“Lost in Love” is a captivating drama series that takes viewers on a rollercoaster of emotions through the lives of its characters. In April 2024, the series unfolds a month filled with ambition, jealousy, betrayal, and redemption. We follow Savi, a determined individual with aspirations of civil service, and Ishaan, whose support and complex relationship with Savi drive much of the narrative. As the episodes progress, we witness the interplay of support and sabotage, love and conflict, and the trials that test the strength of relationships.

Lost in Love April 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 April 2024

Episode 1006

Ishaan encourages Savi to pursue her ambitions and assures her of his support. Shantanu is surprised by Ishaan’s unexpected arrival as he comes to aid Savi.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Episode 1007

Ishaan shares with his family his changed perspective regarding Savi, which triggers jealousy in Surekha, leading her to hatch a scheme.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Episode 1008

Ishaan guides Savi in her preparations for the civil service exams, challenging her with complex scenarios. Meanwhile, Durva plots to disrupt the Navratri celebration.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Episode 1009

After coercing a confession from Savi, Durva apologizes to her. The Bhosales are shocked to see a photo of Ishaan’s life partner.

Friday 5 April 2024

Episode 1010

Surekha prepares for the Navratri event, while Savi surprises everyone by suggesting Shuklaji’s mother as the guest of honor.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Episode 1011

Ishaan apologizes to Yashwanth and Surekha for his decision, but he becomes furious upon witnessing Savi and Bajirao’s joint performance.

Sunday 7 April 2024

Episode 1012

Savi rushes to aid Harinee after she is brutally mistreated by Kiran. Learning about Harinee’s miscarriage, Savi confronts Kiran in anger.

Monday 8 April 2024

Episode 1013

Savi is shocked to find Harinee attempting suicide on the terrace. Though Savi manages to dissuade her, Bhavani blames Savi for Harinee’s distress.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Episode 1014

Bhavani is astonished to discover Kiran’s cruel actions towards Harinee and Savi. Meanwhile, Ishaan expresses his disappointment at Savi missing the exam.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Episode 1015

Ishaan informs Savi that she’s unfit to be his student due to her irresponsibility. However, he learns the truth from Bajirao and acknowledges his mistake.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Episode 1016

Samarth arrives at the Bhosale residence with his parents, attempting to charm Durva, while Ishaan makes amends with Savi.

Friday 12 April 2024

Episode 1017

Ishaan devises a plan to apologize to Savi and decides to befriend her.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Episode 1018

Savi feels guilty upon learning of Harinee’s family’s financial struggles, while Samarth tries to impress the Bhosales.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Episode 1019

Savi’s job search consumes her, causing strain in her relationship with Ishaan. Skipping an important lecture adds to her stress.

Monday 15 April 2024

Episode 1020

Under pressure, Savi accepts a job with unusual rules, leading to a curfew violation upon returning late to the hostel.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Episode 1021

Savi and Ishaan clash over festival planning, resulting in her resignation from the organizing committee amid tension.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Episode 1022

Savi reconsiders and embraces her role as cultural secretary but struggles to resolve conflicts with Ishaan’s schedule.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Episode 1023

Ishaan follows Savi to a mysterious house where he discovers a blood-stained bag. A knife-wielding woman’s sudden appearance startles him.

Friday 19 April 2024

Episode 1024

Ishaan plans to surprise Savi by inviting Isha to the birthday party. Isha is touched upon receiving Shantanu’s invitation.

Saturday 20 April 2024

Episode 1025

Upon seeing a shooting star, Savi makes a promise, while Ashwini seeks Bhavani’s approval for a trip to Pune.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Episode 1026

Savi feels disappointed by the lack of enthusiasm from Isha and Ashwini for her birthday. Meanwhile, Ishaan orchestrates a surprise party for Savi, keeping her occupied with various tasks.

Monday 22 April 2024

Episode 1027

Savi is thrilled as her loved ones gather for her birthday, but chaos ensues when Durva and her team disrupt the party.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Episode 1028

Impressed by Bajirao’s thoughtful gift, Savi inadvertently neglects Ishaan, causing him to leave. Later, she discovers her transfer to Pune.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Episode 1029

Savi misunderstands Ishaan’s intentions after overhearing Durva. Meanwhile, Surekha grows suspicious of Ishaan’s feelings for Savi.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Episode 1030

The Bhosales visit Samarth’s false house for Durva’s wedding arrangements. Savi confronts Ishaan for leaving the party, feeling insulted by his behavior towards Ashwini and Isha.

Friday 26 April 2024

Episode 1031

Ishaan rebukes Savi for inviting Bajirao to the party and confides in Shantanu about his troubles.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Episode 1032

Harinee is overjoyed by Ishaan’s proposal. Savi sets a condition before considering his proposal.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Episode 1033

Harinee agrees to perform at Ishaan’s house but insists on Savi’s presence. Savi seeks Ishaan’s approval before visiting to prevent any disruptions.

Monday 29 April 2024

Episode 1034

Harinee delivers an outstanding performance despite her nerves. However, Surekha humiliates her in front of the Bhosales and guests.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Episode 1035

Savi leaves the party with Harinee and exposes Samrudh and his family’s deception in front of the Bhosales.

Premiere episodes of Lost in Love air on Star Life from Mondays to Wednesdays at 19h00.

Previous Teaser: Lost in Love March 2024 Teasers


April’s journey in “Lost in Love” brings us to a poignant close as characters confront their inner demons and the consequences of their actions. The month’s episodes highlight the resilience of the human spirit, the complexity of relationships, and the power of forgiveness. As Savi navigates through her trials, the support of loved ones and the strength of her convictions shine through, leaving viewers with a sense of hope and anticipation for what the future holds.

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