Skerpioen is a Turkish drama series that follows the lives of the wealthy Gevher family and their entangled relationships, secrets, and conflicts. The series premiered on kykNET & Kie on November 6, 2023, and airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 20h00. In February 2024, the series will feature 17 episodes, each with a different plot twist and cliffhanger. The main characters of the series are Perihan, the matriarch of the Gevher family; Fikret, her eldest son and the CEO of Gevher Pharmaceuticals; Merve, Fikret’s wife and Perihan’s daughter-in-law; Ipek, Perihan’s daughter and Fikret’s sister; Sahin, Ipek’s husband and Fikret’s rival; Duru, Sahin’s sister and Fikret’s former lover; Hakan, Duru’s husband and Fikret’s friend; Aras, Duru’s ex-husband and Fikret’s enemy; Ferda, Merve’s mother and Perihan’s nemesis; and Ahmet, Ferda’s lover and Perihan’s long-lost son.

Skerpioen February 2024 Teasers

Thursday 1 February 2024

Episode 38

Aysem becomes a confidante for Merve, while Perihan distances herself from any communication with Ferda.

Monday 5 February 2024

Episode 39

Ipek’s life is at risk as she contemplates suicide, but Merve intervenes just in time to rescue her. Meanwhile, Perihan searches for incriminating evidence against Ferda.

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Episode 40

Sahin demands that Ipek make a promise to sever ties with her brother. Merve reveals crucial information that results in Ferda’s arrest.

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Episode 41

Ferda is taken into custody and informed of the expectations during her imprisonment. Merve distances herself from a mother who is now labeled a murderer.

Thursday 8 February 2024

Episode 42

The revelation of Sahin and Ipek’s marriage shocks the family, and Duru discovers she is expecting a child.

Monday 12 February 2024

Episode 43

Duru visits Aras in jail to announce her pregnancy with Hakan’s child, while Ferda survives an attempted assassination.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Episode 44

Duru informs Fikret and Perihan about her pregnancy and plans to marry Hakan. Perihan visits Ferda in jail.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Episode 45

Perihan attempts to bribe Ipek into leaving Sahin by offering money. Ferda contacts Ahmed from prison, revealing the existence of his child.

Thursday 15 February 2024

Episode 46

Ferda is released from prison, but Merve chooses to sever all ties with her.

Monday 19 February 2024

Episode 47

Ahmet initiates plans to acquire shares in Gevher Pharmaceuticals. Both Duru and Ipek face challenges in their marriages.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Episode 48

Ahmet reveals to Hacer that he is the father of Ferda’s “other daughter” and urges her to find her. Ferda’s anger erupts against the entire family.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Episode 49

Ferda requests Ahmet to seek revenge on Fikret, leading Perihan to name Ferda as a suspect.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Episode 50

Hakan’s intoxicated state causes a violent altercation with Aras, inadvertently resulting in a physical altercation with Ipek.

Monday 26 February 2024

Episode 51

Ahmet compels Ferda to work in his gambling establishment, and Ferda manipulates Duru into confronting Ipek.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Episode 52

Ferda and Perihan engage in a bet, while Duru and a drunken Hakan face an unexpected attack.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Episode 53

Ferda takes Ahmet to a cemetery to meet his daughter. Aras attempts to persuade Duru that Hakan does not love her.

Thursday 29 February 2024

Episode 54

Perihan is incensed when Ipek leaves young Ece unattended, and Ahmet desperately searches for the missing Aysem.

Premiere episodes of Skerpioen air on kykNET & Kie from Mondays to Thursdays at 20h00.

Previous Teaser: Skerpioen January 2024 Teasers


Skerpioen is a captivating and thrilling series that explores the themes of family, love, betrayal, revenge, and power. The series showcases the complex dynamics of the Gevher family and their associates, as well as the consequences of their actions. The series also features stunning cinematography, authentic costumes, and a talented cast of actors. Skerpioen is a must-watch for fans of drama, suspense, and romance.

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