“Broken Bonds” is a riveting drama that unfolds in May 2024, capturing the tumultuous lives of Shubhra, Kuldeep, and Samaira. The story weaves through the complexities of relationships, trust, and betrayal. As the characters navigate through their daily lives, they encounter challenges that test their bonds and reveal their true selves.

Broken Bonds May 2024 Teasers

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Episode 43

Kuldeep urges Shubhra to persuade their children to act differently around Rajdaksh. Samaira grants Phirki leave to assist with Shubhra’s household tasks. She also demands Shubhra’s “mangalsutra”.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Episode 44

Shubhra decides to break her “mangalsutra” instead of surrendering it to Samaira. Rajdaksh confronts Samaira when her deceit comes to light. Meanwhile, Samaira’s daughter and Chandrani remain unaware of a significant revelation.

Friday 3 May 2024

Episode 45

After discovering the truth about Kuldeep and Samaira’s affair, Rajdaksh refuses to engage in any business with them. Roli and Rishi offer apologies to Kuldeep. The following morning, Shubhra visits Rajdaksh.

Monday 6 May 2024

Episode 46

Anant confides in Chandrani about his spouse. Rajdaksh assigns a project to Kuldeep due to Shubhra’s influence. Later, in a state of intoxication, Kuldeep expresses gratitude to Shubhra.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Episode 47

Samaira, haunted by a nightmare, sends Kuldeep away for work. Shubhra challenges Samaira to guide Kuldeep towards the right path. Subsequently, Samaira devises a scheme against Shubhra.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Episode 48

Samaira lavishes gifts upon the children and captures moments with them. Following her instructions, Phirki confines Rishi in the attic. Shubhra demands the key from Samaira and informs Kuldeep of the situation.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Episode 49

Kuldeep remains skeptical of Shubhra’s claims. Chandrani suffers a fall down the stairs. Shubhra visits Samaira’s workplace to rescue Rishi, while intentionally criticizing Kuldeep. Eventually, she succeeds in freeing Rishi.

Friday 10 May 2024

Episode 50

Concerned about Rishi’s condition, Shubhra reaches out to Chandrani for support. Samaira ridicules Shubhra and assigns her tasks for a party, alongside Phirki. In response, Shubhra locks herself and the children in a room.

Monday 13 May 2024

Episode 51

During the party, Samaira offers Shubhra a spiked drink. It’s revealed that Meera, Anant’s wife, is actually Samaira. Rajiv attempts to assault Shubhra.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Episode 52

Kuldeep assaults Rajiv, who deceives him by claiming that Shubhra had invited him into the room. This leads Kuldeep to misunderstand Shubhra. Later, Anant reveals a shocking truth to Chandrani.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Episode 53

Kuldeep receives a voice note from Shubhra, confirming her innocence. He publicly confronts Rajiv, exposing his actions to their colleagues and dismissing him. Later, Kuldeep returns home with gifts for the kids.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Episode 54

Shubhra informs Kuldeep that Samaira spiked her drink. Samaira threatens Rishi. Despite contemplating leaving Mumbai, Chandrani advises Shubhra against it.

Friday 17 May 2024

Episode 55

Samaira mocks Shubhra upon seeing her pack her belongings. Chandrani and Madhura persuade Anant to visit Mumbai. Samaira is startled by Anant’s arrival and his revelation of her true identity.

Monday 20 May 2024

Episode 56

Samaira faints after Anant suggests staying at home for a while. She confides in Phirki about her relationship with Anant, who later informs Shubhra. Anant encourages Shubhra to remain resolute.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Episode 57

Anant threatens to expose Samaira to Kuldeep. Kuldeep begins to feel envious of Anant’s close bond with Samaira. Later, Samaira is taken aback by Shubhra’s words.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Episode 58

Shubhra urges Samaira to confess the truth to Kuldeep and postpones her decision to return to Pune. Later, Samaira converses with Anant privately, leading Shubhra to sow doubt about her intentions in Kuldeep’s mind.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Episode 59

Roli overhears Shubhra’s conversation on the phone, uncovering her hidden secret. She shares this with Vedika, worsening her condition. Kuldeep confronts Samaira angrily.

Friday 24 May 2024

Episode 60

Shubhra admonishes Samaira for neglecting Vedika. Chandrani and Madhura celebrate their triumph. Samaira is frustrated by Kuldeep’s animosity and arranges to meet Anant at the office.

Monday 27 May 2024

Episode 61

Shubhra implores Kuldeep to accompany her to Pune. Later, reminiscing about their past, Shubhra hopes for their issues to resolve. Meanwhile, at the office, Samaira assaults Anant.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Episode 62

Shubhra is relieved to see Kuldeep decide to resign. However, he rushes to the office and takes an injured Anant to the hospital. Samaira deceives Kuldeep into believing that Anant attempted to misbehave with her.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Episode 63

Shubhra resolves to stand by Anant, leading to a confrontation with Kuldeep. She confides in Chandrani about Anant’s arrest. Kuldeep discusses the possibility of adopting Vedika.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Episode 64

Samaira demands that Shubhra leave the city in exchange for dropping the charges against Anant. Chandrani is devastated by Shubhra’s defeat. Later, Anant is released from custody.

Friday 31 May 2024

Episode 65

Roli insists that she won’t return to Pune without Kuldeep. Kuldeep persuades Shubhra to leave for Pune and promises to visit soon. Tearfully, Shubhra steps out of the house.

Premiere episodes of Broken Bonds air on eExtra from Mondays to Fridays at 14h35.

Previous Teaser: Broken Bonds April 2024 Teasers


As the month of May comes to a close, the characters of “Broken Bonds” have taken us on an emotional rollercoaster. The revelations and confrontations have left the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating what the future holds for Shubhra, Kuldeep, and the rest of the cast. The strength and resilience shown by the characters remind us that even in the face of adversity, hope and love can prevail.

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