Timeless Love is a riveting drama series that aired in March 2024, captivating audiences with its intricate plot and relatable characters. The series is a whirlwind of emotions, filled with love, betrayal, suspense, and unexpected twists. It primarily revolves around the lives of Vidhi, Dev, and Jai.

Their paths cross in unexpected ways, leading to a series of dramatic events that keep the viewers on the edge of their seats. From Vidhi’s strong determination to resign from Jai’s company to the heartbreaking miscarriage she experiences, the series explores the trials and tribulations of love and life.

Timeless Love March 2024 Teasers

Friday 1 March 2024

Episode 289

Jai declines Amba’s proposal to collaborate against Vidhi and Dev; Amba leaves a clue for Vidhi at Jai’s workplace.

Saturday 2 March 2024

Episode 290

Jai is surprised when Vidhi firmly states her intention to resign from his company. Later, he devises a strategy to change Vidhi’s mind.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Episode 291

Jai arranges a farewell for Vidhi and executes a plan to harm her unborn child; Vidhi falls down the stairs; Dev rushes Vidhi to the hospital.

Monday 4 March 2024

Episode 292

Vidhi and Dev are devastated upon learning about the miscarriage, and Sakshi suspects Jai’s involvement in the incident and resolves to uncover his motive.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Episode 293

Dev attempts to comfort Vidhi as she grapples with a heartbreaking situation, while Jai celebrates the success of his scheme.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Episode 294

Dev warns Jai to stay away from Vidhi after discovering his plot, and Jai sets his sights on initiating his revenge plan against Chitra.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Episode 295

Chitra commends Jai for his support and blames Dev for his absence during her difficult time; later, Dev experiences guilt.

Friday 8 March 2024

Episode 296

Satyavati suggests counseling for Dev and Vidhi’s mental well-being; Vidhi declines Jai’s offer to return to work.

Saturday 9 March 2024

Episode 297

Dev takes Vidhi to Bal Ghar, where interacting with the children lifts her spirits. Later, Vidhi apologizes to Jai.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Episode 298

Amba expresses her regret over the incident to Vidhi, apologizes on behalf of Vikram, and requests a chance for him to make amends.

Monday 11 March 2024

Episode 299

Vidhi receives an offer to rejoin the Raichand office. The doctor advises Dev and Vidhi to plan for another baby.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Episode 300

Bimla senses an ominous presence in the temple, and Vidhi goes missing, causing concern.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Episode 301

Jai behaves oddly to keep Vidhi close, while Vidhi tries to escape, and Dev seeks help from a gangster to find her.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Episode 302

Believing Amba has abducted Vidhi, Dev warns her, but when she appears innocent, he begins to suspect Jai.

Friday 15 March 2024

Episode 303

Jai threatens Vidhi to sign divorce papers; Dev arrives at Jai’s house.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Episode 304

Upon receiving the divorce papers, Dev deciphers Vidhi’s hidden message and sends Jai to the Malapani Devi temple.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Episode 305

Dev escapes from the police station to rescue Vidhi with Bimla’s help, and Vidhi aids Dev in locating her.

Monday 18 March 2024

Episode 306

Realizing Vidhi’s lack of love, Jai tries to kill Dev, leading to his arrest by the police.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Episode 307

The doctor suggests a conception method for Vidhi and Dev. Amba approaches Chitra with a request.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Episode 308

Hariprasad decides to leave home for a few days, worrying Bimla. Later, Dev and Vidhi plan to meet Hariprasad.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Episode 309

Everyone is stunned when Hariprasad slaps Dev to hide his secret, and Amba plots to further disrupt Dev and Vidhi’s lives.

Friday 22 March 2024

Episode 310

Hariprasad apologizes to Dev for his behavior, and Dev decides to donate his liver to him for treatment.

Saturday 23 March 2024

Episode 311

Hariprasad hesitates to allow Dev to donate his liver, but Dev persuades him, and the surgery commences.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Episode 312

While Hariprasad and Dev recover, Amba continues her scheming, beginning IVF treatment using Vidhi’s identity.

Monday 25 March 2024

Episode 313

Series finale!

Amba seeks forgiveness from the Raichands for her actions, and they congratulate Vidhi and Dev on their new journey.

Bitter Sweet Love replaces Timeless Love on 26 March.

Premiere episodes of Timeless Love air on StarLife from Mondays to Sundays at 19h30.

Previous Teaser: Timeless Love February 2024 Teasers


The series reaches its climax with the episode aired on Monday, 25 March 2024. After a series of unexpected events, including Vidhi’s abduction and Jai’s arrest, the story takes a turn for the better. Amba, who had been scheming against Vidhi and Dev, seeks forgiveness from the Raichands for her actions.

The Raichands, showing immense grace, not only forgive Amba but also congratulate Vidhi and Dev on their new journey. This marks the end of “Timeless Love,” a series that has taken its viewers through a rollercoaster of emotions. As “Timeless Love” concludes, a new series, “Bitter Sweet Love,” takes its place, promising to bring new stories and characters to life from 26 March 2024.

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