king, the series explores themes of power, revenge, love, and supernatural occurrences. The characters are faced with dilemmas, betrayals, and unexpected turns of events, making the series a must-watch for those who enjoy intense drama.

1802: Love Defies Time February 2024 Teasers

Monday 5 February 2024

Episode 133

The Fall of the Monarch

Melisizwe eliminates Longamo and, alongside Khosi, jubilantly envisions their future free from Longamo’s influence. Mdizeni vows retribution, aiming to end Melisizwe’s life in retaliation. Meanwhile, Ayanda seeks police intervention to assist Athi.

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Episode 134

Rising from the Shadows

A supernatural occurrence disrupts Longamo’s burial, unveiling a dark purpose for Zuko. Nomakhala rejoices at the prospect of returning home.

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Episode 135

Hail to the Reborn King

Melisizwe faces a dilemma upon discovering his brother’s resurrection, as the kings withdraw support, fearing Longamo’s formidable power. Longamo, aware of the plot against him, seeks vengeance.

Monday 12 February 2024

Episode 136

Melisizwe Secures Sanctuary

Melisizwe secures protection against Longamo’s threats. Mdizeni makes a daring request, while Athi’s search takes an unexpected turn.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Episode 137

Regal Retribution Unleashed

Longamo swiftly issues orders for the demise of Melisizwe, Khosi, and the baby after a betrayal by Nomasomi. Melisizwe and Khosi perform a protective ritual for the baby, and Athi reluctantly agrees to a date with Detective Mafani.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Episode 138

The Mystic Shield

A magical barrier shields Melisizwe and his people. Longamo remains unforgiving towards Nomasomi, and Mamlambo urges her son to claim his rightful place. Athi enjoys her date with Mafani, and Zuko reveals his mission to Athi.

Monday 19 February 2024

Episode 139

Plotting Escape

Longamo informs Nomasomi of his chosen heir. Athi contemplates leaving Zuko but ultimately decides otherwise. Meanwhile, a young boy embarks on a remarkable adventure.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Episode 140

The Demise of a Monarch

Longamo officially designates Jongikhaya as his future heir and vows to crush Melisizwe for the turmoil he has caused. MaXhanti reveals a vision of Zuko killing Khosi.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Episode 141

Restless Waters

Longamo’s son faces rejection as the future king, and Nomakhala and Mdizeni’s wedding takes an unexpected turn. Athi agrees to help Zuko travel to the past, defying the advice of the sisters.

Monday 26 February 2024

Episode 142

The Turning Point

Melisizwe’s success hinges on an unexpected ally. The sisters adjust to married life, and Zuko attempts to manipulate Athi to access the past.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Episode 143

Dancing with Death

Jongikhaya seeks refuge with Mamlambo, and Nomasomi unveils her plan to rule alongside Longamo. Athi shares a kiss with Detective Mafani, while Longamo forces Mdizeni to stab him, proving his invincibility.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Episode 144

The Grand Transformation

Longamo resurfaces, convincing Debeza he is the chosen one. Mdizeni starts questioning his allegiance, and Nomasomi confides in Khosi about her vision. Melisizwe learns he has a nephew, and Athi updates Ayanda on Zuko’s actions.

Premiere episodes of 1802: Love Defies Time air on 1Magic from Mondays to Wednesdays at 20h30.

Previous Teaser: 1802: Love Defies Time January 2024 Teasers


The February 2024 teasers of 1802: Love Defies Time offer a rollercoaster of emotions. The series takes viewers through a journey of power struggles, supernatural occurrences, and the resilience of love. The characters, Melisizwe, Longamo, Khosi, Mdizeni, Athi, and Zuko, each play a significant role in the unfolding drama. With the fall and rise of monarchs, protective rituals, magical barriers, and time travel, the series leaves viewers eagerly anticipating what will happen next. The series ends on a high note, leaving viewers with many questions and speculations about the future of the characters and the storyline.

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