Naagin is a popular Indian television series that revolves around the lives of shape-shifting serpents who seek revenge, love, and justice in the human world. The show has been running for five seasons, and the sixth season is set to premiere on January 1, 2024. The sixth season promises to deliver more twists, turns, and drama as the characters face new enemies, secrets, and challenges. In this article, we will summarize the main events of each episode of the sixth season, and answer some frequently asked questions about the show.

Naagin 6 January 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 January 2024

Episode 134

In the latest events, Professor Jeet’s involvement with Prathana has been exposed, leaving Mehar in a state of confusion regarding her biological parents and the ones who raised her. Additionally, Ajay and Swarna have openly confessed their love for each other.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Episode 135

Prathna confides in her mother, Pratha, sharing the inner turmoil she faces. She reveals a shocking revelation: having to take the life of someone who, despite raising her like a father, was revealed to be an enemy of their country.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Episode 136

Prathana makes a startling discovery that Mrignayani, not Mahek, met her demise. In a tragic turn of events, Mahek is responsible for the demise of Prathana, Raghu, and their daughters.

Thursday 4 January 2024

Episode 137

Once again, Prathna confides in her mother, Pratha, detailing the difficult decision she had to make—taking the life of someone she considered a father, only to discover his betrayal to their country.

Friday 5 January 2024

Episode 138

Revelations unfold as Prathana learns the truth about Mrignayani’s demise, not Mahek’s. The consequence is severe, leading to the demise of Prathana, Raghu, and their daughters at the hands of Mahek.

Monday 8 January 2024

Episode 139

Raghav and Pragati’s paths cross when Pragati misses her bus. Raghav assists her in finding the bus, and they engage in a lighthearted conversation before Pragati rejoins her friends waiting on the bus.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Episode 140

Raghav encounters a mysterious girl at the Gujral House, prompting him to question her presence. Subsequently, he unveils his plans for an exotic photoshoot in the jungle.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Episode 141

Raghav finds himself transported to an unfamiliar location, bewildered by the abrupt change in surroundings. With curiosity and confusion, he seeks answers about his whereabouts and the force behind his sudden relocation.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Episode 142

Pratha cautions Pragati about the challenges ahead, and Pragati attempts to thwart Mahek’s plans, only to be halted by Takshak, emphasizing that only the combined efforts of Raghav and Pragati can put an end to Mahek’s menace.

Friday 12 January 2024

Episode 143

Mr. Sunder discovers an opened chest recovered from the Yamuna River, containing a photo of Pragati, shocking him. Meanwhile, Pragati faces a perilous situation when Raghav, under mysterious circumstances, shoots her, causing her to fall off a cliff.

Monday 15 January 2024

Episode 144

Pragati adopts the guise of Julie and takes up a role in Mahek’s household, offering care to Ajay as a nurse. Concerned about the unsettling events in Mahek’s family, she suggests they all take a holiday.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Episode 145

Raghav grapples with the revelation of his identity as a Naag and his apparent role in Pragati’s demise. Meanwhile, Ajay assures Swarna that he is well but warns against revealing the truth about Pragati to Mahek.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Episode 146

In the series finale, Pragati and Raghav devise a plan to use Mahek’s venom and a Mandala to create a potent weapon against her. They obtain the venom from Swarna, who exposes Mahek’s deceptive actions.

A rebroadcast of Dayan, Destructive Beauty replaces Naagin once it ends.

Premiere episodes of Naagin air on eExtra from Monday to Friday at 15h25.


Naagin is a thrilling and captivating show that explores the themes of love, betrayal, revenge, and destiny. The sixth season of Naagin will bring the story to a climactic end, as the protagonists Pragati and Raghav fight against the evil Mahek and her allies. The show will also reveal the mysteries behind the characters’ pasts, identities, and fates. Naagin is a must-watch for fans of fantasy, romance, and drama.

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