In the thrilling month of April 2024, the captivating series “Divya-Drishti” reaches its climactic episodes. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on an intense journey filled with danger, mystery, and supernatural elements. The Shergill family faces their greatest challenges yet, with life-threatening situations, dark revelations, and powerful sacrifices that will determine their fate.

Divya-Drishti April 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 April 2024

Episode 100

Divya faces a life-threatening situation as she implements a risky strategy. Meanwhile, Rakshit, shattered by the revelation of Lal Chakor’s true identity, seeks comfort in Drishti’s embrace.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Episode 101

Rakshit’s world is shaken by a disturbing revelation about Mahima, triggering a violent reaction. In the midst of turmoil, Divya and Drishti make an extraordinary sacrifice for the sake of their family.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Episode 102

During the Shanti puja, peculiar events unfold before the Shergills. Subsequently, the family outsmarts Mahima and Pishachini, while Rakshit unearths a startling truth.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Episode 103

Guruji intervenes to shield Drishti from Mahima’s lethal assault. Later, he makes a heartfelt plea as the sisters find themselves transported to a mystical realm.

Friday 5 April 2024

Episode 104

Guruji astonishes everyone with a prophetic revelation, while Mahima and Pishachini engage in a fiery confrontation. Amidst the chaos, the family shares a poignant moment as Drishti is blessed with twins.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Episode 105

In a dramatic twist, Kaal Devta unveils his identity as he approaches Drishti’s newborn twins. Meanwhile, Mahima endeavors to eliminate Rakshit using a mystical sword.

Sunday 7 April 2024

Episode 106

Series Finale!

The Shergills are left in disbelief upon learning Kaal Devta’s true nature, while Pishachini achieves her desires. Can Divya and Drishti emerge triumphant in this ultimate confrontation?

New series Evil Affairs and Beyond Love take over the airwaves on 8 April.

Premiere episodes of Divya-Drishti are broadcast on Star Life every day from Monday to Sunday at 22:00.

Previous Teaser: Divya-Drishti March 2024 Teasers


As “Divya-Drishti” concludes its epic saga, the Shergill family’s resilience is put to the ultimate test. The series finale leaves audiences in awe, with the true nature of Kaal Devta revealed and the fate of the protagonists hanging in the balance. This gripping tale of courage, love, and destiny will continue to resonate with viewers, as new adventures await in the upcoming series “Evil Affairs” and “Beyond Love.”

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