Broken Bonds” is a riveting drama series that unfolds the intricate web of relationships within a family torn apart by secrets and lies. The April 2024 teasers reveal a tumultuous journey for Shubhra as she navigates through the complexities of her marriage with Kuldeep, the challenges of motherhood, and the unexpected twists that life throws at her. As the month progresses, viewers will witness the strength and resilience of a woman determined to keep her family together against all odds.

Broken Bonds April 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 April 2024

Episode 21

At Sanjana’s urging, Madhura pays a visit to console the distraught Shubhra. Reluctantly, Chandrani follows Madhura’s advice and goes to see Shubhra, where she discovers Madhura’s identity as Shubhra’s mother.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Episode 22

Upon returning home, Rishi and Roli encounter Chandrani. Shubhra discloses to them Chandrani’s relation as their paternal grandmother. Rishi contacts Kuldeep through a neighbor’s phone, leading to Samaira confessing the truth.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Episode 23

Shubhra endeavors to reassure Rishi regarding Kuldeep’s situation. Madhura, under the influence, vents her frustration towards her husband. Rishi informs Kuldeep about Samaira’s revelation over the phone.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Episode 24

Shubhra’s father summons Kuldeep and hands him the divorce papers. Without informing Shubhra, Rishi and Roli depart for Mumbai to bring Kuldeep back.

Friday 5 April 2024

Episode 25

Rishi and Roli return home with Chandrani. Shubhra decides against divorcing Kuldeep, much to her father’s dismay. Later, Chandrani offers Shubhra guidance on salvaging her family.

Monday 8 April 2024

Episode 26

Accompanied by the children, Shubhra travels to Mumbai and feigns acceptance of Kuldeep and Samaira’s relationship. Samaira instructs her to return to Pune, while Shubhra pleads with Kuldeep to let them stay.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Episode 27

At Kuldeep’s behest, Samaira agrees to accommodate Shubhra and her children. Meanwhile, Chandrani’s health declines, prompting Madhura to bring her back home. Kuldeep departs for Europe with Samaira.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Episode 28

Kuldeep and Samaira’s European plans are thwarted by Shubhra’s scheme. Shubhra demands her ‘mangalsutra’ back from Kuldeep, who complies. Later, Samaira expresses her frustration by discarding her food.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Episode 29

Kuldeep warns Shubhra not to intervene in his relationship with Samaira. Chandrani informs Shubhra’s parents about purchasing a house in Shubhra’s name. Shubhra surprises Samaira at her office with food.

Friday 12 April 2024

Episode 30

Shubhra enters Samaira and Kuldeep’s office with lunch. When questioned by an employee, Shubhra introduces herself as Kuldeep’s wife. Meanwhile, Rishi and Roli engage in mischievous antics at home.

Monday 15 April 2024

Episode 31

Samaira flaunts a ring given by Kuldeep to Shubhra. Chandrani makes a request to Shubhra, who endeavors to reconcile Kuldeep with their children. However, Samaira thwarts her efforts.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Episode 32

Shubhra discovers Phirki’s theft and confronts her. Later, she criticizes Kuldeep for neglecting Rishi. Kuldeep, feeling guilty, decides to spend time with his children.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Episode 33

Kuldeep takes Rishi and Roli to his office, but their playful antics disturb Samaira, prompting her to return home. However, Shubhra plans to continue harassing Samaira at home.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Episode 34

Shubhra is pleased to see Kuldeep bonding with their children. Samaira develops a rash, and Roli suggests a remedy. Shubhra becomes concerned as Samaira’s condition worsens.

Friday 19 April 2024

Episode 35

Kuldeep and Samaira remain preoccupied with office work at home. Rishi and Roli intimidate Phirki into confessing about the ring. Chandrani attempts to gather information about Samaira from Sanjana. An employee at Kuldeep’s office mocks his success.

Monday 22 April 2024

Episode 36

Samaira delights in witnessing Kuldeep and Shubhra argue. Determined not to leave without him, Shubhra asserts her stance. Later, Samaira provokes Kuldeep to sever ties with Shubhra.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Episode 37

Shubhra schemes to prevent Kuldeep and Samaira’s date. Samaira accuses her of theft, but Shubhra’s plan succeeds when Phirki is implicated. Eventually, Samaira’s deceit is exposed.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Episode 38

As per Samaira’s scheme, Kuldeep discovers her ring in Shubhra’s room. To shield Rishi from blame, Shubhra falsely confesses to the theft. Shubhra takes it upon herself to protect Rishi.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Episode 39

Kuldeep presents Samaira with a ring, while Shubhra captures the moment on video. Samaira appoints him as a board member. Kuldeep tasks Shubhra with bringing a file to his office.

Friday 26 April 2024

Episode 40

Rishi and Roli manipulate Phirki into admitting her theft to Kuldeep. Chandrani seeks information about Samaira from Sanjana. An employee at Kuldeep’s office ridicules him for his achievements.

Monday 29 April 2024

Episode 41

Chandrani informs Madhura that Shubhra has discovered Samaira’s address. Phirki falls for Rishi and Roli’s ploy, confessing to the theft in front of Kuldeep. Kuldeep apologizes to Rishi.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Episode 42

Kuldeep is delayed for work due to a meeting at Rishi and Roli’s school. Samaira deceives her client by claiming Kuldeep as her spouse. Kuldeep clarifies the situation to Shubhra.

Premiere episodes of Broken Bonds air on eExtra from Mondays to Fridays at 14h35.

Previous Teaser: New! Broken Bonds March 2024 Teasers


The April 2024 episodes of “Broken Bonds” bring to light the enduring spirit of family and the unbreakable ties that bind us. Despite the numerous obstacles, Shubhra’s unwavering commitment to her children and her relentless efforts to salvage her marriage showcase the power of love and forgiveness. The series leaves us with a poignant reminder that even in the face of betrayal and heartache, hope and perseverance can pave the way to healing and reconciliation.

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