Umkhokha – The Curse is a thrilling drama series that follows the lives of the Mthembu and Gumede families, who are plagued by a mysterious curse that threatens to destroy them. The curse, known as Umkhokha, is a vengeful spirit that lashes out at those who have wronged it in the past, causing death and misfortune to their descendants. The series explores the themes of family, tradition, betrayal, and redemption, as the characters struggle to uncover the truth behind the curse and find a way to break it.

Umkhokha – The Curse December 2023 Teasers

Friday 1 December 2023

Episode 195

Rescued By Tragedy

MaMzobe stands on the brink of confessing her transgressions when an unforeseen tragedy intervenes, preventing her from revealing the truth. The impending lobolo negotiations for Zodwa seem unstoppable, but could there be an unexpected obstacle?

Monday 4 December 2023

Episode 196

Umkhokha’s Ongoing Terrors

Difa faces the daunting task of consoling his family as they grapple with the impending tragedy of having to mourn their lifeless child. The specter of Umkhokha looms over their lives, forcing Difa into a situation he never thought he would face.

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Episode 197

Umkhokha’s Presence Unveiled

After carefully observing the disturbing events within the family, Difa has a revelation and shares shocking news with his kin. The Mthembus set aside their differences to offer condolences to the Gumedes, who fear a sinister pattern that might put them next in line for tragedy.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Episode 198

Umkhokha’s Grip

MaMzobe grapples with the burden of guilt for not having lashed Xolile’s lifeless body, while Difa contemplates plans to exhume Mlungisi’s remains for a proper lashing.

Thursday 7 December 2023

Episode 199

Unveiling the Truth

MaMzobe discloses the unsettling truth about her failure to take decisive action regarding Xolile.

Friday 8 December 2023

Episode 200

Farewell Challenges

Difa confronts MaMzobe regarding her failure to lash Xolile, a negligence that has allegedly led to the tragic demise of the Gumede and Mzobe children at the hands of Umkhokha. In a desperate attempt to break the curse, Difa must unearth Xolile’s remains and administer the necessary punishment.

Monday 11 December 2023

Episode 201

A New Beginning

Some council members rejoice over Nokubonga’s misfortune, seeing it as an opportunity to thwart MaMzobe’s claim to the throne. Meanwhile, Mabusi attempts to console the unresponsive Nokubonga.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Episode 202

The Second Punishment

Xolile’s remains are unearthed, posing the question of whether Difa will gather the courage to administer the required punishment. Nokubonga finally confronts MaMzobe, asserting herself in a bold manner.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Episode 203

Family Discord

Tensions between Difa and MaMzobe erupt, leading to a shocking collapse that leaves the entire family in disarray.

Thursday 14 December 2023

Episode 204

Final Farewells

The Gumedes are horrified to discover Difa lying unresponsive on the floor. Siphamandla contemplates retracting his service to MaMzobe, but it proves too late as she is served anyway. Pastor Mdluli unintentionally reveals his plans for Khulekani to Nomkhosi.

Friday 15 December 2023

Episode 205

Return of MaMzobe’s Nemesis

The Gumedes receive distressing news about Difa’s deteriorating condition. Nompendulo seeks redemption, while Nomkhosi accuses her father of jeopardizing Khulekani’s life.

Monday 18 December 2023

Episode 206

Challenges Unveiled

MaMzobe finds herself facing a significant problem as an old adversary with a vendetta resurfaces, divulging secrets.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Episode 207

Unmasking the Truth

The Mthembus discover the genuine details about the will, revealing that MaMzobe’s malicious intentions do not yield the desired results.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Episode 208

Submission to Zamcolo

MaMzobe reluctantly finds herself compelled to do something she vowed never to do. Khulekani, confident in his relationship with his wife, receives a surprising revelation that she won’t be attending his ordination.

Thursday 21 December 2023

Episode 209

A New Chapter

The pressure intensifies on MaMzobe as circumstances begin to close in around her.

Friday 22 December 2023

Episode 210

The Sinner’s Judgment

MaMzobe’s day of reckoning arrives, prompting Khulekani to ascend further, while Maphalala forces MaZungu to confront the consequences in church.

Monday 25 December 2023

Episode 211

Reckoning with the Council

The Council issues threats to MaMzobe, but Ndlovu intervenes to buy her some time.

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Episode 212

Consequences of Good Deeds

Khulekani seeks a blessing from MaNzimande, who refuses and instead bestows it upon Siphamandla. MaMzobe plays her final card.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Episode 213

Sweet Victory

As the Mthembus prepare for their pilgrimage, MaMzobe attempts to repair relationships with her family, but success seems elusive.

Thursday 28 December 2023

Episode 214

Journey to the Summit

Siphamandla leads Amajudiya on their annual pilgrimage to the mountain. Nomkhosi remains steadfast in her refusal to accompany Khulekani to church. MaMzobe feels excluded as Difa, Gabisile, and Nobuntu embark on the pilgrimage without her.

Friday 29 December 2023

Episode 215

Summit Revelations

Upon reaching the mountain top, Siphamandla encounters an unexpected surprise.

Premiere episodes of Umkhokha: The Curse air on Mzansi Magic from Mondays to Fridays at 20h30.

Previous Teaser: Umkhokha: The Curse November 2023 Teasers


Umkhokha – The Curse is a captivating series that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats, as they witness the twists and turns of the plot. The series showcases the rich culture and traditions of the Zulu people, as well as the challenges they face in the modern world. The series also raises questions about the role of fate, justice, and forgiveness in human lives, as the characters face the consequences of their actions and choices. Umkhokha – The Curse is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys drama, suspense, and mystery.


What is the central conflict in “Umkhokha: The Curse”?

The central conflict revolves around the curse that plagues the Mthembu and Gumedes families. As they grapple with tragedy, guilt, and revelations, they must confront Umkhokha’s malevolent presence.

Who is Umkhokha, and why is the curse associated with them?

Umkhokha is a mysterious force that brings misfortune and death to those it touches. The curse is linked to Umkhokha’s wrath, and breaking free from it becomes a matter of life and death.

How does MaMzobe’s confession impact the storyline?

MaMzobe’s confession holds the key to unraveling the curse. Her revelation about Xolile’s fate sets off a chain of events that could either break the curse or seal their doom.

What role do the council members play in the curse?

The council members have their own agendas. Some see Nokubonga’s misfortune as an opportunity, while others seek to protect their families. Their actions will shape the fate of the cursed families.

Will Difa succeed in breaking the curse?

Difa’s desperate quest to unearth Xolile’s remains and administer the necessary punishment is their last hope. Whether it will break the curse remains uncertain.

What is the significance of the ongoing lobolo negotiations for Zodwa?

The impending lobolo negotiations add tension to the storyline. As the family grapples with tragedy and secrets, these negotiations become a symbol of hope and unity. However, an unexpected obstacle may threaten their plans.

How does Umkhokha’s presence affect the characters’ lives?

Umkhokha’s malevolent grip casts a shadow over the Mthembu and Gumedes families. Their actions, guilt, and fear are all influenced by this curse. As Umkhokha’s true nature is unveiled, the stakes grow higher.

What emotional turmoil does MaMzobe experience?

MaMzobe carries the burden of guilt for not intervening when Xolile’s life was at stake. Her internal struggle intensifies as she grapples with the consequences of her inaction.

Can Difa’s desperate plan to exhume Mlungisi’s remains break the curse?

Difa’s determination to break the curse leads him to consider drastic measures. Exhuming Mlungisi’s remains for a proper lashing becomes a pivotal moment. Whether it will succeed remains uncertain.

Will the curse be broken, or is tragedy inevitable?

The fate of the Gumede and Mzobe families hangs in the balance. As the truth unravels and alliances shift, viewers are left wondering if redemption or doom awaits them.

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