“Isitha: The Enemy” is a gripping drama series that takes us on a journey through the lives of the Sokhulus, a family facing a series of challenges that test their unity and resolve. From urgent medical crises to internal family conflicts, each episode from May 2024 is a window into the complex dynamics of love, loyalty, and tradition.

Isitha: The Enemy 2 May 2024 Teasers

Wednesday 1 May 2024:

Episode 3

Urgent Situation

A dire situation arises with the urgent requirement for a kidney transplant. However, the potential donor is unconscious, leading to Velaphi’s insistence on proceeding with the procedure.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Episode 4

A Gesture of Trust

Solomzi hopes his willingness to aid Khaya will convince Chuma to have faith in him.

Friday 3 May 2024

Episode 5

Awakening to Tragedy

Nandi awakens only to be met with devastating news. Meanwhile, Nomcebo’s actions upset Mbuso, causing tension between him and the two women in his life.

Monday 6 May 2024

Episode 6

Unexpected Reunion

Nolitha, estranged from the family, arrives dressed in mourning attire to join the family in their grief.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Episode 7

From Celebration to Chaos

The Sokhulus organize a beautiful service that takes a sudden turn for the worse, culminating in a chaotic situation.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Episode 8

Honoring Tradition

The Sokhulus visit the hospital to retrieve the spirit of their departed loved one, a moment that both breaks and unites them.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Episode 9

Continued Conflict

The feud between the Mabutas and Sokhulus escalates as plans for violence are made, only to be surprised by Nandi’s unexpected actions. Additionally, the family receives a mixed surprise.

Friday 10 May 2024

Episode 10

Seeking Justice

The Sokhulus confront the Mkhize family, demanding the return of ashes. Meanwhile, TK supports Thenji while fulfilling his promise to aid them in their time of need.

Monday 13 May 2024

Episode 11

Unexpected Revelations

MamKhize is astonished by Nandi’s actions, prompting her to reveal a truth to Nomsa regarding the situation.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Episode 12

In Memory of Khaya

The Sokhulus hold a small ceremony in remembrance of Khaya. Meanwhile, Rebs worries about the potential consequences of Nolitha’s actions.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Episode 13

Consequences Unfold

Nolitha’s internal struggles lead her to make irreversible decisions, unsettling Rebs and sparking a chain of events.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Episode 14

Struggles Behind Bars

Velaphi faces challenges and unexpected alliances while incarcerated, while Big Daddy aims to prove himself.

Friday 17 May 2024

Episode 15

Inheritance Matters

The Sokhulus discuss an SMS from Khaya’s lawyer regarding his estate, leading to revelations about inheritance.

Monday 20 May 2024

Episode 16

Clash of Motives

Bra Solly’s vendetta against Rebecca clashes with Chuma’s desire for vengeance, leading to a dangerous conflict.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Episode 17

Unraveling Plots

TK questions Rebs about the poisoning, while Velaphi is assigned a dark task. Nkanyiso’s attempt to help Nolitha takes an unexpected turn.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Episode 18

Facing Consequences

Rebs faces health challenges while continuing to threaten the Sokhulus, leading to unforeseen consequences.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Episode 19

Conflicted Loyalties

Solomzi finds himself torn between his love for Nandi and his loyalty to the Sokhulus.

Friday 24 May 2024

Episode 20

Approaching Danger

Martha worries about Rebs’s mental state, while Chuma moves forward with his plans against Rebs.

Monday 27 May 2024

Episode 21

Difficult Choices

The Sokhulus propose a marriage alliance to the Mkhizes, placing Nandi in a difficult position.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Episode 22

Celebration and Conflict

Chuma announces a party to celebrate Rebs’s demise, while Rebs experiences a breakthrough. Meanwhile, Martha has her own moment of joy.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Episode 23

Support and Unity

Bandze offers support to Solomzi as he struggles with isolation within the Sokhulus. Meanwhile, Nandi and Solomzi grow closer in their fight against an unwanted tradition.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Episode 24

Revelations and Reflections

Solomzi is overwhelmed by Rebs’s tactics but uses the opportunity to share his feelings. Rebs also reflects on her past with Nkunzi.

Friday 31 May 2024

Episode 25

Concerns and Plans

Rebs’s behavior raises concerns, leading to plans for her well-being. Nka and Martha take action to ensure she gets the help she needs.

Premiere episodes of Isitha: The Enemy air on e.tv from Mondays to Fridays at 21h30.

Previous Episode: Isitha: The Enemy April 2024 Teasers


As May 2024 unfolds in “Isitha: The Enemy,” the Sokhulus and their extended family encounter unexpected situations that bring them closer together or push them further apart. Through trials of health, inheritance, and conflicting loyalties, they learn that the bonds of family and tradition are both fragile and strong, capable of weathering storms of adversity.

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