In the bustling world of “My Desire,” the month of June 2024 unfolds a tapestry of drama and intrigue. As the characters navigate through a labyrinth of emotions and conspiracies, each episode peels back layers of their complex lives. At the heart of this saga is Kaashvi, whose resilience and determination shine through as she faces challenges that test her integrity and willpower. From uncovering truths to standing up against deceit, Kaashvi’s journey is a testament to the human spirit’s unyielding quest for justice.

My Desire June 2024 Teasers

Saturday 1 June 2024

Episode 1153

Arjun is taken aback by the sudden stoppage of the factory ritual; Kaashvi uncovers a flaw in Pradyumna’s documents to challenge him.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Episode 1154

Vandana interrogates Vijay regarding his luggage; he misleads her. Upon discovering Tara’s departure, Vandana implores Kunal to search for her.

Monday 3 June 2024

Episode 1155

The Bajwas are taken by surprise when Arjun is detained for attacking Pradyumna. With Pradyumna in a coma, Arjun’s request for bail is rejected.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Episode 1156

Jagdeesh accuses Kaashvi of declining to lie under oath. Kaashvi struggles with the dilemma of saving Arjun or upholding the truth.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Episode 1157

Kaashvi’s testimony inadvertently damages Arjun’s defense, culminating in a verdict of guilt. Subsequently, Mahima’s unexpected declaration renders everyone speechless.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Episode 1158

Mahima’s allegations against Pradyumna confirm Arjun’s innocence. The Bajwas commend Mahima for her efforts to exonerate Arjun.

Friday 7 June 2024

Episode 1159

As misunderstandings escalate, Kaashvi reaches a startling resolution regarding her relationship with Arjun.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Episode 1160

Kaashvi stumbles upon an enigmatic key in Arjun’s chamber, linked to a post office box. Concurrently, Nitya becomes aware of Kaashvi’s rendezvous with Aruna.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Episode 1161

Nitya’s henchmen accost Kaashvi while she assists a soon-to-be mother; she attempts to fend them off solo. Nitya is perturbed by Arjun’s unexpected appearance.

Monday 10 June 2024

Episode 1162

Kaashvi reveals to Arjun the tragic news of Aruna’s demise and the discovery of the key in his possession. Nitya schemes to cast doubt on Kaashvi’s suspicions.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Episode 1163

Kaashvi uncovers the truth behind Mohit’s assault attempt as a plot orchestrated by Mahima. She confronts Mahima, threatening to expose her.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Episode 1164

Mahima dares Kaashvi to substantiate her claims. Unfazed, Kaashvi decides to undergo a polygraph test to unveil Mahima’s deceit.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Episode 1165

Arjun chastises Kaashvi for her altercation with Jagdish and insists she depart. Kaashvi, however, remains resolute in revealing Mahima’s duplicity.

Friday 14 June 2024

Episode 1166

Mahima and Nitya hatch a plot to entrap Kaashvi by anonymously supplying her with fabricated information about a riot.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Episode 1167

Kaashvi finds herself ensnared in a refrigerated chamber by thugs, only to be shocked by the sight of an insensible Arjun confined alongside her.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Episode 1168

Arjun regains consciousness in the hospital, and Mahima concocts a heroic narrative, claiming she was his savior.

Monday 17 June 2024

Episode 1169

Kaashvi happens upon Dadaji’s safe deposit box key and unearths incriminating evidence against Nitya. In disguise, Nitya intervenes, annihilating the proof.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Episode 1170

Kaashvi is aghast to witness Arjun and Mahima in a delicate situation; she lays bare Nitya’s fabrications, provoking Arjun’s vehement reaction.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Episode 1171

Arjun confronts Nitya regarding the veracity of Samrat and Nayantara’s demise. Overwhelmed by emotion, he collapses as Kaashvi severs their ties.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Episode 1172

With Nitya’s assistance, Mahima devises a fictitious pregnancy narrative to captivate Arjun’s attention. Simultaneously, Kaashvi is astonished to learn of her own expectancy.

Friday 21 June 2024

Episode 1173

Mahima persuades Arjun of her expectant state. Kaashvi returns, intent on sharing her own news of pregnancy, only to be stunned by Arjun’s nuptials with Mahima.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Episode 1174

Mahima plots with her physician to kidnap Kaashvi’s newborn. Kaashvi is left heartbroken by the erroneous announcement of her infant’s passing.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Episode 1175

Kaashvi bravely confronts a ring of child smugglers, rescuing an infant. Concurrently, Mahima cunningly influences Kaashvi’s son to solicit a new mobile device from Arjun.

Monday 24 June 2024

Episode 1176

Karun narrowly escapes an accident while attempting to purloin a phone. Kaashvi intervenes, saving him and experiencing an inexplicable connection upon their embrace.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Episode 1177

Kaashvi escorts Karun to her abode to await Arjun’s arrival. Subsequently, she compassionately tends to his culinary mishap.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Episode 1178

Mahima opts out of accompanying Arjun to fetch Karun. Kaashvi relishes her moments with Karun, oblivious to Arjun’s impending visit to her dwelling.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Episode 1179

Daadi proposes that Kaashvi advance her career with a promotion in Faridabad, yet Kaashvi adamantly declines the opportunity.

Friday 28 June 2024

Episode 1180

At the carnival, child traffickers target Kaashvi for retribution. She endeavors to reunite Karun with his biological parents, but they are besieged by the criminals.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Episode 1181

Kaashvi is abducted at the carnival, but Karun’s astute actions facilitate her liberation. Subsequently, the malefactors retaliate, seizing Karun.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Episode 1182

Karun’s captors coerce Kaashvi into accepting a promotion in exchange for his freedom. Later, they stipulate the liberation of their compatriots as a condition.

Premiere episodes of My Desire are broadcast on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 20h00.

Previous Teaser: My Desire May 2024 Teasers


As the sun sets on the captivating episodes of “My Desire” in June 2024, we are left with a profound reflection on the essence of truth and the power of conviction. Kaashvi’s odyssey through trials and tribulations culminates in a crescendo of emotional revelations and courageous decisions. Her unwavering commitment to what is right, despite the personal costs, offers a beacon of hope and inspiration. In a world riddled with shadows, Kaashvi’s story illuminates the path to redemption and the indomitable strength of love and truth.

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