Timeless Love is a popular Indian television series that follows the lives of Dev Raichand, a successful businessman, and Vidhi Sharma, a simple and kind-hearted girl. The show explores their love story as they face various challenges and obstacles from their families, enemies, and fate. In December 2023, the show will air 22 episodes, from episode 198 to episode 219, on Zee World. The episodes will feature exciting twists and turns, such as Dev’s secret daughter, Amba’s evil schemes, Vijay’s betrayal, and Vidhi’s dilemma. Here are some of the highlights and teasers of what to expect in Timeless Love this December.

Table of Contents

Timeless Love December 2023 Teasers

Friday 1 December 2023

Episode 198

Kanika reveals her desire for a divorce to Yogesh and threatens to expose Amba and his plot to Dev. Dev uncovers fraudulent activities within his company.

Saturday 2 December 2023

Episode 199

Teaser information is unavailable.

Sunday 3 December 2023

Episode 200

As Vidhi takes over housekeeping duties, Dev contacts Abhimanyu to discuss office matters, only to be surprised by Abhimanyu’s response.

Monday 4 December 2023

Episode 201

Amba gears up for her next plan against the Raichands, while Vidhi provides comfort to Dev during an emotional breakdown about his family.

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Episode 202

Chitra expresses gratitude to Vidhi for assisting her return home; Dev makes a shocking announcement regarding Chitra.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Episode 203

Dev imparts a valuable life lesson to Abhimanyu over tea, and in the office, Divya raises concerns about a work issue.

Thursday 7 December 2023

Episode 204

Vijay suggests Hariprasad start an establishment near the Milapani temple. Meanwhile, Vidhi gets a business idea inspired by her class.

Friday 8 December 2023

Episode 205

Satyavati opposes Vidhi’s pursuit of higher education, but Dev supports her decision.

Saturday 9 December 2023

Episode 206

Vidhi’s dream of starting a family with Dev is shattered when she discovers a harsh reality.

Sunday 10 December 2023

Episode 207

After much hesitation, Vidhi reads Dev’s diary and learns about his daughter, Divya, with Yamini.

Monday 11 December 2023

Episode 208

The Raichands worry about Vidhi’s disappearance, and Dev discovers blood stains in the house during the search for her.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Episode 209

Amba finds Vidhi on the street and tries to take her back home. However, Vidhi goes to Amba’s home instead.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Episode 210

Amba seizes every chance to provoke Vidhi by offering her an intoxicating drink. She gathers everyone to unveil a surprise.

Thursday 14 December 2023

Episode 211

Amba discloses Dev’s secret of having an illegitimate child to the Raichands. Dev refuses to believe Divya, who claims to be his daughter.

Friday 15 December 2023

Episode 212

Dev seeks to speak with Yamini to uncover the truth. Vidhi, feeling disappointed, expresses her refusal to stay with Dev.

Saturday 16 December 2023

Episode 213

Dev tries to call Yamini and learns about her hospitalization; Yamini gets restless as Dev and Vidhi visit her in the hospital.

Sunday 17 December 2023

Episode 214

Yamini reveals that Divya is not Dev’s daughter. However, Divya produces a DNA report, shocking everyone with an unexpected revelation.

Monday 18 December 2023

Episode 215

Dev, upon discovering the conspiracy against him, resolves to find the culprit. Meanwhile, Vijay prepares for his plan to steal the statue of Goddess Milapini.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Episode 216

Dev organizes a treat for Vidhi, and the two enjoy some quality time alone. Abhimanyu tackles work challenges independently.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Episode 217

Dev surprises Vidhi, and they spend a romantic night together; Yogesh blames Divya for creating trouble in the business.

Thursday 21 December 2023

Episode 218

Hariprasad is devastated when Vijay reveals his true nature. Dev is shocked when Amba makes an unexpected announcement.

Friday 22 December 2023

Episode 219

Dev is stunned as Amba presents a condition. Abhimanyu, experiencing an emotional breakdown, apologizes to Dev for all the mishaps.

Saturday 23 December 2023

Episode 220

Hariprasad contemplates telling Vidhi and Dev about his situation; the Raichands choose to stick together in the face of adversity.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Episode 221

Hariprasad is devastated upon learning that their house has been mortgaged. Dev seeks Chitra’s assistance to counter Amba and Yogesh.

Monday 25 December 2023

Episode 222

Amba and Yogesh plot to trap Abhimanyu. Hariprasad and Bimla are shocked when Vijay presents an abominable proposal.

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Episode 223

In a fit of rage, Abhimanyu assaults Rakesh. Amba exploits the situation to frame him. The Raichands become concerned when Abhimanyu is arrested.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Episode 224

Amba is relieved as Abhimanyu is falsely accused of killing Rakesh. Vidhi is summoned to testify as a witness in Abhimanyu’s court case.

Thursday 28 December 2023

Episode 225

During the court trial, Abhimanyu gets into trouble when the prosecutor makes a solid argument against him.

Friday 29 December 2023

Episode 226

Amba stuns everyone by firing Dev and Abhimanyu from the business. Vidhi disguises herself to enter the hospital and obtain Rakesh’s reports.

Saturday 30 December 2023

Episode 227

Vidhi successfully escapes the hospital with crucial evidence. At the court hearing, her efforts pay off as Abhimanyu is proven innocent.

Sunday 31 December 2023

Episode 228

Vidhi warns Amba, signaling the beginning of the countdown to her downfall. Dev has a confrontation with Yogesh over trespassing.

Premiere episodes of Timeless Love air on StarLife from Mondays to Sundays at 19h30.

Previous Teaser: Timeless Love November 2023 Teasers


Timeless Love is a captivating and emotional drama that will keep you hooked with its intriguing plot and characters. The show will bring you a mix of romance, suspense, drama, and action as Dev and Vidhi try to overcome the hurdles in their relationship. Don’t miss the thrilling episodes of Timeless Love on Zee World every weekday at 8 pm. You can also catch up on the previous episodes online or read the detailed updates on our website.


What can viewers expect from the December 2023 teasers?

The December 2023 teasers promise a series of dramatic events, from divorce announcements to the discovery of secrets and conspiracies.

Who are the main characters in “Timeless Love”?

The main characters include Dev, Vidhi, Amba, and others, each with their own unique storylines and challenges.

Where can I watch “Timeless Love”?

Timeless Love” can be watched on the channel it is aired. Please check your local listings for the schedule.

What are some of the key events in the December 2023 episodes of “Timeless Love”?

include Kanika’s desire for a divorce, Dev uncovering fraudulent activities within his company, Vidhi taking over housekeeping duties, and many more. Each episode brings new revelations and challenges for the characters.

Who is Vidhi in “Timeless Love”?

Vidhi is one of the main characters in “Timeless Love”. She is often seen providing comfort to Dev and has a dream of starting a family with him. However, her dreams are shattered when she discovers a harsh reality.

Who is Dev in “Timeless Love”?

Dev is another main character in “Timeless Love”. He is involved in various plotlines, including uncovering fraudulent activities in his company, dealing with family issues, and navigating his relationship with Vidhi.

What is the plot of “Timeless Love”?

Timeless Love” is a soap opera that explores the complexities of relationships, family dynamics, and personal struggles. The plot involves various characters navigating through love, betrayal, and secrets.

What is the significance of the December 2023 teasers for “Timeless Love”?

The December 2023 teasers provide a glimpse into the upcoming episodes of “Timeless Love”. They hint at the future plot developments and the challenges that the characters will face.

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