Skerpioen is a captivating drama series that aired its thrilling episodes in March 2024. The series is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists that keep viewers glued to their screens.

The episodes in March 2024 introduced a myriad of complex situations and dilemmas that the characters had to navigate. From settling gambling debts to dealing with abductions and illegal casinos, the characters found themselves in a whirlwind of drama and tension. The intricate plotlines and character development throughout these episodes provided a rich and engaging viewing experience.

Skerpioen March 2024 Teasers

Monday 4 March 2024

Episode 55

While attempting to settle Hakan’s gambling debt, Duru encounters Aras at the casino. Meanwhile, Ahmed orchestrates Merve’s abduction as a means to lure Aysem into his grasp.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Episode 56

Ferda takes action against Ahmet’s illegal casino by reporting it to the authorities, prompting a confrontation between Duru and Aras.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Episode 57

Aras resorts to threatening Ahmet with a gun, but Duru steps in to intervene. In retaliation, Ahmet directs Tugay to eliminate both Aras and Efe.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Episode 58

Hakan’s blackmailing enrages Sahin, while Hunkar makes a startling discovery regarding the paternity of Duru’s child.

Monday 11 March 2024

Episode 59

Ahmet implores Aysum for an opportunity to prove himself as a responsible father, as Perihan seeks Aras’s assistance in her feud against Ahmet.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Episode 60

Aras discloses to Duru his awareness of Can’s true paternity, while Ahmet dispatches Efe to safeguard Aysem from a client’s aggressive spouse.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Episode 61

Perihan finds herself implicated in Hakan’s murder investigation and shares a cell with Ferda. Meanwhile, Aras takes matters into his own hands by bringing baby Can to his home without Duru’s consent.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Episode 62

With Perihan behind bars, the selection of a new board chairman becomes imperative. Merve endeavors to coerce Efe into testifying against Ahmet.

Monday 18 March 2024

Episode 63

Ahmet secures the position of chairman of the board, while Sahin decides to confess his involvement in Hakan’s demise to the authorities.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Episode 64

Duru overhears Perihan arranging for Ahmet’s legal release, while Efe divulges to Ferda that Ahmet is aware of her plot to have him killed.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Episode 65

Ferda persuades Ahmet to assert control over Gevher, leading him to order his men to set fire to Aras’s residence.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Episode 66

Ferda issues Perihan an ultimatum, presenting her with a choice that could impact Sahin’s safety.

Monday 25 March 2024

Episode 67

Under Ferda’s coercion, Perihan acquiesces to safeguard Sahin’s well-being, but the stress takes a toll on her health.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Episode 68

Perihan receives devastating news from her doctor, while Ahmet’s focus intensifies on Duru.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Episode 69

Ahmet proposes a disturbing bargain to Duru, linking Aras’s fate with her compliance. Meanwhile, Ferda extends an invitation to her daughters for dinner.

Thursday 28 March 2024

Episode 70

Ahmet issues a chilling threat to Merve, coercing her attendance at a wedding under dire consequences, as Aras witnesses Duru entering his hotel room.

Premiere episodes of Skerpioen air on kykNET & Kie from Mondays to Thursdays at 20h00.

Previous Teaser: Skerpioen February 2024 Teasers


The March 2024 episodes of Skerpioen were a testament to the series’ ability to weave intense drama and unexpected revelations into a compelling narrative. The month was marked by confrontations at the casino, shocking discoveries about paternity, and power struggles within the board of directors.

Each episode left viewers eagerly anticipating the next, wondering what would happen next in the lives of the characters. As the month ended, the series had set the stage for even more drama and suspense, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats, waiting for the next episode.

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