Faltu is a popular Indian television series that follows the adventures of Faltu, a young and spirited girl who disguises herself as a boy to pursue her dreams of becoming a chef. Along the way, she encounters various challenges and obstacles, such as the rivalry with the Mittal family, the secrets of her past, and the love triangle with Ayaan and Tanisha. In this article, we will provide you with the teasers for the upcoming episodes of Faltu in December 2023, where Faltu will face new dangers, revelations, and surprises.

Table of Contents

Faltu December 2023 Teasers

Friday 1 December 2023

Episode 117

On this day, Janardhan cautions Ayaan against jeopardizing their business by getting too close to Faltu. Simultaneously, Faltu persists in her investigation into Vishal.

Saturday 2 December 2023

Episode 118

Faltu reveals Vishal’s motives and his ties to the Mittal family. Janardhan persuades Ayaan to consider seeking counseling.

Sunday 3 December 2023

Episode 119

Executing her strategy, Faltu infiltrates the Mittal residence to gather crucial information. Kanika exploits Ayaan to achieve her objectives.

Monday 4 December 2023

Episode 120

Faltu swears vengeance against those who humiliated her. Siddharth’s quest for evidence of Faltu’s marriage ends in disappointment.

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Episode 121

Faltu takes part in the Mittal cooking contest, portraying herself as the celebrity chef Rocky with the aim of winning hearts.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Episode 122

Savita instructs Faltu to stay in Ayaan’s room, stirring emotions as she gazes upon his cricket memorabilia. Faltu tails Kanika after overhearing her conversation.

Thursday 7 December 2023

Episode 123

Kanika becomes suspicious and adjusts her plans to rendezvous with Vishal. Faltu grows uneasy when Janardhan requests her to provide ID to confirm her identity.

Friday 8 December 2023

Episode 124

Faltu’s bold move places her in a precarious situation in front of the Mittal family. Subsequently, Faltu devises a plan to uncover Kanika’s hidden motives by meeting Vishal.

Saturday 9 December 2023

Episode 125

Tanisha attempts to entice Ayaan with a romantic atmosphere, but he is preoccupied with thoughts of Faltu, leaving her disheartened.

Sunday 10 December 2023

Episode 126

The Mittal family engages in pre-Holi rituals. Faltu sneaks into Tanisha’s room to inspect Kanika’s phone for information on Vishal.

Monday 11 December 2023

Episode 127

Tanisha desires to receive colors from Ayaan first, but Faltu intervenes and disrupts the plan. Later, Ayaan begins contemplating Faltu’s thoughts while dancing during Holi.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Episode 128

Ayaan overhears a startling conversation between Kanika and Tanisha, but Kanika offers an explanation. Eventually, Ayaan successfully locates Faltu.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Episode 129

Faltu participates in a cricket match but faces disgrace due to a video. Despite the allegations against her, she is given an opportunity to prove her worth.

Thursday 14 December 2023

Episode 130

When Siddharth announces a love game, Ayaan declines to participate with Tanisha. Faltu plans to seize Kanika’s phone to gather details about Vishal.

Friday 15 December 2023

Episode 131

Faltu discovers Vishal in a pub after obtaining information from Kanika. Watching a video, the Mittals are astonished to learn about Faltu’s presence in Mumbai.

Saturday 16 December 2023

Episode 132

Janardhan overhears Ayaan’s attempts to investigate Faltu and questions him. Faltu locates Vishal and, using a disguise, gains access to his room.

Sunday 17 December 2023

Episode 133

Disguised, Faltu gets Vishal intoxicated to extract a confession. As Vishal speaks about the conspiracy against Faltu, she records his statement.

Monday 18 December 2023

Episode 134

Faltu blackmails Vishal using the video footage to unveil the mastermind’s identity. However, Vishal turns the tables, blaming Ayaan.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Episode 135

Ayaan pledges unwavering support to Faltu to fulfill her dream. Meanwhile, Kanika prepares to execute her next plan to track down Faltu’s whereabouts.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Episode 136

Faltu apprehends the person who caused her trouble with Vishal and compels her to disclose the truth, leaving Faltu taken aback by the revelation.

Thursday 21 December 2023

Episode 137

As the Mittals prepare for a trip, Faltu informs them of her decision to resign. She contacts Ayaan, urging him to meet her behind the farmhouse.

Friday 22 December 2023

Episode 138

Faltu informs Ayaan about their meeting at the farmhouse. Meanwhile, Tanisha notifies Kanika about a social media post supporting Faltu.

Saturday 23 December 2023

Episode 139

While the Mittals play antakshari, Ayaan becomes emotional thinking about Faltu. For Ayaan’s happiness, Tanisha requests that Faltu stays at home.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Episode 140

Ayaan, in disguise, arrives at the stadium and helps Faltu win the match. Following Kanika’s instructions, Siddharth searches for Ayaan.

Monday 25 December 2023

Episode 141

Siddharth discovers that Faltu has been residing in their house disguised as Rocky. Ayaan implores Faltu to disclose the truth.

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Episode 142

The Mittals are shocked as Siddharth exposes Faltu. Ayaan is astonished as Faltu accuses him of ruining her cricket career.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Episode 143

Ayaan insists that he could never conspire against Faltu as he loves her. Sumitra and Siddharth attempt to convince Tanisha that Ayaan loves Faltu.

Thursday 28 December 2023

Episode 144

Ayaan returns with Faltu and reveals Kanika’s conspiracy. He discloses that he married Faltu before Tanisha and professes not to love Tanisha.

Friday 29 December 2023

Episode 145

Janardhan is incensed by Ayaan’s decision to marry Faltu. Ayaan is taken aback by Tanisha’s confession to the Mittals.

Saturday 30 December 2023

Episode 146

Tanisha confesses and steps aside for Ayaan and Faltu. Faltu admits she doesn’t want to be with Ayaan.

Sunday 31 December 2023

Episode 147

Janardhan threatens to disown Ayaan, but Savita pledges to change his mind. Ayaan takes a surprising step to make Faltu confess her feelings.

Premiere episodes of Faltu air on StarLife from Mondays to Sundays at 18h00.

Previous Teaser: Faltu November 2023 Teasers


We hope you enjoyed reading the teasers for Faltu December 2023. If you are a fan of the show, you will not want to miss the exciting episodes that are coming up. Faltu will have to deal with the consequences of her actions, the truth about Vishal, and the feelings of Ayaan and Tanisha. Will she be able to achieve her goals and find happiness? Tune in to Faltu every weekday at 8:00 pm on Zee World to find out.


What is the central conflict in December 2023?

The central conflict revolves around Faltu’s relentless pursuit of justice and revenge. Her investigation into Vishal’s motives and the Mittal family’s secrets sets the stage for high drama and suspense.

How does Ayaan’s relationship with Faltu impact the business?

Janardhan’s cautionary advice to Ayaan highlights the delicate balance between personal and professional life. Ayaan’s proximity to Faltu jeopardizes their business, leading to tense moments and tough decisions.

Who is Kanika, and what role does she play?

Kanika, a cunning character, exploits Ayaan for her own objectives. Her suspicious behavior and ties to Vishal add complexity to the storyline, leaving viewers wondering about her true intentions.

What is Faltu’s strategy during her infiltration of the Mittal residence?

Faltu’s daring move to gather crucial information involves infiltrating the Mittal household. As she poses as the celebrity chef Rocky, viewers can expect intense moments and unexpected revelations.

How does Tanisha fit into the unfolding drama?

Tanisha’s attempt to entice Ayaan with romance faces obstacles as he remains preoccupied with thoughts of Faltu. Their love triangle adds emotional depth to the narrative.

What secrets lie hidden in Kanika’s phone, and how does Faltu plan to uncover them?

The mystery deepens as Faltu sneaks into Tanisha’s room to inspect Kanika’s phone. What she discovers could change everything, setting the stage for further intrigue and suspense.

What drives Faltu’s determination for vengeance?

Faltu’s unwavering pursuit of justice is fueled by a traumatic past. Her resolve to expose the truth about Vishal and the Mittal family stems from personal loss and a desire for retribution.

How does Siddharth’s quest for evidence impact the storyline?

Siddharth’s relentless search for proof of Faltu’s marriage adds an intriguing layer to the narrative. His discoveries may hold the key to unraveling hidden connections and motives.

Will Janardhan’s request for Faltu’s ID reveal her true identity?

As Janardhan insists on verifying Faltu’s background, tensions rise. Faltu’s reluctance to share personal information hints at deeper secrets, leaving viewers curious about her past.

What role does Savita play in Faltu’s journey?

Savita’s instructions to Faltu to stay in Ayaan’s room create emotional turmoil. Her interactions with Faltu and insights into Ayaan’s life add complexity to the unfolding drama.

Is there a turning point in the pre-Holi rituals?

The Mittal family’s pre-Holi celebrations serve as a backdrop for pivotal moments. Watch out for unexpected revelations, shifting dynamics, and confrontations during this festive period.

How does Faltu’s portrayal as celebrity chef Rocky impact her investigation?

Faltu’s participation in the cooking contest allows her to gather information discreetly. Her dual identity adds suspense, especially when she interacts with other characters.

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