“Soos Dag en Nag” is a captivating drama series that aired in March 2024. The series is set against the backdrop of two families, the Kadlecs and the Martins, who are thrown into a whirlwind of emotions and legal battles when they discover that their sons were swapped at birth due to a hospital mix-up.

The series delves deep into the lives of these families, exploring their struggles, their relationships, and their journey towards acceptance and healing. The narrative is further complicated by Jakub’s diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome and the ensuing challenges it brings.

Soos Dag en Nag March 2024 Teasers

Monday 4 March 2024

Episode 1

Martin and Tereza, after enrolling Jakub in school, find out that Jakub is not their biological child. It turns out there was a mistake at the hospital, and their real son, Tomas, lives with Karel and Olga.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Episode 2

Martin convinces Tereza to undergo a DNA test, confirming that Jakub is not their biological child. Due to a lack of space, Jakub cannot start school, leading his parents to consider homeschooling.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Episode 3

At the counseling center, the Kadlecs discover that Jakub has Asperger’s syndrome. Meanwhile, Lubos invites Marcela to a concert but gets caught stealing money from the cash register.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Episode 4

The police launch an investigation into the suspected baby swap. Olga, Karel, Tereza, and Martin are all questioned by the police. Kamila offers to take responsibility for the mix-up.

Friday 8 March 2024

Episode 5

Marcela cleans Kaja’s room before Olga gives birth. During a drinking session with colleagues, Martin confesses to swapping Jakub at birth with Tereza.

Monday 11 March 2024

Episode 6

Martin wants to drop the lawsuit, causing confusion among his family. Kamila warns Tereza that having a baby might be her only defense in court. Martin shares a kiss with Jana from his workplace.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Episode 7

Tereza visits Olga while pregnant women avoid Dr. Tesara’s clinic due to fear of another mix-up. Trust issues escalate between Dr. Tesara and the head nurse.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Episode 8

Karel confronts Tereza about giving expensive gifts to Tomas. Tomas proudly shows Karel the new briefcase from Tereza, prompting a confrontation.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Episode 9

Olga advises Tereza not to leave Martin, emphasizing Jakub’s need for his father. Tereza asks Karel to teach Jakub how to ride a bike, highlighting Jakub’s longing for his dad.

Friday 15 March 2024

Episode 10

Olga discusses Jakub’s upbringing with Karel, expressing concerns about Tereza’s ability to handle Jakub’s autism. Martin attempts to persuade his parents to drop the lawsuit.

Monday 18 March 2024

Episode 11

Martin considers quitting his job to support Tereza. Olga and Karel decide whether to attend the Kadlec family barbecue after a disagreement.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Episode 12

Jakub eagerly waits to see Tomas but refuses breakfast, causing Tereza to wake up early. Jindriska orders Rudolf and Vladimir to reconcile.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Episode 13

Season 1 Finale!

Jakub feels upset about not being allowed to stay overnight at Tomas’ place. Kamila discovers Dr. Tesar’s manipulations, accusing Marcela of swapping the babies at birth.

Season 2 follows immediately on March 21. [Here’s a link to the teasers.](Link: Soos Dag en Nag 2 Teasers – March 2024)

Premiere episodes of Soos Dag en Nag air on eExtra from Monday to Friday at 20h00.

Previous Teaser: Wie Laaste Lag February 2024 Teasers


The March 2024 teasers of “Soos Dag en Nag” provide a riveting glimpse into the lives of the characters as they navigate through personal and legal challenges. The season concludes with a shocking revelation about Dr. Tesar’s manipulations, accusing Marcela of being responsible for the baby swap. This twist leaves the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next season. The series does an excellent job of portraying the complexities of human emotions and relationships, making it a must-watch for drama enthusiasts.

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