Summertide is a riveting series that aired on M-Net in March 2024. The series unfolds with intriguing episodes every Sunday at 18h00, each revealing a new layer of the story. The narrative revolves around the characters Tristan, Martin, Yolande, Lucy, Gavin, Rebecca, and Hannes, and their intertwined lives.

The series begins with Tristan discovering Julia’s old camera, which leads him to a treasure trove of memories. Despite Martin’s initial reluctance to revisit the past, Tristan’s curiosity leads him to edit the footage, unraveling hidden secrets and painful recollections. As the series progresses, viewers are introduced to a variety of themes, including love, loss, responsibility, and conflict.

Summertide March 2024 Teasers

Sunday 3 March 2024

Episode 6

Discovering Julia’s old camera, Tristan stumbles upon a trove of memories. Despite Martin’s reluctance to delve into the past, Tristan’s curiosity leads him to edit the footage, unraveling hidden secrets and painful recollections.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Episode 7

As Martin grapples with the haunting memories of his wife’s tragic drowning, Tristan seeks solace in Yolande, inadvertently neglecting Lucy. Meanwhile, Gavin devises an unexpected scheme to aid Rebecca in her endeavors.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Episode 8

Martin confronts the issue of over-fishing in the bay while Tristan finds himself entangled in a dire situation. Matters escalate when Martin confides in Tristan about the truth behind Julia’s demise, unveiling further turmoil.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Episode 9

A boat outing with Yolande takes a disastrous turn for Tristan. Meanwhile, Rebecca and Gavin unite their efforts to revitalize the restaurant. In a moment of candor, Martin accepts responsibility for his wife’s tragic fate.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Episode 10

Hannes issues a threat, warning Yolande about revealing the truth to Tristan if she continues seeing him. Tensions escalate between the fishermen and Martin, culminating in an act of aggression against Lucy’s beloved penguin.

Premiere episodes of Summertide air on M-Net on Sundays at 18h00.

Previous Teaser: Summertide February 2024 Teasers


The March 2024 teasers of Summertide offer a rollercoaster of emotions, from the discovery of old memories to confrontations and unexpected revelations. Each episode is a journey into the lives of the characters, revealing their struggles, triumphs, and the intricate web of relationships that bind them together. The series explores themes of love, loss, responsibility, and conflict, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next episode.

The dramatic climax in the final episode sets the stage for more thrilling adventures to come. The series ends with a dramatic confrontation between the fishermen and Martin, culminating in an act of aggression against Lucy’s beloved penguin. This event, coupled with Hannes’ threat to Yolande, leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next installment of Summertide.

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