Faltu is a popular Indian soap opera that revolves around the lives of Faltu, a young and spirited girl who falls in love with Ayaan, the son of a wealthy businessman, Janardhan. The show depicts the trials and tribulations of their relationship, as they face various obstacles from their families, enemies and society. In this article, we will summarize the episodes of Faltu that will air in February 2024, and answer some frequently asked questions about the show.

Faltu February 2024 Teasers

Thursday 1 February 2024

Episode 179

Ayaan is deeply distressed by Faltu’s condition in the hospital. His anxiety lifts when the doctor reassures him that she is now out of harm’s way.

Friday 2 February 2024

Episode 180

Faltu is caught snooping in Tanisha’s room by Tanisha herself. Faltu asserts having found incriminating evidence against Tanisha, who coolly responds, stating that she has nothing to lose.

Saturday 3 February 2024

Episode 181

Janardhan is taken aback by the behavior of Tanisha and Siddharth. Ayaan, upon discovering Kanika and Tanisha’s nefarious intentions, takes a resolute stand against them.

Sunday 4 February 2024

Episode 182

Ayaan apprises Janardhan of Tanisha and Kanika’s malicious motives. Later, Janardhan is shocked when Kanika blackmails him to expose his secret.

Monday 5 February 2024

Episode 183

While searching Siddharth’s room for evidence, Faltu faces obstacles. Meanwhile, Ayaan, adopting the disguise of a Sardar Ji, infiltrates JM Mart.

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Episode 184

Ayaan finds himself locked in the document room at JM Mart, but Faltu comes to his rescue. Meanwhile, Tanisha and Kanika grow suspicious about Faltu and Ayaan’s absence.

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Episode 185

Ayaan and Faltu make a surprising appearance at the reception, leaving everyone astonished. Unexpectedly, the police arrive to arrest Ayaan. Faltu pledges to prove Ayaan’s innocence.

Thursday 8 February 2024

Episode 186

Janardhan becomes anxious as all lawyers refuse to take Ayaan’s case. He implores Siddharth to bail Ayaan out, but Siddharth declines the request.

Friday 9 February 2024

Episode 187

Janardhan astounds everyone by declaring that Tanisha and Siddharth will be divested of their property. Faltu vows to bring Ayaan home.

Saturday 10 February 2024

Episode 188

In court, Ayaan expresses his desire to represent himself as he cannot find legal representation. Faltu assures Tanisha that she will substantiate Ayaan’s innocence.

Sunday 11 February 2024

Episode 189

Faltu seeks assistance from her friends and covertly enters JM Mart to find evidence for Ayaan’s innocence. However, Tanisha catches Faltu in the act.

Monday 12 February 2024

Episode 190

Tanisha reveals the dismissal of all servants and demands that Faltu takes over household chores. Despite Janardhan’s objection, Faltu acquiesces to Tanisha’s demands.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Episode 191

Faltu approaches a prominent lawyer, urging him to take up Ayaan’s case. Meanwhile, Kanika advises Tanisha to settle down with Siddharth for a contented life.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Episode 192

Faltu ensures Kanika and others are asleep before sneaking into her house to search for evidence. Meanwhile, Ayaan gets into a confrontation with fellow prisoners.

Thursday 15 February 2024

Episode 193

Faltu infiltrates Tanisha’s house and borrows a file to substantiate Ayaan’s innocence. Siddharth confronts Faltu, accusing him of stealing the files.

Friday 16 February 2024

Episode 194

Faltu issues a stern warning to Tanisha as she prepares for triumph in freeing Ayaan. In response, Tanisha devises a cunning strategy to harm Faltu.

Saturday 17 February 2024

Episode 195

Ayaan decides to represent himself in court as no attorney takes up his case. Faltu encounters challenges in locating the evidence.

Sunday 18 February 2024

Episode 196

Faltu is heartbroken as she is unable to bring Ayaan home from police custody. Tanisha suggests to the Mittals that they expel Faltu from the house to save Ayaan.

Monday 19 February 2024

Episode 197

Kanika reveals her decision to sell the house and the business. While Janardhan is devastated, Faltu plans to meet the mysterious buyer.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Episode 198

As Janardhan falls ill, Faltu encourages him to stay resilient during difficult times. Meanwhile, Kanika signs the legal papers to sell the business to Rohan.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Episode 199

Ayaan reproaches Tanisha when she suggests getting rid of Faltu. Meanwhile, Rohan expresses concern for Sanaiya, and Faltu helps by bringing her back to the house.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Episode 200

Ruhan informs Faltu that Janardhan lost his business due to incompetence. Faltu and Shanaya become friends after Faltu aids her in recovering from a seizure.

Friday 23 February 2024

Episode 201

Faltu identifies the vehicle number by watching CCTV footage. Ayaan becomes worried upon learning about Faltu’s visits to Rohan’s house.

Saturday 24 February 2024

Episode 202

Aisha decides not to relocate to the new house with the Mittals, facing criticism from Savita. Govardhan admonishes Siddharth for supporting the family’s adversary.

Sunday 25 February 2024

Episode 203

Ruhan informs Janardhan that he cannot start a competing business due to their contract. Faltu seeks Ruhan’s help to free Ayaan from jail.

Monday 26 February 2024

Episode 204

Kanika is astonished to learn that Ruhan is assisting Ayaan. She asks Tanisha for the evidence that proves Ayaan’s innocence.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Episode 205

Kanika and Tanisha are shocked to see that Faltu has located the car where the evidence was concealed. Faltu establishes that Ayaan was framed, leading to his release.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Episode 206

The Mittals rejoice at Aisha’s return home, but she sets a condition for Kingshuk. Shanaya moves in to live with Faltu.

Thursday 29 February 2024

Episode 207

After various mishaps, Tanisha decides to give her marriage with Siddharth another chance. Ayaan asks Faltu to maintain her distance from Shanaya.

Premiere episodes of Faltu air on StarLife from Mondays to Sundays at 18h00.

Previous Teaser: Faltu January 2024 Teasers


Faltu is a captivating and thrilling show that keeps the viewers hooked with its twists and turns. The show explores themes such as love, betrayal, revenge, justice and family. The episodes of February 2024 promise to be full of drama, suspense and emotion, as Faltu and Ayaan fight for their love and happiness. Will they succeed in overcoming the challenges and enemies that stand in their way? Will they be able to expose the truth and clear Ayaan’s name? Will they ever get married and live happily ever after? To find out, tune in to Faltu every weekday at 9 pm on Zee TV.

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