Redemption” is a riveting drama series airing on in January 2024. The series is filled with suspense, intrigue, and emotional turmoil, as it explores the lives of its characters. From Faith’s astonishing discovery of her father’s presence to the unexpected appearance of Pastor Simon, the series takes the audience on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Redemption on January 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 January 2024

Episode 31

Faith, confronted with mortality, is astonished to discover her father’s presence, and the unexpected appearance of Pastor Simon.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Episode 32

Evelyn is hurried to the hospital, sparking familial dread about potential dire outcomes.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Episode 33

Evelyn urges Zwelakhe and Yvonne to reconcile, aiming to prevent Yvonne from involving the police. Simultaneously, Faith and Sabelo grapple with the strain caused by lobola issues.

Thursday 4 January 2024

Episode 34

Taking matters into her own hands, Faith enlists Mthethwa to secretly contribute to her lobola without Sabelo’s knowledge.

Friday 5 January 2024

Episode 35

Zwelakhe succumbs to drug temptation, Oupa and Thato’s relationship reaches a nadir, and the hostility between Sabelo and Faith escalates.

Monday 8 January 2024

Episode 36

The Zikode family’s worst fears materialize with the discovery of a body in a shallow grave. Refiloe accuses Oupa of driving Thato away when he goes AWOL.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Episode 37

CCTV footage reveals the person responsible for burying Pastor Simon. Meanwhile, Refiloe receives a call from Thato, expressing a desire to distance himself from his father.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Episode 38

Sibling discord persists as the truth fails to absolve Sabelo. Oupa’s attempts to reach out to Thato prove futile, while Zwelakhe and Yvonne rediscover their connection.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Episode 39

Sabelo interrogates the Zikodes, unveiling Yvonne as Pastor Simon’s shooter. Oupa is left deserted as Refiloe also departs.

Friday 12 January 2024

Episode 40

Sabelo confronts the Zikodes for their deceit, Oupa turns to alcohol for solace, and Sabelo confesses to Mthethwa about his firearm.

Monday 15 January 2024

Episode 41

Mthethwa discovers the Zikodes’ involvement in Pastor Simon’s death and extends a lifeline. Sabelo seeks protection for Faith due to her connection to the crime.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Episode 42

The Zikodes face internal divisions as they grapple with sacrificing one of their own for Simon’s murder. AK seeks retribution for his brother’s death.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Episode 43

Faith and Sabelo’s relationship faces trouble due to Sabelo’s wife, and Sabelo incurs Nimrod’s enmity.

Thursday 18 January 2024

Episode 44

The reopening of Good Word Ministries brings spiritual fervor and unexpected drama. Faith and Sabelo’s impending marriage is jeopardized by a deadly incident.

Friday 19 January 2024

Episode 45

Pastor Simon’s will causes turmoil within the Zikode family, sparking conflict between Faith and Zwelakhe.

Monday 22 January 2024

Episode 46

Faith faces a dilemma when the wife of her paramour invites her to dinner.

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Episode 47

Faith decides the fate of her relationship with Sabelo, crossing a dangerous line they cannot undo.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Episode 48

Sabelo intends to confess his feelings for Faith to Sindiswa, but tragedy strikes, affecting everyone’s lives.

Thursday 25 January 2024

Episode 49

Faith makes a final decision about her and Sabelo’s future, while he struggles to keep Pastor Simon’s information secret.

Friday 26 January 2024

Episode 50

As Sabelo edges closer to the truth, Nimrod and Mthethwa make a life-altering decision.

Monday 29 January 2024

Episode 51

Faith and Sabelo’s affair culminates in a violent shootout, Zwelakhe’s grand miracle collapses, and Oupa rejects Thato’s gesture with disdain.

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Episode 52

Despite doubts and media speculation, Zwelakhe rekindles his fake miracle endeavors. Faith’s heartfelt expression of love for Sabelo leaves Sindiswa stunned.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Episode 53

Mama Ngema’s schemes are exposed, and Evelyn learns of Zwelakhe’s involvement in fake miracles.

Redemption airs on from Mondays to Fridays at 20h30.

Previous Teaser: Redemption on December 2023 Teasers


In conclusion, “Redemption” on in January 2024 offers a captivating narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With a series of dramatic events, from familial conflicts to shocking revelations, the series provides an engaging viewing experience. The month ends with Mama Ngema’s schemes being exposed and Evelyn learning about Zwelakhe’s involvement in fake miracles, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next installment.


Who is Pastor Simon and why is he important to the story?

Pastor Simon is the founder and leader of Good Word Ministries, a charismatic church that attracts many followers, including the Zikode family. He is also the biological father of Faith, the main protagonist of the show, who was unaware of his existence until he appeared in her life. Pastor Simon plays a crucial role in the story, as he is involved in many secrets, scandals, and crimes that affect the lives of the characters. He is also a source of conflict and tension between Faith and her adoptive family, as well as between Faith and Sabelo, her love interest.

What is lobola and why does it cause strain between Faith and Sabelo?

Lobola is a traditional custom in some African cultures, where the groom or his family pays a bride price to the bride’s family as a sign of respect and appreciation. It is usually negotiated between the two families, and can involve money, cattle, or other goods. In the show, lobola causes strain between Faith and Sabelo, because Sabelo is unable to afford the amount that Faith’s family demands, and feels ashamed and inadequate. Faith tries to help him by secretly asking Mthethwa, a wealthy businessman and her former boss, to contribute to her lobola, but this leads to more problems and misunderstandings.

What are the fake miracles that Zwelakhe performs and why does he do them?

Zwelakhe is Faith’s adoptive brother and a pastor at Good Word Ministries. He is also a drug addict and a fraud, who uses his charisma and influence to manipulate people and make money. He performs fake miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out demons, by using actors, props, and special effects. He does them to attract more followers, donations, and fame, as well as to cover up his addiction and debts. He also does them to compete with Pastor Simon, who he sees as a rival and a threat.

Who is Sindiswa and what is her relationship with Sabelo?

Sindiswa is Sabelo’s wife, whom he married in a traditional ceremony. She is a kind and loyal woman, who loves Sabelo and supports him in his work as a police officer. However, she is unaware of his affair with Faith, and the secrets he is keeping from her. She is also friends with Faith, and invites her to dinner, unaware of the tension between them.

What is the significance of the Good Word Ministries church in the story?

The Good Word Ministries church is a central location and a source of drama in the story. It is where Pastor Simon preaches and performs miracles, attracting many followers and donations. It is also where Faith and Sabelo meet and fall in love, and where they face many dangers and challenges. The church is also a place of corruption and deception, as Zwelakhe and Mama Ngema use it to exploit people’s faith and manipulate them for their own gain.

How does Oupa’s relationship with his son Thato change throughout the story?

Oupa is a retired police officer and a widower, who lives alone and struggles with alcoholism. He has a strained relationship with his son Thato, who blames him for his mother’s death and his own unhappy childhood. Thato also resents Oupa for being a strict and distant father, who never showed him affection or approval. Throughout the story, Oupa tries to reconnect with Thato, and to make amends for his mistakes. He also tries to help him with his career and personal problems, but Thato rejects his efforts and pushes him away. However, by the end of the story, Oupa and Thato manage to overcome their differences and reconcile, and Oupa finally tells Thato that he loves him.

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