In the heartwarming series “Umkhokha: The Curse 2,” we embark on a journey through the lives of the Mthembu and Gumede families. As we flip through the calendar of June 2024, we witness the trials and triumphs that bind these families together. From the chaos that threatens to tear them apart to the courageous steps of Nobuntu as she forges her own path, each episode is a tapestry of emotions and events that shape their destiny.

Umkhokha: The Curse 2 June 2024 Teasers

Monday 3 June 2024

Episode 66

Turbulence in Two Homes

Chaos engulfs the Mthembu and Gumede families as they face impending doom. Nobuntu courageously steps toward a destiny separate from her kin.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Episode 67

On the Brink

As hope and dread intertwine, the fate of an individual teeters on the edge. Khulekani sets off on a fresh venture. Gabisile holds Nobuntu accountable for the family’s recent woes.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Episode 68

The Lost Son

Difa bears the sorrowful tidings to the Mthembus. In a surprising turn, Gabisile supports Nobuntu. Khulekani offers his allegiance to his chief.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Episode 69

The Fall of Pride

Khulekani endures severe repercussions. Ndlovu is under the illusion of being essential to the church, yet destiny disagrees. Siphamandla is entrusted with a novel duty by Khulekani.

Friday 7 June 2024

Episode 70

The Return of the Lost

Difa diligently strives to unify his family and reconcile differences. The Mthembu household finds peace after Khulekani’s declaration. Ndlovu’s efforts to reclaim his position are thwarted.

Monday 10 June 2024

Episode 71

Unforgiven Sins

A prolonged nightmare for Nobuntu culminates in misfortune for another. Khulekani comes to understand the weight of responsibility.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Episode 72

From Mourning to Joy

A blessed naming ceremony brings together kin and congregation. Nobuntu confronts her destiny, and the Ndlovus are graced with the utmost accolade.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Episode 73

Imbeleko: The Embrace

Mabusi is welcomed back into her conjugal life. The Gumedes conduct an imbeleko for their infant, and Khulekani takes an interest in ancestral customs.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Episode 74

Legacy’s Yield

Difa is plagued by concern for MaMzobe and attributes his misfortune to himself. Mthembu confides a secret to Siphamandla.

Friday 14 June 2024

Episode 75

Joy Turns Sour

Zamcolo proclaims the infant’s name to the faithful. Mthembu embraces the child in his unique way. The naming event concludes triumphantly, leaving the family in high spirits.

Monday 17 June 2024

Episode 76

Romance Among the Herd

Siphamandla’s grand overture leaves an indelible mark on Mabusi. KZN Water pledges complimentary water to the church, but not without hidden agendas.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Episode 77

My World Revolves Around You

Siphamandla is smitten and marvels at his beloved. Gatsheni’s excitement peaks upon discovering the potential wealth in water. Zisebenzile’s advances towards Ntombi falter.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Episode 78

The Abode of Love

Mabusi and Siphamandla are deeply in love, with a promising future ahead. Ndlovu unashamedly claims another’s work as his own. Ntombi remains elusive.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Episode 79

Blessing the New Path

Mthembu endorses Mabusi’s initiation as a healer, as she embarks on this new path. Ndlovu is overjoyed with his new role overseeing the KZN water supply.

Friday 21 June 2024

Episode 80

A Tapestry of Memories

Mabusi reflects on her life’s journey, sharing the highs and lows with her offspring, embracing each moment with gratitude.

Monday 24 June 2024

Episode 81

Opting for Life

Mabusi receives a divine message. The Gumedes are perturbed by an ominous premonition. Zisebenzele’s chapter concludes.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Episode 82

Messages from Tomorrow

Siphamandla pores over Mabusi’s letters, overwhelmed with emotion. The Mthembu clan’s world is upended by these prophetic messages.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Episode 83

Perilous Aspirations

Siphamandla is grateful for Mthembu’s familial safeguard. Ndlovu’s avarice and ambitions soar. Ntombi is elated by Zisebenzele’s vow.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Episode 84

Oh, Brother

Mabusi’s healing powers ascend, bringing fulfillment. Ndlovu’s covetousness knows no limits. Zisebenzile persists in wooing his queen of Sheba.

Friday 28 June 2024

Episode 85

The Coronation of Mamkhululi

Mabusi’s talents are lauded, enhancing Zamcolo’s stature. Sibahle flaunts her father’s newfound wealth. Ntombi suffers the consequences of dating a deceitful suitor.

Premiere episodes of Umkhokha: The Curse air on Mzansi Magic from Mondays to Fridays at 20h30.

Previous Teaser: Umkhokha: The Curse 2 May 2024 Teasers


As the month of June comes to a close, the episodes of “Umkhokha: The Curse 2” leave us with a rich mosaic of memories. We’ve seen love blossom in the midst of turmoil, the power of forgiveness, and the strength of unity. Mabusi’s journey as a healer and the family’s encounters with destiny remind us that life is a blend of joy and sorrow, love and loss, and ultimately, a celebration of the human spirit. Tune in to Mzansi Magic, and join these families as they navigate the waters of life, from Mondays to Fridays at 20h30.

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