April 2024 brings a whirlwind of emotions and suspense to the screen with the latest episodes of “Beyond Love.” The series continues to captivate audiences with its intricate plot, where love intertwines with danger, and every character’s move could be a matter of life and death. From Yash’s home being set on fire to Chikki’s close encounters with a masked assailant, the stakes have never been higher. As the episodes unfold, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of protective instincts, heartfelt confessions, and life-threatening challenges that test the bonds of family and love.

Beyond Love April 2024 Teasers

Monday 15 April 2024

Episode 8

Yash’s home is set ablaze by a masked assailant who challenges him openly. Meanwhile, Chikki faces difficulties stemming from her uncle.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Episode 9

Yash becomes overly protective of his family after the assault, while Chikki finds happiness in receiving a heartfelt love letter.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Episode 10

Thinking the love letter is from Yash, Chikki celebrates. Meanwhile, the Chauhans welcome the Malhotras as Shivani meets with Sham, a potential groom.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Episode 11

Delighted by the letter, Chikki visits Yash’s house to graciously decline, only to face embarrassment. Later, she unwittingly delivers food to the masked attacker.

Friday 19 April 2024

Episode 12

During a perilous situation, armed assailants besiege the police station. Yashvardhan discreetly signals Chikki to hand him a concealed weapon nearby.

Saturday 20 April 2024

Episode 13

Yash plans to apprehend Jaggi Raja’s son for assaulting his officer, but someone beats him to it. Meanwhile, Chikki’s attempt to apologize at Yash’s house turns violent.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Episode 14

Chikki goes to great lengths to aid Yashvardhan in safeguarding his family from snipers. Meanwhile, his grandmother remains focused on upholding traditions and values.

Monday 22 April 2024

Episode 15

Chikki joins the police when Yash requests backup. Observing snipers threatening Yash’s family, Chikki takes decisive action.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Episode 16

Yashvardhan and Chikki engage in a thrilling car chase as they try to escort the Chauhans to safety. Dodging danger at every turn, reaching the safe house proves to be a challenge.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Episode 17

Misled by manipulated evidence and driven by vengeance, Jaggi holds Yashvardhan and the Chauhans at gunpoint. Chikki must set the record straight before it’s too late.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Episode 18

Chikki unknowingly creates an opportunity for the serial killer to strike at the hospital. By the time Yashvardhan arrives, the damage is already done.

Friday 26 April 2024

Episode 19

Chikki is gripped with fear as the serial killer ambushes her in the dark. She fights desperately to break free but finds herself at his mercy.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Episode 20

Seizing a moment when the serial killer is momentarily absent, Chikki hastily repairs a broken landline and reaches out to a stranger for assistance.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Episode 21

Yashvardhan watches with regret as Chikki’s life hangs in the balance. Time is running out; if he doesn’t find her soon, she may become another victim.

Monday 29 April 2024

Episode 22

While discussing the serial murders with fellow officers, Yashvardhan and Chikki are unaware that the culprit is eavesdropping on them using a hidden listening device.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Episode 23

As engagement preparations proceed, Yashvardhan and Chikki piece together clues to unravel why the serial killer is targeting them.

Premiere episodes of Beyond Love are broadcast on Star Life every night at 22h30.

Latest Teaser: Beyond Love June 2024 Teasers


The April 2024 teasers of “Beyond Love” leave us on the edge of our seats, as each episode escalates the tension and drama. With Chikki’s bravery and Yashvardhan’s determination, the show paints a vivid picture of heroism in the face of adversity. As the month concludes, we are left pondering the motives of a serial killer and the fate of our beloved characters. The series promises more twists and turns, ensuring that viewers will be eagerly tuning in to Star Life every night at 22h30 for the premiere episodes.


What challenges do Yash and Chikki face in April 2024?

They deal with a series of life-threatening situations, including arson, armed assaults, and a serial killer on the loose.

How does the relationship between Yash and Chikki evolve?

Their relationship is tested by various trials, leading to moments of protection, misunderstanding, and ultimately, teamwork against a common enemy.

What time are the premiere episodes of Beyond Love broadcast?

The premiere episodes are broadcast on Star Life every night at 22h30.

Is there a theme that runs through the April 2024 episodes?

Yes, the theme of survival against escalating dangers and the power of love and courage in overcoming them is prevalent throughout the episodes.

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