Faltu March 2024 Teasers: is a thrilling series of episodes that unfold throughout the month of March. The story revolves around the lives of Faltu, Ayaan, Tanisha, and other characters, as they navigate through various challenges and dilemmas. From Tanisha’s plan to buy a house for the Mittals as an apology, to Ayaan’s desperate attempts to secure funds for urgent surgeries, the narrative is filled with suspense, emotion, and unexpected twists.

Faltu March 2024 Teasers

Friday 1 March 2024

Episode 208

Tanisha devises a plan to buy a house for the Mittals as a gesture of apology. Meanwhile, Shanaya finds out about the auction and urges Ruhan to help Faltu.

Saturday 2 March 2024

Episode 209

Kanika is shocked when Tanisha starts a bidding war for the Mittals’ house. Ruhan ends up winning the auction by outbidding Tanisha, while Janardhan suffers a seizure.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Episode 210

Ayaan is devastated upon learning that Janardhan and Mayavati urgently need expensive surgeries. Despite Tanisha offering financial aid, Ayaan refuses.

Monday 4 March 2024

Episode 211

Faltu and Ayaan seek financial assistance from Ruhan. Ruhan advises Faltu that she needs to let go of her dreams to save her family.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Episode 212

Tanisha assures Faltu that she no longer has feelings for Ayaan and asks for forgiveness. Later, Ayaan becomes curious about Ruhan’s conversation with Faltu.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Episode 213

Ayaan strikes a risky deal with a mobster to borrow money for Janardhan and Mayavati’s treatment. Subsequently, he gets attacked by some thugs.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Episode 214

Ayaan gets brutally assaulted by the thugs who steal the money from him. Upon reaching the hospital, Faltu, worried, turns to Ruhan for help.

Friday 8 March 2024

Episode 215

Ayaan questions Faltu about the funds, and she assures him that the treatment is free. Later, Ruhan reminds Faltu of another task.

Saturday 9 March 2024

Episode 216

Govardhan informs the Mittals that Sumitra and others can’t stay at home much longer. Faltu starts feeling sympathetic towards Tanisha.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Episode 217

Shanaya is irritated to learn about Ruhan’s deal with Faltu. Eventually, Faltu persuades Shanaya to comply with Ruhan’s request, albeit reluctantly.

Monday 11 March 2024

Episode 218

Janardhan and Mayavati return from the hospital, and Shanaya expresses a desire to stay at the Mittal house. Meanwhile, Ruhan entrusts Ayaan with the responsibility of the business.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Episode 219

Faltu arranges a surprise birthday party for Ayaan and later reveals her admission to the cricket academy to him.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Episode 220

Ayaan is pleasantly surprised by the grand birthday celebration arranged by the Mittals. Meanwhile, Faltu breaks down before joining the cricket academy.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Episode 221

Kanika apologises to the Mittals by offering to buy Ruhan’s house. Meanwhile, Faltu covers for Shanaya at the cricket practice session.

Friday 15 March 2024

Episode 222

Sumitra grows suspicious after overhearing Faltu and Shanaya’s conversation. Meanwhile, Faltu asks Ruhan to cancel their deal, leading to a threat from him.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Episode 223

Shanaya threatens to reclaim the house as Faltu refuses to play on her behalf. Meanwhile, an employee presents Ayaan with an opportunity to regain control of the company and home.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Episode 224

Tanisha overhears Faltu talking in her sleep and discovers she’s hiding something from Ayaan. Later, Ayaan seeks legal assistance to reclaim his business.

Monday 18 March 2024

Episode 225

Tanisha follows Faltu to her practice ground and discovers she plays cricket disguised as Shanaya. Tanisha plans to use this revelation to win Ayaan back.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Episode 226

Tanisha saves Mayavati to win favor with the Mittals. Faltu hesitates to disclose the truth about Ruhan’s deal to Ayaan.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Episode 227

Ayaan gets angry when Ruhan talks privately with Faltu before the match. The truth unfolds as reporters prepare to catch Faltu red-handed.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Episode 228

Ruhan accuses Faltu and Ayaan of leaking the news to the media. Tanisha informs Kanika that she has further plans for Faltu.

Friday 22 March 2024

Episode 229

Tanisha acts surprised when Ayaan reveals Faltu’s actions to the Mittals. Faltu tries to apologize to Ayaan, but he pushes her away.

Saturday 23 March 2024

Episode 230

Ayaan burns Faltu’s cricket gear, signaling an end to his association with cricket. Ruhan tries to evict the Mittals, but Ayaan intervenes with a different plan.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Episode 231

Shanaya expresses her wish for Ruhan and Faltu to be together. Ayaan tells Faltu she must give up cricket to earn his forgiveness.

Monday 25 March 2024

Episode 232

Faltu slaps Ruhan when he behaves inappropriately towards her. Tanisha records a video to deceive Ayaan, casting doubt on Faltu’s intentions.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Episode 233

Tanisha is devastated to learn that Kanika is going to jail, while the Mittals celebrate the court’s decision. Ayaan refuses Mayavati’s plea to forgive Faltu.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Episode 234

Officials from the cricket academy ban Faltu from playing cricket. Later, Ayaan confesses to disclosing Faltu’s truth to the authorities.

Thursday 28 March 2024

Episode 235

Tanisha and Ruhan scheme to drive a wedge between Faltu and Ayaan as revenge for Kanika’s arrest. Meanwhile, the Mittals plan a party.

Friday 29 March 2024

Episode 236

Ruhan devises a plan to sabotage Faltu and Ayaan’s relationship. Janardhan urges Faltu and Ayaan to give their marriage another chance.

Saturday 30 March 2024

Episode 237

Amidst the celebration, Janardhan acknowledges Faltu’s sacrifice. A trap is set for Faltu during the festivities.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Episode 238

Faltu’s drunken behavior disrupts the family. Ayaan receives distressing news, and waiters abduct Faltu from the venue.

Premiere episodes of Faltu air on StarLife from Mondays to Sundays at 18h00.

Previous Teaser: Faltu February 2024 Teasers


As the month of March 2024 concludes, the characters of Faltu have gone through a rollercoaster of events. With each episode, they faced new challenges and made tough decisions that significantly impacted their lives and relationships. The series leaves the audience eagerly awaiting the next set of teasers, curious about the future of Faltu, Ayaan, Tanisha, and the rest of the characters.

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