Cennet is a captivating Turkish drama series that revolves around the life of Cennet, a young woman who was abandoned by her mother as a baby and raised by her grandmother Mukaddes. The show follows Cennet’s journey of finding love, happiness and her true identity, while facing the obstacles and secrets that surround her. In November 2023, the show will bring some exciting developments and surprises that will keep the viewers on the edge of their seats. Here are some of the highlights of what to expect in the upcoming episodes.

Cennet November 2023 Teasers

Wednesday 1 November 2023

On this date, Selim discovers Orhan’s feelings for Cennet but also foresees the turmoil it could bring. He warns Orhan about the possible consequences.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Arzu pays an unexpected visit to Mukaddes’s residence, forcibly entering the premises. Suna witnesses this intrusion, and Arzu clarifies her intent to reclaim a brooch.

Friday 3 November 2023

Mukaddes remains hospitalized, and in the morning, Orhan expresses his desire to visit both Cennet and Mukaddes at the hospital. Melisa accompanies him.

Saturday 4 November 2023

Cennet finds herself at the hospital when Selim contacts her, arranging a meeting with her mother at a café in an hour. Meanwhile, Mukaddes remains unconscious.

Sunday 5 November 2023

Cengiz’s behavior in his relationship with Cennet perplexes Selim. Cennet confides in Selim about her encounter with a woman sent by Arzu.

Monday 6 November 2023

The Dubai Project presents a life-changing opportunity for Cennet, but her inner conflicts and responsibilities leave her unable to make a decision.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

At Orhan’s insistence, Cennet reluctantly attends a party at Arzu’s house with Melisa. During the gathering, Arzu inadvertently makes a slip of the tongue.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Regret fills Cennet as she reflects on her decision to attend the party, which caused her significant distress. Nilgun senses that Selim will eventually uncover the truth about his past.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Orhan can’t stop thinking about his conversation with Selim regarding Cennet, haunted by Selim’s declaration of love for her.

Friday 10 November 2023

Mukaddes has a feeling that Cennet is in trouble, though she can barely speak. Beste calls Selim, expressing concern because Cennet hasn’t arrived.

Saturday 11 November 2023

Cennet manages to escape and encounters Cengiz and Arzu, who escort her home. Selim is puzzled as to how they located her when the police could not.

Sunday 12 November 2023

Sema receives shocking news from Riza. Suna cautions Selim that Cennet’s work at their company poses a significant danger to her.

Monday 13 November 2023

Selin and Cennet share a dinner at Nilgun’s house. During the meal, Nilgun makes a grave mistake, leading Cennet to make startling discoveries. Tragedy unfolds elsewhere.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Suna advises Cennet to quit her job, recognizing that as long as Cennet remains associated with Selim’s family and Arzu, her safety is at risk.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Selim takes Cennet to a construction site, while Arzu devises a plan to remove Cennet from Selim’s life. Meanwhile, Beste has a shocking revelation for Cennet.

Thursday 16 November 2023

Tensions escalate as Selim and Cengiz quarrel. Arzu is left incensed by a revelation concerning Melisa’s fate. Cennet slowly starts to realize the truth.

Friday 17 November 2023

As more secrets unravel, and Cennet makes shocking discoveries about herself and Selim, Arzu is determined to address this perceived threat.

Saturday 18 November 2023

Seeking information about Corina, Mercy visits the hospital with Roberta. Casillas remains in Mexicali until Corina’s safety is confirmed.

Sunday 19 November 2023

A ballistics test clears Tracy’s name, but Caridad remains puzzled about Alan’s quest for privileged information from the Cartel de los Soles.

Monday 20 November 2023

Mercy and Aurelio retreat to a secluded cabin, leading her to question whether he is capable of harming her. An attack exacts a heavy toll on Artemia.

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Aurelio expresses a desire to spend his life with Mercy, although she cautions that they may be living in a fantasy. Nevertheless, he proposes marriage.

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Aurelio delivers unwelcome news to Mercy, prompting her anger at his delay in sharing this information, and she vows never to see him again.

Thursday 23 November 2023

Mercy makes a promise to Artemia, and at the hospital, Colón intervenes in a revenge attack by the Rayados, saving not one but two lives.

Friday 24 November 2023

Casillas has a candid discussion with Colón, becoming convinced of the DEA agent’s credibility. Meanwhile, Alfaro blackmails Jaime Rosales.

Saturday 25 November 2023

Isolated and facing each other, Colón and Casillas confront a moment of truth, united by a single woman: Corina Saldaña.

Sunday 26 November 2023

The DEA operation to capture Ismael commences. Simultaneously, the true reason for Colón’s meeting with Aurelio is unveiled.

Monday 27 November 2023

Casillas leverages his most potent resource, issuing a threat to the President of Mexico, setting a one-hour ultimatum to secure his son’s release.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Aurelio realizes that Mercy should not bear the burden of his past and prepares to bid her farewell. Meanwhile, Ismael is released.

Wednesday 29 November 2023

A hidden camera proves valuable for Mercy, and Casillas pressures ‘La Soberana’ to meet, despite the inherent danger.

Thursday 30 November 2023

Aurelio demands that Caridad and Saade declare their allegiances. Castillo questions how Colón secured the resources for Saldaña’s treatment.

Note: The premiere episodes of Cennet air on Telemundo from Mondays to Sundays at 21h00.


Cennet November 2023 Teasers promise to deliver a lot of drama, suspense, emotion and romance for the fans of the show. The show will showcase the struggles and conflicts of Cennet, Selim, Orhan and their families as they deal with their feelings, their pasts and their enemies. The show will also feature some heartwarming moments of reconciliation, forgiveness and happiness as the characters overcome their challenges and support each other. Don’t miss out on the thrilling episodes of Cennet in November 2023.

Also Check: Cennet – The Power of Destiny December 2023 Teasers


Who are the main characters of Cennet?

The main characters of Cennet are Cennet, Selim, Orhan and Arzu. Cennet is a smart, kind and beautiful woman who works as an architect. Selim is a handsome, rich and noble man who is Cennet’s boss and love interest. Orhan is a charming, friendly and generous man who is Selim’s cousin and Cennet’s friend. Arzu is a cruel, greedy and manipulative woman who is Selim’s mother and Cennet’s biological mother.

What is the relationship between Cennet, Selim, Orhan and Arzu?

Cennet, Selim, Orhan and Arzu are involved in a complicated web of relationships. Cennet and Selim are in love with each other, but face many obstacles from their families and enemies. Orhan is also in love with Cennet, but respects her feelings for Selim. Arzu is the one who abandoned Cennet as a baby, but pretends to be her friend and mentor. She also hates Selim for being the son of her ex-lover Nilgun.

What are some of the major events that will happen in November 2023?

Some of the major events that will happen in November 2023 are:

Selim discovers Orhan’s feelings for Cennet and warns him about the consequences.

Arzu breaks into Mukaddes’s house to steal a brooch that belongs to Nilgun.

Mukaddes falls into a coma after being attacked by Arzu’s henchmen.

Cennet meets her mother at a café, but does not recognize her.

Selim and Orhan get drunk and confess their love for Cennet.

Cennet gets kidnapped by Arzu’s enemies.

Nilgun reveals to Cennet that she is her grandmother and that Arzu is her mother.

Selim learns that he is Nilgun’s son and that he is related to Cennet.

Arzu plots to kill Cennet.

What is the name of the show that Cennet is based on?

Cennet is based on a Turkish drama series called Cennet’in Gözyaşları, which means “Cennet’s Tears” in English. The show premiered on ATV on September 24, 2017 and ended on June 6, 2018 with 34 episodes.

Who are the actors who play Cennet, Selim, Orhan and Arzu in Cennet?

The actors who play Cennet, Selim, Orhan and Arzu in Cennet are Almila Ada, Berk Atan, Esra Ronabar and Zehra Yılmaz respectively. Almila Ada is a Turkish actress and model who has appeared in shows like Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu and Elif. Berk Atan is a Turkish actor and model who has appeared in shows like Güneşi Beklerken and Gönül İşleri. Esra Ronabar is a Turkish actress who has appeared in shows like Karadayı and Ezel. Zehra Yılmaz is a Turkish actress who has appeared in shows like Kuzey Güney and Muhteşem Yüzyıl.

How many episodes are there in Cennet November 2023 Teasers?

There are 22 episodes in Cennet November 2023 Teasers, starting from episode 33 on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 and ending with episode 54 on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. The show airs on Telemundo from Monday to Friday at 18h00.

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