Welcome to the world of “Evil Affairs,” a gripping series that takes you on a journey through the mystical and perilous paths of Bhurangarh. This April, brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions, rituals, and revelations as we follow the lives of Piyush, Nikki, and a cast of enigmatic characters. From the sacred guidance of Babaji to the dark demands of Malik, each episode unfolds new layers of intrigue and suspense.

Evil Affairs April 2024 Teasers

Monday 8 April 2024

Episode 1

The series kicks off with Dai Ma following Babaji’s guidance, while Kapalika, displaying bravery, chooses to end her own life. After the wedding of Piyush and Nikki, they receive an invitation to return to Bhurangarh.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Episode 2

As Piyush and Nikki journey to Bhurangad, Vikram is tasked by Kapalika to greet them. Later, Nikki is compelled by Piyush’s family to partake in the Shaitani Ramein ceremony.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Episode 3

Vikram cautions Piyush about Malik’s wrath and the repercussions if Nikki refuses the Shaitani Rasmein. Meanwhile, Nikki experiences a peculiar encounter.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Episode 4

Nikki is taken aback by her unexpected wedding attire and becomes increasingly anxious as she is pressured into participating in unsettling rituals.

Friday 12 April 2024

Episode 5

Nikki’s dread reaches its peak as she is coerced into a disturbing ritual to consummate her marriage. Subsequently, she collapses, pleading with Piyush to take her back to Bhurangarh.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Episode 6

Aarohi assists Nikki in comprehending the importance of the rituals and persuades her to join in. Later, Nikki learns about Anjali and queries Piyush about her.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Episode 7

Suspecting Nikki, Kapalika initiates the next ritual to uncover her mysterious identity. Nikki is stunned by the ritual and adamantly refuses to participate.

Monday 15 April 2024

Episode 8

Nikki returns unharmed after completing the harrowing ritual. Vikram advises Piyush to handle Nikki with care, acknowledging her pivotal role in safeguarding their domain.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Episode 9

Failing to persuade Piyush, Nikki resolves to flee Bhurangarh alone. Upon being apprehended, she vehemently refuses to comply with the rituals.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Episode 10

Piyush regrets not aiding Nikki’s escape from Bhurangarh for her safety. Vikram instructs him to manipulate Nikki into willingly participating in all the rituals.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Episode 11

Nikki finds herself torn between her own well-being and the fate of Bhurangarh as she confronts a challenging decision. The sudden arrival of Veronika during the ritual surprises everyone.

Friday 19 April 2024

Episode 12

Veronika devises a plan to swap positions with Nikki in the Bhurangarh ritual to win Piyush’s affection. After facing Sumitra’s wrath, Nikki breaks down.

Saturday 20 April 2024

Episode 13

Nikki informs Piyush about Sumitra’s actions, but he dismisses her concerns and urges her to send Veronika away. Sumitra offers herself up for sacrifice.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Episode 14

Pratik suggests sacrificing Veronika to absolve them of their troubles. Upon learning about Veronika’s ulterior motives from Aarohi, Sumitra devises a scheme.

Monday 22 April 2024

Episode 15

Aarohi reveals to Nikki how Veronika attempted to seduce Piyush, while the family plans to offer Veronika as a sacrifice to Malik. Aarohi presents Nikki with evidence.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Episode 16

Upon discovering Piyush and Veronika’s clandestine meeting, Nikki decides to confront them. Subsequently, she faints upon witnessing Veronika’s dreadful demise.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Episode 17

Kapalika demands that Vikram appease Malik’s fury or face dire consequences. Nikki stands firm, threatening to expose Piyush’s family secrets.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Episode 18

Nikki breaks down in tears as she is blamed for Aarohi’s miscarriage by everyone. Determined to save her family from Malik’s malevolent grasp, she decides to perform the rituals.

Friday 26 April 2024

Episode 19

After witnessing the severe repercussions of defying Maalik’s orders, Nikki resolves to carry out the rituals. Meanwhile, Kapalika schemes to complicate Nikki’s journey.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Episode 20

Nikki ventures to the graveyard and carves Piyush’s name onto her arm with a knife, but the name momentarily changes. She then faces an onslaught of malevolent spirits.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Episode 21

Gayatri enlightens Nikki with the truth, urging her to confront Malik. Kapalika becomes furious upon witnessing Malik’s eagerness to wed Nikki.

Monday 29 April 2024

Episode 22

The Gehlots rejoice as Malik returns Aarohi’s deceased child and impregnates her again. Meanwhile, Nikki manipulates Rachna into meeting Malik, unveiling the mystery of Bhurangarh.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Episode 23

Nikki acquires divine strength to combat Kapalika’s dark forces after a perilous confrontation. Meanwhile, Rachana’s pursuit to meet Malik places her in grave danger.

Premiere episodes of Evil Affairs air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 22h00.

Latest Teaser: Evil Affairs June 2024 Teasers


As April comes to a close, the intense saga of “Evil Affairs” leaves us with bated breath. The Gehlots’ joy, Nikki’s newfound strength, and the looming threat of Kapalika’s dark forces set the stage for a battle between good and evil. The fate of Bhurangarh hangs in the balance, and the mysteries continue to deepen. Tune in to Star Life for the premiere episodes and witness the unfolding drama every night at 22h00.


What central theme runs through the “Evil Affairs” April 2024 teasers? 

 The central theme is the conflict between ancient rituals and personal morality, as characters grapple with the demands of tradition versus their own well-being.

Who is Malik, and why is he significant to the plot?

Malik is a powerful entity whose wrath and demands drive the rituals in Bhurangarh. His influence is pivotal to the unfolding events and the characters’ destinies.

How does Nikki’s character evolve throughout the series? 

Nikki’s character evolves from a naive bride to a strong-willed woman who confronts the dark forces and stands up against the malevolent entities threatening her family.

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