In the whirlwind saga of “Bitter Sweet Love,” June 2024 brings a cascade of emotions and dramatic turns that bind the lives of Kunal, Vandana, and Tara in a compelling narrative. As the month unfolds, we witness the complexities of relationships and the resilience of love amidst trials. Kunal’s struggle with his responsibilities towards Tara, Vandana’s confrontation with the harsh truths of her marriage, and the innocent Tara caught in the crossfire of adult conflicts, set the stage for a story that is as bitter as it is sweet.

Bitter Sweet Love June 2024 Teasers

Saturday 1 June 2024

Episode 68

Kunal returns Tara to the residence of Sonia and Indrajit, making it clear he wants no further involvement with her matters; meanwhile, Vandana implores Kunal to not abandon his responsibilities.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Episode 69

Vandana confronts Vijay about his luggage ready for travel; he misleads her. Upon realizing Tara is missing, Vandana insists that Kunal must search for her.

Monday 3 June 2024

Episode 70

In a frantic effort, Kunal and Vandana set out to save Tara from her abductors. The decision Kunal makes about Tara leaves everyone astounded.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Episode 71

Vaibhav’s newfound closeness to Mrunal is disrupted when he sees Vandana. Kunal is taken aback by the unexpected appearance of Sonia and Indrajit at the festivity.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Episode 72

Upon learning of Vaibhav and Mrunal’s secret relationship, Vandana collapses. In a fit of rage, Kunal reveals their affair to everyone.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Episode 73

Atya brings to light the truth about Vaibhav and Mrunal’s affair. Vandana’s anger boils over when Mrunal admits to Vaibhav’s true emotions.

Friday 7 June 2024

Episode 74

Vandana confronts her relatives for hiding the truth from her. Vijay comes forward with Hemant’s intentions regarding marriage. Resolute, Vandana decides to take charge of her destiny.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Episode 75

Vijay’s directive for Vaibhav and Mrunal to depart leaves them in disbelief. Mrunal pleads with Vaibhav to bring her home, but he wavers, ignoring her request.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Episode 76

Kunal encounters a disheartened Vandana and motivates her to take command of her future. Indrajit’s anger flares as Sonia expresses her compassion towards Vandana.

Monday 10 June 2024

Episode 77

Hemant’s fury is ignited by Vijay’s ruling concerning Vandana Nivas. Following Sarita’s appeal for Vaibhav’s forgiveness, Vandana reaches a decision.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Episode 78

Vandana rejects the idea of returning to her husband’s family due to their ill-treatment and, inspired by Vijay, opts for a divorce from Vaibhav.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Episode 79

Vandana shows solidarity with Kunal, attempting to boost his morale. Concurrently, Mrunal comes back demanding her portion of the property.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Episode 80

During the divorce proceedings, Sonia insists on shared custody of Tara. Kunal’s refusal leads her to challenge him with a paternity test.

Friday 14 June 2024

Episode 81

Vandana pledges her unwavering support to Tara, promising to be by her side forever. Vedika grows concerned for Kunal as she observes his turmoil.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Episode 82

Vandana is taken aback when a distraught Kunal, under the influence, confides in her and then recognizes Tara as his own child.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Episode 83

Kunal is moved to tears upon uncovering the reality of Tara’s paternity. In the meantime, Vaibhav concocts a sinister scheme as he arrives at Vandana’s doorstep.

Monday 17 June 2024

Episode 84

Vaibhav makes a bold demand for Vandana’s share of the property in return for agreeing to the divorce, prompting Vandana to seek counsel from Abhira.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Episode 85

Vaibhav and Mrunal conspire to sell the residence as a lesson for Vandana. Kunal confronts Sona about keeping Tara from him.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Episode 86

Vaibhav publicly shames Vandana, accusing her of infidelity with Kunal. Kunal stands up for Vandana, putting Vaibhav in check.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Episode 87

Vedika implores Kunal to embrace Tara, emphasizing her need for his affection. Anagha suggests Vandana convince Vijay to sell the property, but Vandana is adamantly against it.

Friday 21 June 2024

Episode 88

Sonia maligns Kunal in Tara’s presence when Vandana brings her for a visit. Vandana steps in, ensuring Sonia’s words don’t poison Tara’s mind against Kunal.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Episode 89

Vandana warns Kunal that his ire is impacting Tara. Anagha enlists Shivam’s help to persuade Vijay into selling the property.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Episode 90

Vandana reproaches Hemant for pressuring Vijay into selling their home. Sonia’s rage boils over at the sight of Vandana and Kunal’s closeness, especially with Tara’s evident affection for them.

Monday 24 June 2024

Episode 91

Sonia makes a statement by wearing the sari Kunal gifted her during their marriage as she visits Vandana’s home. Vandana and Kunal share a dance, much to everyone’s surprise.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Episode 92

Vandana and Kunal act swiftly to save Tara from an accident involving fireworks. Soniya’s insecurities surface as she accuses Kunal of alienating Tara from her.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Episode 93

Kunal places his trust in Sonia, suspecting Vandana of using Tara to get close to him. He requests Vandana to distance herself from Tara, which infuriates Vandana due to the unjust accusation.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Episode 94

Sonia’s discomfort is evident when her acquaintances bring up Kunal, leading Indrajit to question her lingering feelings. Pammi introduces Kunal to Simmy, hoping to make a connection.

Friday 28 June 2024

Episode 95

Kunal stumbles upon a heartfelt letter from Tara expressing her longing to see Vandana. He cautions Tara against dwelling on thoughts of Vandana, but Tara pays no heed.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Episode 96

Vandana pleads with Kunal to not deprive Tara of her presence, but Kunal justifies his stance for Tara’s well-being. Vandana disrupts an assassination attempt on Vijay.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Episode 97

Kunal requests Vandana to keep her distance from Tara’s life. Subsequently, Vandana grows concerned for Vijay’s safety when she notices an intruder in his room.

Premiere episodes of Bitter Sweet Love air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 19h30.

Previous Teaser: Bitter Sweet Love April 2024 Teasers


As the curtains close on the gripping episodes of “Bitter Sweet Love” for June 2024, we are left reflecting on the enduring power of love and the strength of the human spirit. Vandana’s journey from despair to empowerment, Kunal’s realization of his paternal bond with Tara, and the various characters’ search for happiness and fulfillment remind us that life, much like the show, is a blend of bitter and sweet moments. Through the tears, laughter, and heartache, “Bitter Sweet Love” promises to stay with us, a testament to the show’s captivating storytelling and its ability to touch our hearts.

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