Welcome to the thrilling world of “Imlie,” where every episode is a rollercoaster of emotions and suspense. This June 2024, get ready to be captivated by Imlie’s courage and resilience as she faces off against mysterious figures and navigates through the complexities of love and betrayal. Join us as we dive into the heart of the drama that unfolds in the Choudhary residence and beyond.

Imlie June 2024 Teasers

Saturday 1 June 2024

Episode 1021

Imlie stands up to Karan as he makes a stealthy getaway from the Choudhary residence. Later, a sense of dread washes over her when she spots a masked figure lurking in Bulbul’s abode.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Episode 1022

A wave of fear engulfs Imlie as a menacing figure loiters outside her dwelling, causing unrest; her attempts to reach out to Agasta for help are thwarted as she struggles to express her plight.

Monday 3 June 2024

Episode 1023

In a brave act of diversion, Imlie engages the assailant, allowing Bulbul to escape and alert the Choudharys; Agastya makes a timely entrance to rescue Imlie from peril.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Episode 1024

Karan proposes to Bulbul, who declines his offer; meanwhile, Sonali is overjoyed upon learning that the factory is set to reopen.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Episode 1025

When Imlie is unable to compensate the contractor, Agastya steps in to assist with the reconstruction of her home; the Choudharys reel from the revelation of a mysterious new proprietor of their enterprise.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Episode 1026

Imlie supports the Choudharys by single-handedly fulfilling orders, but her actions are misread by Agastya. An unexpected turn of events awaits Imlie at Viswa’s residence.

Friday 7 June 2024

Episode 1027

Upon discovering an item belonging to the assailant at Vishwa’s place, Imlie accuses Agastya of self-interest as her companions grapple with the threat of unemployment.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Episode 1028

Imlie challenges Navya and Vishwa, who are covert backers, to come clean to the Choudharys about their clandestine involvement.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Episode 1029

The Choudharys coax Imlie into attending a social event; she deftly counters Navya’s protestations. Agastya openly expresses his disapproval of his mother’s conduct.

Monday 10 June 2024

Episode 1030

Meera is haunted by the chilling recollections of an assailant; Annapurna stands against Agastya’s wish to extend aid to Imlie.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Episode 1031

At his office, Vishwa cunningly orchestrates a scenario to sow discord between Imlie and Agastya. During Shivani’s soiree, Imlie inadvertently serves spiked beverages to Agastya and Annapurna.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Episode 1032

As the expiration of their contractual union approaches, Agastya and Imlie engage in a sincere conversation. Annapurna grants Imlie permission to take up work in the factory.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Episode 1033

Imlie takes a gamble by infiltrating Vishwa’s domicile in search of legal documents, only to be abducted by the assailant outside the Choudhary estate.

Friday 14 June 2024

Episode 1034

During a telephonic exchange with Agastya, Imlie is taken aback by the revelation of the attacker’s identity. In the end, Agastya manages to locate and save her.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Episode 1035

In a desperate bid to escape, Agastya and Imlie are thwarted by Amrit, who forces Imlie to point a firearm at Agastya.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Episode 1036

Vishwa devises a plot to manipulate Imlie’s affection for Agastya, aiming to orchestrate her removal. Concurrently, an enigmatic masked individual makes an appearance at the Chaudhary family gathering.

Monday 17 June 2024

Episode 1037

Agastya is taken aback by Imlie’s impassioned response during the pre-nuptial festivities. In the meantime, Vishwa concocts a plan to disrupt the Chaudharys’ existence.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Episode 1038

Imlie is left stunned when Vishwa coerces her with a cryptic video, demanding her silence over his ulterior motives. The ultimatum leaves both Imlie and Agastya in shock.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Episode 1039

Vishwa extends an unexpected job offer to Imlie at his nascent firm, leaving the Chaudharys astonished when she accepts. Agastya later confronts Imlie regarding her sentiments towards him.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Episode 1040

Mindful of Vishwa’s cautionary words, Imlie suppresses her emotions for Agastya. Meanwhile, Agastya orchestrates a romantic outing with Imlie.

Friday 21 June 2024

Episode 1041

Panic sets in for Imlie as she catches sight of the murderer at the matrimonial ceremony. Agastya and Vishwa embark on a futile search for the culprit. Subsequently, Imlie is whisked away from the premises.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Episode 1042

Agastya and Vishwa come to Imlie’s rescue from the assailant’s attack, yet the perpetrator eludes capture. Following the Bidaai ritual, Annapurna imparts a heartfelt request to Agastya and Imlie.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Episode 1043

Vishwa lays bare the reality of Imlie and Agastya’s matrimonial alliance to the Chaudharys, prompting a confession from Imlie as well. A crestfallen Agastya observes as Imlie consents to wed Vishwa.

Monday 24 June 2024

Episode 1044

Agastya confronts Imlie regarding the blackmailer’s coercion for her to marry Vishwa. Simultaneously, the Chaudharys find themselves ensnared within their home as the abductor seizes Dolly.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Episode 1045

Agastya endeavors to escort Imlie on a quest to unravel Vishwa’s history, but Vishwa intercedes, persuading Imlie to deter Agastya. She intervenes to prevent Agastya from harm.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Episode 1046

The Chaudharys are taken aback when Vishwa discloses his true identity and acquires their residence. He then entreats Imlie to convince the Chaudharys to vacate.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Episode 1047

Imlie clandestinely enters Vishwa’s chamber to unearth the veracity behind Agastya’s mishap. Agastya intercepts her upon her exit and demands an explanation.

Friday 28 June 2024

Episode 1048

Navya compels Imlie to erase her sindoor prior to the ritual, stirring a maelstrom of emotions. Sonali confronts Imlie over the matter.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Episode 1049

Imlie discerns Agastya at the tavern and covertly assists him in safeguarding the Chaudhary domicile. She later rises to Vishwa’s challenge to vindicate Agastya’s honor.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Episode 1050

As Vishwa and Agastya scour for Imlie, the masked adversary ensnares and entombs her. The revelation by Agastya leaves Vishwa and Navya in a state of disbelief.

Premiere episodes of Imlie air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 20h30.

Previous Teaser: Imlie May 2024 Teasers


As June comes to a close, the saga of Imlie leaves us with bated breath. The twists and turns of her journey remind us of the strength found in determination and the power of truth. With new alliances formed and secrets uncovered, we eagerly await what the future holds for Imlie and the Choudhary family. Stay tuned for more gripping episodes of “Imlie” on Star Life.

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