“Night of Doom” is a thrilling supernatural drama series that follows the lives of Raghav, Vaidehi, and their families as they face the evil forces of Kalasur, a powerful witch who wants to destroy them. The series is full of twists and turns, suspense and romance, as the protagonists try to overcome the challenges and dangers posed by Kalasur and his allies. In November 2023, the series reaches its climax as Raghav and Vaidehi face their final battle against Kalasur and his daughter Sanjana, who have a sinister plan to end their lives.

Night of Doom November 2023 Teasers

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Episode 59

Vaidehi and Raghav find themselves in a perilous situation within a haveli, while Sanjana hatches a plot against Vaidehi.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Episode 60

A witch cunningly deceives a young village girl and places a curse on Raghav, prompting concerned villagers, including Guruji and the police, to issue a warning to Vaidehi and Raghav regarding this ominous predicament.

Friday 3 November 2023

Episode 61

Raghav falls under the hypnotic influence of Sanjana, and Vaidehi’s life hangs in the balance as Sanjana’s associate plots her demise.

Saturday 4 November 2023

Episode 62

Sanjana manipulates Raghav with a manipulated photograph, while Karan valiantly defends Gauri from an assailant.

Sunday 5 November 2023

Episode 63

Sanjana makes an attempt to beguile Raghav with a spell, while Vaidehi diligently strives to convince him of her true identity as Gauri.

Monday 6 November 2023

Episode 64

Under the influence of Sanjana, Raghav makes a fateful decision that leaves Vaidehi devastated, leading to a confrontation between the two.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Episode 65

Vaidehi is deeply troubled by the accusations made by Sanjana. An undercover aide of Sanjana aids in trapping Raghav by posing as Karan.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Episode 66

Vaidehi unveils the true intentions of Sanjana, rescues Raghav, and forms an alliance with him as they embark on a mission to locate Karan.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Episode 67

Sanjana exerts her manipulative influence over Karan, causing Vaidehi to become increasingly suspicious of his unusual behavior.

Friday 10 November 2023

Episode 68

Pandit engages in a fierce battle against Sanjana and her allies to protect Raghav’s family, but later ends up aiding Kalasur in regaining his life.

Saturday 11 November 2023

Episode 69

Sanjana resorts to blackmail, threatening Raghav’s sister’s life to coerce him into removing his sacred thread. She then proceeds with an enigmatic ritual to execute her malevolent plan.

Sunday 12 November 2023

Episode 70

Series finale!

Guruji counsels Vaidehi to perform a ritual and enter the spirit realm to rescue Raghav from imminent danger.

“Night of Doom” will be replaced by “Divya-Drishti” starting from Monday, 13 November.

The premiere episodes of “Night of Doom” will continue to air on Star Life from Mondays to Fridays at 22:00.


“Night of Doom” is a captivating series that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and amazing performances. The series showcases the themes of love, courage, faith, and family as Raghav and Vaidehi fight for their survival and happiness. The series also explores the mystical aspects of Indian culture and mythology, such as witchcraft, curses, rituals, and reincarnation. The series ends with a bang as Raghav and Vaidehi defeat Kalasur and Sanjana in a spectacular showdown and reunite with their loved ones.


Who are the main characters of “Night of Doom”?

The main characters of “Night of Doom” are Raghav Mahendru, a successful businessman who is the reincarnation of King Vikramaditya; Vaidehi Sharma, a journalist who is the reincarnation of Queen Gauri; Karan Mahendru, Raghav’s younger brother who is loyal to him; Gauri Mahendru, Raghav’s sister who is married to Karan; Pandit Ji, a priest who helps Raghav and Vaidehi against Kalasur; Kalasur, a powerful witch who wants to kill Raghav and Vaidehi; Sanjana Singhania, Kalasur’s daughter who pretends to be Raghav’s friend but is actually his enemy.

What is the plot of “Night of Doom”?

The plot of “Night of Doom” revolves around the curse that Kalasur has placed on Raghav and Vaidehi in their previous lives as King Vikramaditya and Queen Gauri. Kalasur was in love with Gauri but she rejected him and married Vikramaditya. Kalasur killed them both on their wedding night and vowed to kill them in every birth. In the present day, Raghav and Vaidehi meet again and fall in love, unaware of their past connection. Kalasur tries to stop them from being together by using various methods such as black magic, possession, deception, kidnapping, etc. Raghav and Vaidehi also discover their true identities and powers as Vikramaditya and Gauri and try to break the curse with the help of Pandit Ji.

How does “Night of Doom” end?

Night of Doom” ends with a final confrontation between Raghav and Vaidehi on one side and Kalasur and Sanjana on the other side. Kalasur and Sanjana have kidnapped Karan and Gauri and are using them as bait to lure Raghav and Vaidehi into a trap. They plan to kill them by using a special dagger that can pierce their hearts. However, Raghav and Vaidehi manage to escape from their clutches and reach the temple where Kalasur and Sanjana are waiting for them. They engage in a fierce battle with them, using their weapons and powers. They manage to defeat them by stabbing them with the same dagger that they intended to use on them. They then free Karan and Gauri from their captivity and celebrate their victory. They also thank Pandit Ji for his guidance and support. They then return to their home where they are welcomed by their family and friends. They finally get married in a grand ceremony and live happily ever after.

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