In the gripping month of May 2024, “Isiphetho: Destiny” takes viewers through a whirlwind of emotions and drama. The series follows Buhle, a resilient protagonist, as she navigates through a storm of personal and professional challenges. From battling financial woes to confronting familial conflicts, Buhle’s journey is one of courage and determination. As she faces each obstacle, from a leaking roof to the threat of losing her beloved restaurant, Buhle’s spirit remains unbroken, exemplifying the human capacity for endurance and hope.

Isiphetho: Destiny May 2024 Teasers

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Episode 18

Facing the Storm

Buhle encounters a series of challenges while gearing up for a crucial client meeting, all the while grappling with a leaking roof.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Episode 19

In Deep Waters

Buhle finds herself entangled in deeper troubles. Portia’s neglectful parenting stirs conflict with Connie. Meanwhile, Sli finds herself without a job.

Friday 3 May 2024

Episode 20

Struggling to Keep Afloat

Buhle struggles to gather the funds owed to Dlangamandla. On Mother’s Day, Connie feels neglected while others receive gifts. Mosa attempts to deter Vivian’s infatuation with him.

Monday 6 May 2024

Episode 21

Under Threat

The restaurant’s future hangs in the balance as Buhle seeks solutions to settle her debts.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Episode 22

Caught in the Crossfire

Buhle and her restaurant face threats from Dlangamandla and his associates. Amidst the chaos, Blondie plans her lobola ceremony, and Sli struggles to regain her former job.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Episode 23

Facing Rejection

Buhle is devastated when her last hope refuses aid against Dlangamandla. What will be her next move?

Thursday 9 May 2024

Episode 24

Honoring Memories

Buhle and her friends devise a plan to commemorate Thuliswa’s memory with an event.

Friday 10 May 2024

Episode 25

Entering the Fray

Vivian imposes restrictions on Mosa, leading to their breakup. Ntando’s attempt to reconcile Buhle and Portia backfires.

Monday 13 May 2024

Episode 26

Cultural Celebration

The Zondo gathering proceeds smoothly despite some tense moments. Portia receives unsettling news about her mother, while Koko Mashadi and Nkele seize an opportunity for relaxation.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Episode 27

Plotting Redemption

Buhle and her team strive to gather evidence against Dlangamandla for his arrest. Will their efforts bear fruit?

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Episode 28

Unintended Betrayal

Buhle inadvertently exposes Dlangamandla to her uncle Justice, a policeman.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Episode 29

Exposed Secrets

Buhle and her allies are shaken when Dlangamandla reveals their involvement in the past fire incident.

Friday 17 May 2024

Episode 30

Unfulfilled Agreements

Connie believes she has dealt with Dlangamandla, only to be shocked when he remains adamant and refuses to leave, despite Connie’s attempts to appease him with money.

Monday 20 May 2024

Episode 31

A Shift in Power

Buhle becomes anxious as an old threat resurfaces at the restaurant, prompting Connie to assert her authority and confront Dlangamandla to assert her dominance in Mzimhlophe.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Episode 32

Caught Off Guard

With Dlangamandla out of the picture, Connie takes charge of the restaurant, much to everyone’s dismay.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Episode 33

Asserting Identity

Connie asserts her influence at the restaurant, but Buhle accuses her of attempting to overshadow her struggling Shisanyama with her own establishment.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Episode 34

An Unexpected Inspection

Buhle faces a surprise inspection from a health inspector, leading her to reveal Connie’s takeover plans to the family.

Friday 24 May 2024

Episode 35

Truth Unveiled

Portia learns the truth about her biological mother.

Monday 27 May 2024

Episode 36

Facing Closure

Buhle is devastated as the restaurant fails inspection, forcing them to close down.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Episode 37

Desperate Measures

Connie’s arrest prompts her to leverage her connections, including Justice, to secure her release.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Episode 38

The Mastermind Revealed

Buhle breathes a sigh of relief as the inspection goes smoothly, finally uncovering the mastermind behind their troubles.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Episode 39

Uniting Forces

Buhle plans to relaunch the restaurant and is thankful when Connie pledges her support. However, Connie harbors a hidden agenda for the restaurant.

Friday 31 May 2024

Episode 40

Teaser Unavailable

Premiere episodes of Isiphetho: Destiny air on from Mondays to Fridays at 18h30.

Previous Episode: New! Isiphetho: Destiny April 2024 Teasers


As the month draws to a close, “Isiphetho: Destiny” leaves its audience with a powerful message of unity and perseverance. Despite the myriad of trials, including betrayal, unexpected revelations, and desperate measures, the characters find strength in solidarity. Buhle’s unwavering resolve to overcome adversity and the support she receives from allies like Connie culminate in a poignant finale where the true mastermind is revealed, and the community comes together to support the relaunch of the restaurant. It’s a testament to the show’s central theme: in the face of destiny, it’s our choices that define us.

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