In the heartwarming series “You Have My Heart,” we follow the journey of Deepa, a woman whose kindness shines like a beacon in her community. Despite the shadows cast by her stepmother Ratna’s cruel words about her skin color, Deepa’s spirit remains unbroken. As we weave through the days of June 2024, we witness the complexities of love, family, and the strength of a pure heart in the face of adversity.

You Have My Heart June 2024 Teasers

Saturday 8 June 2024

Episode 1

Deepa, a kind-hearted soul, lends a helping hand to those around her. Yet, in the face of her generosity, her stepmother Ratna persistently mocks her for her darker skin tone.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Episode 2

Initially, Ratna is against the idea of Urmi getting married as suggested by Ajay and Deepa, but she quickly warms up to the idea when Labanya makes a proposal.

Monday 10 June 2024

Episode 3

In an unexpected turn of emotions, Urmi finds herself drawn to Suraj rather than Joy. Compelled by her new feelings, she makes the decision to become Suraj’s bride.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Episode 4

After moving with her family, Urmi brings along Deepa for help. Labanya, infuriated by Deepa’s plea, retaliates with a slap.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Episode 5

Labanya degrades Deepa for getting in her way into the house, and Suraj’s temper flares when he learns of Urmi’s love proclamation.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Episode 6

Suraj grows weary of Urmi’s constant outbursts and becomes enchanted by Deepa’s pure-hearted nature. He takes Urmi by surprise by arranging her marriage date with Joy.

Friday 14 June 2024

Episode 7

Labanya forces Deepa into a life of servitude, treating her with extreme harshness. Ajay expresses his regret to Deepa for not ensuring her marriage took place before Urmi’s.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Episode 8

Ratna and her mother conspire to wed Deepa off to Raju. The sight of Deepa and Suraj together leaves Ratna and Urmi seething with anger.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Episode 9

Suraj delivers a firm reprimand to Urmi for her exasperating antics. He can’t help but feel compassion when he sees Joy’s tender feelings for her.

Monday 17 June 2024

Episode 10

As Urmi and Joy’s engagement unfolds, Labanya forbids Ratna from bringing Deepa along. Nevertheless, Deepa resolves to go to the event on her own.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Episode 11

Deepa makes it to the event but faints at the threshold. Labanya scorns her, reducing her to nothing more than a servant. In a moment of anger, Ajay discloses that Deepa is his own flesh and blood.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Episode 12

Labanya, in a fit of rage, injures Megha during a gathering, prompting Palak to confront her assertively. Suraj is perturbed to find Urmi in his office.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Episode 13

With Deepa’s family away, Raju makes a sinister visit to her home. Suraj uncovers Ratna’s malicious intentions towards Deepa.

Friday 21 June 2024

Episode 14

Ajay admits to Suraj’s affection for Deepa while concealing his own inability to have children. Suraj seizes the moment to declare his love for Deepa.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Episode 15

Deepa is heartbroken over the ruin of her flower shop’s orders. In the meantime, Labanya unleashes her wrath on Urmi for her insolence towards Joy.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Episode 16

Suraj reassures Ajay of his unwavering commitment to protect Deepa, drawing Labanya’s scrutiny. Labanya insists that Suraj come clean about the truth.

Monday 24 June 2024

Episode 17

Ratna and her mother resort to bribing Labanya. They then stealthily follow Deepa and Ajay, eager to discover the identity of the groom.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Episode 18

Urmi waits with bated breath for Suraj at her birthday celebration. Concurrently, Suraj and Deepa engage in matrimonial ceremonies under Ajay’s watchful eye.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Episode 19

Following their nuptials, Suraj and Deepa make their entrance at Urmi’s birthday bash. Labanya is taken aback to see them as a wedded couple.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Episode 20

Labanya is unsettled by Deepa’s rising influence and dreads her potential control. When Suraj and Deepa seek blessings at the Sen House, Labanya coldly turns them away.

Friday 28 June 2024

Episode 21

Overcome with fury, Labanya takes aim at Suraj’s photograph with a gun. Simultaneously, a drunken Joy pours out his heart to Deepa, who pledges her support.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Episode 22

Suraj warns Ratna to refrain from causing harm to Deepa. Palak plans a Bouvat ceremony for the couple, inviting Suraj and Deepa to be honored.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Episode 23

Tayuji orders Anuja to warmly receive Suraj and Deepa into the Sengupta residence. Meanwhile, a jealous Urmi plots to spoil their wedding night.

The premiere episodes of “You Have My Heart” are broadcast on Star Life every day from Monday to Sunday at 21:30.


As the month of June comes to a close, the tale of “You Have My Heart” leaves us with a tapestry of emotions. From the dark schemes to the bright promise of new beginnings, each character’s path intertwines to tell a story of resilience and hope. Deepa’s unwavering goodness and Suraj’s newfound love stand as testaments to the power of compassion over malice. In a world where hearts are often hidden, this series reminds us that love, when true, can conquer all.

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