Giyani – Land of Blood is a South African drama series that revolves around the conflict between two families, the Baloyis and the Mudaus, over a piece of land in Limpopo. The series explores the themes of culture, identity, land, corruption, betrayal, love and revenge. The series premiered on SABC2 on 1 April 2019 and ended on 8 November 2023 with a total of 105 episodes.

Giyani 3 November 2023 Teasers

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Episode 102

Can Elias endure the freezing cold within the refrigerator where he’s confined? Law enforcement prepares for their significant operation, while Manoko and Richard gear up to seize the phone.

Monday 6 November 2023

Episode 103

The Mudaus engineer an unusual getaway plan, and Ntate Rufus returns with his divorce papers in hand. Kokwani remains traumatized after narrowly escaping a gunshot.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Episode 104

The Lodge descends into chaos, with Khensani’s intentions veering towards Richard but tragically leading to her shooting Manoko instead.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Episode 105

It’s the grand finale!

Do the people of Rasinga reclaim their land? Plus, Moroke steps into our realm, poised to exact retribution upon the people of Risinga for their past actions.

Premiere episodes of Giyani – Land of Blood air on SABC2 from Monday to Wednesday at 21h30.


Giyani – Land of Blood was a groundbreaking series that showcased the rich and diverse culture of the Xitsonga people and their language. The series also tackled the issue of land dispossession and its impact on the lives of the people of Rasinga. The series ended with a thrilling finale that saw the people of Rasinga reclaim their land and Moroke, the spirit of vengeance, emerge from the underworld to punish the wrongdoers.


What is the meaning of Giyani?

Giyani is a town in the north-eastern part of Limpopo province in South Africa. It is also the name of one of the main characters in the series, Giyani Baloyi, who is the eldest son of Ntate Rufus Baloyi, the chief of Rasinga.

Who are the main actors in Giyani – Land of Blood?

Some of the main actors in Giyani – Land of Blood are:

Charles Baloyi as Ntate Rufus Baloyi

Yvonne Chaka Chaka as Kokwani Gladys Baloyi

Obed Baloyi as Giyani Baloyi

Candy Tsamandebele as Khensani Mudau

Ndivhuwo Mutsila as Richard Mudau

Linah Ngcobo as Manoko Mudau

Nyeleti Ndubane as Musa Baloyi

Wiseman Zitha as Vukosi Baloyi

How many seasons and episodes are there in Giyani – Land of Blood?

Giyani – Land of Blood has two seasons and 105 episodes in total. Season 1 aired from 1 April 2019 to 28 October 2020 with 78 episodes. Season 2 aired from 1 November 2021 to 8 November 2023 with 27 episodes.

What is the theme song of Giyani – Land of Blood?

The theme song of Giyani – Land of Blood is composed by Thomas Chauke and the Shinyori Sisters, who are renowned Xitsonga musicians. The song is titled “Giyani”, which means “place of water” in Xitsonga.

What is the significance of the land dispute in Giyani – Land of Blood?

The land dispute in Giyani – Land of Blood reflects the historical and contemporary issue of land dispossession and restitution in South Africa. The series shows how the land was taken away from the Xitsonga people by the apartheid regime and given to a white family, the Van Reenens, who exploited it for their own profit. The series also shows how the land was reclaimed by the community after a successful legal battle, and how the land became a source of conflict between the Baloyis and the Mudaus, who had different visions for its development.

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