Skerpioen is a thrilling drama series that follows the lives of the wealthy and powerful Yilmaz family, who are involved in the textile industry. The series revolves around the mysterious and manipulative Ferda, who claims to be the long-lost daughter of Perihan, the matriarch of the family. Ferda’s arrival sets off a chain of events that threatens to expose the dark secrets and lies of the Yilmaz clan, especially Fikret, the eldest son and heir of the family business. Skerpioen is a story of love, betrayal, revenge, and family, with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Skerpioen January 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 January 2024

Episode 19

During breakfast, Perihan informs the children about a planned visit to the firm. Aras, driven by a hidden agenda, infiltrates the salon with the intention of stealing Ferda’s computer, which houses a crucial video.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Episode 20

Perihan challenges Ferda, giving her a 24-hour ultimatum to demonstrate her competence against Selma. Ferda initiates her preparations to meet this challenge head-on.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Episode 21

Ferda’s plot to turn Fikret’s children against him appears successful, but Duru remains skeptical about Ferda’s intentions. Merve, grappling with suspicions, believes that Aras may harbor feelings for Duru.

Thursday 4 January 2024

Episode 22

In an emotional revelation, Ferda shares with Perihan the difficulties of growing up without a mother and under a harsh father. Perihan, in turn, discloses her escape from Ferda’s father due to their unbearable life.

Monday 8 January 2024

Episode 23

Fikret discovers that the mysterious call he received originated from Sapanca. Duru senses Ferda becoming increasingly entrenched in their lives.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Episode 24

Ferda takes Merve on a shopping spree, aiming to provide her with items that can rival Duru’s possessions.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Episode 25

Perihan becomes suspicious about the circumstances surrounding Berna’s death. Fikret learns from Mehmet the events of that fateful night at the lake.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Episode 26

Ferda, shocking Fikret, suggests that he could be viewed as a suspect in Berna’s death. Meanwhile, Ipek undergoes a life-saving operation.

Monday 15 January 2024

Episode 27

Ferda confronts Fikret over his alleged threat to Aras, manipulating the truth once again. Ipek undergoes surgery, and Merve and Duru compete in supporting their concerned brother, Aras.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Episode 28

Fikret urges Mehmet not to involve the police until concrete evidence regarding Berna’s death is found. Perihan discloses to Aysem that Merve is her sister and that she is their grandmother.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Episode 29

Ferda intensifies her efforts to uncover the identity of the mysterious Aysem. Aras has a distressing encounter with Hakan, leaving Duru confused about Aras’s true feelings.

Thursday 18 January 2024

Episode 30

Fikret pressures Aras to confess the truth about Berna’s death. Ferda promises Aras that she will eliminate any evidence that could incriminate him, all while secretly holding onto photos that could be damning.

Monday 22 January to Wednesday 31 January not available – updates will follow.

Premiere episodes of Skerpioen air on kykNET & Kie from Mondays to Thursdays at 20h00.

Previous Episode: Skerpioen December 2023 Teasers


Skerpioen is a captivating series that explores the complex dynamics of a family that is torn apart by greed, ambition, and deception. The series features a talented cast of actors who bring to life the intriguing characters and their emotions. Skerpioen is a must-watch for fans of drama, suspense, and romance, as it delivers a gripping plot that will leave you wanting more.


How many episodes are there in Skerpioen?

Skerpioen has 30 episodes in its first season, which airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 20h00 on kykNET & Kie. The episodes are also available on Showmax and DStv Catch Up.

What is the original language of Skerpioen?

Skerpioen is originally a Turkish series called Akrep, which means scorpion in English. It has been dubbed in Afrikaans for the South African audience.

Who is the director and producer of Skerpioen?

Skerpioen is directed by Gökçen Usta and produced by 1441 Productions, a company founded by the famous Turkish actor Burak Özçivit.

Where can I watch Skerpioen online?

You can watch Skerpioen online on Showmax and DStv Catch Up. You can also stream it live on DStv Now if you have a valid subscription.

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